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Rip's blackberry patch


Active member
hi rip, looking good and hope you don't get that early frost or any early showers.
it's been in the 90's where i am and out of nowhere heavy rains came last night.
fortunately the sun was out by noon and dried the buds out.

you may have to harvest some early in stages if you are in danger of frost. good luck to you!


I have a few different phenotypes. one is really short and bushy, node spaceing is really tight. another has lagged way behind the others all throughout its life. and two of the four plants have purple hairs, the others have white.

They will probably all look the same at harvest time anyway.

mold is an issue. Ive been cutting infected buds off. I wish I could find some greencure up here in canada, or a company that would ship some. It would be well worth the investment.

The two purples

and the whites



Active member
Interested to see how purple they turn! I just bought 5 feminized blackberry seeds from the chronic, from sativa seedbank, which was interesting because I went on sativa seedbanks main site aka,NIRVANA, and they offered blackberry but not feminized, :( so hopefully I have the real deal


The plants are starting to get their fall colors. alot of fan leaves dropping.

This plant seems to have some sort of blight. Dont know if its fungal or viral or what. Im not gona worry about it, there dosent seem to be much I can do anyway.

about four weeks to go assuming all goes well.


They look great. Very different than my Black Berry clone. I will try to get a pic up of it soon.


Life is one big grow........
mucht eralyer than my Blackberry....this year my 2 BB seems to be very late Phenos!! they are just in week 2 of flowering


Active member
I started germing 5 feminized blackberry seeds from Sativa Seedbank(That I bought from doc chronic, he is apparently the only one who has the feminized blackberry from SSB) I am going to Top them and grow them alongside a SOG indoors, so I wonder if I will get any purple hues at all....Hope so..

Kind of funny Nirvana stole VISC's blackberry picture and put it on their site(Nirvana owns SSB)


Very bad news. My garden seems to be taken over by a black powerdery mildew of some kind. There is no way to stop it. The buds are very premature I dont want to harvest them.

we have had alot of rain the last two days and today was very humid and overcast. I guess this is what caused the flare up.

This is a big bummer. I could have greencure expidited from the US over night but it would cost me well over 100 bucks canadian to do that.


its coming. cost me an arm and a leg, but if it saves at least half of the crop, its worth it.

The mildew has only infested the leaves so far of one plant and half of another. those leaf spots i mentioned earlier were actually a black mildew, but didnt take hold until this rain and humidity rolled in. the forcast dosent look good either.


Sorry to hear that, around these parts I experienced the same weather conditions recently.


Here is my Blackberry clone. I have grown it for about four years and crossed it into many strains. It came originally from FT. Bragg in Mendo.

It finishes here third or fourth week in October and can mold if we get some rain. I have had three pound plants with it before. The buds can get very big. The smoke is very light and sativa like. Some friends refer to it as a working mans high. It has a very distinct smell like nothing else. Hope yours can hold out.


most of my crop has been devistated by bud rot. I had to chop an entire plat yesterday due to loosing about 30 percent of it to mold. The rot infects the inside of the bud and moves up and down infecting the entire cola. it got to a point where this particular plant was loosing more weight to mold than it was gaining. I had to chop it prematurely.

These buds are so dense and fat, but they have zero mold resistance. Ive been applying greencure at a rate of 1 tsp per gallon, but once the rot infects a cola, there is no way to stop it since it moves from within.

This weather is not holding out for me. Its only getting worse, Ive had about 7 days of straight rain and another 7 coming, with temperatures predictied to drop below zero next week.

These plants could really be something in a hotter, drier climate. They do not finish fast enough for an outdoor grow in my area. I wont be using this strain outside again.

I do have some fat buds that I will show later.


Sorry to hear about all of the mold. I think a lot of these strains being sold online do not have enough complete info included on growing conditions and finishing times. Most of them have only been grown indoors before they hit the market. Good luck next year. I am sure it will still be some good smoke. My black berry clone still has three weeks to go.
Here is my Purple Train Wreck x Blackberry