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Rip's blackberry patch


Hi readers, I bring these pics to you mid season, with about 4 weeks left until flower.

Seeds are VISC blackberry.

Plants have been fed fish emulsion 5-1-1 and plain water, and were fimmed at about 4 ft tall, after alternate node spacing appeared on the main stem.

Plants on June 20 2009

On July 7 2009

July 11 2009

More to come later on in the season...


Well-known member
Nice stout looking plants....hope they get them purple and pink flowers.....


Blackberry is some great smoke. Nice and light but with great smell and taste. I have grown a local clone of it and worked it into a bunch of seed strains. It has some amazing bag appeal. The first time I showed it to some guys they thought it was fake. They thought it had been sprayed with food coloring because it was so dark.


Life is one big grow........
i love the taste of blackberry....real outdoor yummi



Dude, I am growing in a patch in my neck of the woods that looks exactly like that. Nice looking plants. Looking green and chunky. I might give these beans a whirl if I can find them.


Never had any problem with VISC seeds, and blackberry never made my stock. Love how you're doing them justice outdoors! These babies are going to explode!

Really looking forward to a smoke report come october, I'll be tuned in!


To Have More ... Desire Less
excellent plantz from excellent seed stock...lead too excellent resultz......oneLUV...:joint:...killer photogz....


Im starting to worry about the height these plants are getting. Its obvious over the last few days they have started growing taller again, after being fimmed about 2 weeks ago.

Stealth is of utmost importance here, as this location is not ideal, but was chosen for a reason. I took a break from growing outdoors last year, and this is the first season growing in this plot.

Im really happy with the branching on these plants and secondary shoots are just starting to form from the main branches. I would rather promote these secondary shoots rather than seeing the plants get any taller during the veg stage.

I know from experience how much my past plants have gained in height during the flowering stage. Albeit ive never grown this strain before, but I estimate the height will clear the dogwood bushes that are protecting them from sight on the north side. This adds more vantage points they can be spotted from, coupled with the fact during fall when there are hunters and tractors rolling around they will apparently be turning purple.

I regret not LST these plants northward when they were younger. Its possible I may tie them down even with them being the size they are now, but I dont want to sacrifice yeild because of it.

Im thinking Im gona FIM the main shoot again. Id appreaciate any input on this decision. I dont have any close ups of the main shoot, where you can see where the old Fim was and the new growth above it.

I'll make the call tommorw.

July 19 2009



Active member
Your patch is beautiful. Tough decision on your plate. Interested to see what you do.


no wuckin furries!
excellent choice of strain...will have to stick around too what how these turn out ! (strain on my must have list :D ).......

i vote for tying it down...being as gentle as possible of coarse ...good luck.HH. =]-~