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Rip's blackberry patch

I agree, those plants look very healthy and vigorous, supercropping wouldn't hurt em a bit, it will make them bush out even more. But then your side branches will be so tall that you'll have to tie those down! lol.

good luck staying stealthy.


So I took your advice and started super cropping two of my 4 plants. Ive only ever tried snapping the inner hurd of the branch and main stem, never actually bent them over. Makes me kinda nervous at the sight of them after.

Is it possible to bend the branches too aggresively? Is it alright to do it on the more fiberous parts of the branch, or should you stick to the softer parts?

I bent a few more branches tonight and I wonder if I over did it.

July 28 2009



WOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. fuk me those last 20 days has done some magic bro. they are looking niceeee. keep it up

peace keke


I have given them one batch of compost tea, made from composted chicken manure, worm castings and molasses. along with the occasional watering of 5-1-1 fish emulsion and plain water feedings.

I think im gona hit them up with another batch of tea.


I concur looking very sweet and health. I think you did well with the cropping. Yea it can be overdone, but you did well. I bend them (actually squeeze, mush and then bend) just enough for them to flop and typically, if I did it right, they bounce back within 24-48 hours with a lil crook in the neck and lower branch exposure.
Rock on & good vibes, FM


man those looook soo bueno!! symmettrical and bushy, and lovely leaves. beautiful.

supercropping is my fav, ive supercropped one of my plants three times so far, most plants respond well, mine love it


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Ripshot what ever you are doing keep doing it bro..... putting alot of other out door growers to shame... ;)

good job on the super cropping you got nothing to worry about things look tops from your pic... get it.. tops.... hehehehe lame joke i know but i am super high :D


looking very nice, and i like the choice of strain.. I prefer to tie down, but it looks like you are doing fine :joint: Think u will have a grand harvest with a little luck.. ill be lurking until then :joint:


guerilla grower
Great looking patch. I like spots in blackberry bushes. They are almost always free of rippers and other people.
Keep things like this and prepare for NICE HARVEST !


Active member
How do you keep the rabbits and other animals from eating your plants???

Hi readers, I bring these pics to you mid season, with about 4 weeks left until flower.

Seeds are VISC blackberry.

Plants have been fed fish emulsion 5-1-1 and plain water, and were fimmed at about 4 ft tall, after alternate node spacing appeared on the main stem.

Plants on June 20 2009

On July 7 2009

July 11 2009

More to come later on in the season...


How do you keep the rabbits and other animals from eating your plants???

Ive never had the problem of animals eating my plants. It all depends on the individual garden, I supose, and placing well developed seedlings or clones that are hardned off first.

I know from experience that seedlings that are under two weeks old almost always get eaten off by mammals. So I always place out clones that have been veged for a while or seedlings that are at least 4 weeks old.

Its the soft, new growth that animals and bugs are after. A young seedling is nothing but this. Once a seedling or clone gets hardend off in the sun, its leaves and stem become fiberous and unapealing to animals like rabbits and mice.


Active member
Nice grow man

I have the same thing on guerillia = no bug damage.

But in my own garden i have lots of bugs


Oh man dont get me wrong Its a constant battle against all sorts of bugs, but I never have problems with animals eating plants, just rooting up fresh soil.