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RIP Cannabis Culture


all praises are due to the Most High
well, we are not hijacking the thread since the title is rip cannabis culture and we are speaking our minds about it... so only the magazine is gone? too bad, I was hoping that their website was gone too, nothing good comes out of it... when is emery going to jail anyway? can you say Snitch?


Pull my finger
I wasn't a subscriber, but I did enjoy sitting at Barnes & Noble and reading the latest issue.


Which is why he was 40,000 in the hole. LOL! I really think TY is cool though. I suggest you buy TY next time bro. I have referenced back to the smoke reprt issue at least a dozen times sine it was on the stand. If I never bought it, I would have been left scratching my head. I always have an issue on my toilet. Even though somebody tore off a corner of the cover to snort blow with. (telltale square tear in a magazine is a sure sign somebosy was tootin). I still keep that issue up there.

I left hightimes a long time ago. I didnt find myself learning anything anymore. And I think those special issues were a ripoff. Just compilations of recent articles. Not even edited to reside in thye new issue. I swaer I found an article that clearly described the Omega garden as being on the cover, so I flipped it over and there was an Ebb and Flow table on the cover and "2007 Hydro Report" "Special issue" WTF is so special about a collaboration of past articles? LOL! Marketing.

Marco Renda

Active member
Anyone that knows me knows that I am not friends with Marc Emery. The reason that I called him was to find out if it's true about the magazine being stopped.

Take Care and Peace


he probably has a really small penis if he's so big into anal. Maybe in jail he can work on other ways to RELAX HIS ANUS :fsu:


I was hoping that their website was gone too
The website is killing itself, don't need other people helping. There's 8 50-year olds on the site 24/7. They do NOTHING but talk in the chat and try to act like know-it-alls. If you don't agree with them on something they have a mod with 30 posts ban you. It's the reason I came over here from CC. I was a member for FIVE YEARS. I got banned because I got into it with some old pathetic loser on a webcam site, and he followed me into CC and got me banned. Yup. I LOVE it here. There is sanity and reason. And the mods are not assholes who get boners from censoring people's opinions.
IC or bust!
But Since the topic has been brought up, his seedbank being a disgusting rip off/f2 chop shop with 300% mark up, being totally ripped off by Emery in the past, and his deplorably graphic instructions on cannabis culture forums to a 16 year old kid on how to get his girl friend to have anal sex by getting her fucked up on a combo of coke and ecstasy and further graphic instructions on how to get her anus ready, I

LOL!!! Is this true? Did the person state he was only 16, before Marc started giving instructions? LOL!

I'm a peaceful person, and I don't like bashing people in the Cannabis Industry with the exception of the occasional jab at Greenhouse Seed Co, but it seems that Marc is not a good representative to have for the Cannabis Community. I mean, I support all the good things he's done, and has tried to do, for the Cannabis community, but he's also done a lot of bad things.

Luckily, I never was scammed by him, because I saw his prices, and knew it was a rip off. His prices were outrageous! And then to find out, that he was just selling random seeds, and labeling them wrong, I thought he was a joke.

Sometimes, when I'm really bored and have nothing else to do, I'll watch his and Jodies YouTube videos, where he hits the bong, and then rants about random shit. He seems very annoying, more so than Arjan and Franco. I'd smoke with Arjan and Franco before I'd smoke with Marc Emery. I think he would just not shut up. I don't see how Jodie puts up with him.

Here's a funny story. A few summers ago, my friends and I would frequently prank call Cannabis Culture, and just start having conversations with the girl who always answered the phone. She told us to stop wasting our time, and spend our time trying to legalize MJ in the US. lol
LOL, I remember one issue of Cannabis Culture had like a huge article on Marc trying to get high by having Jodie rub a mixture of hash oil, and other shit. He even took a break from smoking, so if the effects were subtle, he would feel them. Needless to say, it didn't work.


I'd smoke with Arjan and Franco before I'd smoke with Marc Emery. I think he would just not shut up. I don't see how Jodie puts up with him.
I hope nobody would even consider smoking with Emery, considering the numerous accounts of his raging herpes and sexual exploits.
Jodie is nice, but she's stupid. She's "able to put up with him" because he started dating her when she was 16 - she doesn't know any better. She just turned 25. He's been going with her for like a decade. You do the math.


Active member
wow you guys sound like a bunch of junior high girls.

take a toke, read what you've written, and then think about it.

Sorry to see CC mag go, i have been a contributor for the past four years, and always enjoying working with the mag. A lot of people worked to make it what it was, not just mark and jodie.
People that believed in what they were doing. Hate on marc all you want guys, but in the long run, he's done more for the scene than all of you combined.
Whens the last time you sent bail money to get a complete stranger in a different country out of jail? ( emery use to send money on the regular to the US to get drug war people out on bail),

My two cents.

Flame on

Bubble man


The Hopeful Protagonist
So he's a pedophile as well?


I try to inject humor when ever I can.....didn't know the man aside from what I've read about him.....
As I said, I appreciate Marc for the positive things he has done as far as the war on Cannabis. I also said that I am sad to see Cannabis Culture go, as there have been a lot of great articles in that magazine.

But other than the good things he has done, he has also ripped off millions of people on seeds, and is evidently a pedophile, and suggests the use of other drugs to minors so their girlfriends will have anal sex with them. He also evidently has bad cold sores, and continues to share with people.

He also makes a fool out of himself on his YouTube videos.

I don't wish bad things on him, and I hope he doesn't get extradited, but his true self is being exposed.
wow you guys sound like a bunch of junior high girls.

take a toke, read what you've written, and then think about it.

Sorry to see CC mag go, i have been a contributor for the past four years, and always enjoying working with the mag. A lot of people worked to make it what it was, not just mark and jodie.
People that believed in what they were doing. Hate on marc all you want guys, but in the long run, he's done more for the scene than all of you combined.
Whens the last time you sent bail money to get a complete stranger in a different country out of jail? ( emery use to send money on the regular to the US to get drug war people out on bail),

My two cents.

Flame on

Bubble man

If you read my post(the instigator for this whole Marc is sleazy debate) I never ONCE say he is not honest in his desire for weed to be legal. I never comment on the quality or the magazine or the integrity of his business practices. I am saying because of some other SELF ADMITTED and SELF DOCUMENTED aspects of his life, he is a detriment to the cause.

I say the same about the deadbeat hippies and hip hop kingpins. It's a matter of being pragmatic in how you present yourself to the public you are trying to convince.

I can't remember the name and can't find it through google, but I remember some guy that addressed the Canadian parliament completely stoned, spoke better than Lincoln at the 'burg and THEN proceeded to tell everymember of parliament exactly what he'd imbibed in beforehand. THAT is a good representative.


Active member
Sending bail money to help out strangers? That's great, did he use the money he made from selling fake seeds to med patients at extortionate prices?
^ LOL! Probably.

But, regardless of where the money came from, we can't deny that he has a good heart, by doing that, if it's really true. Think about it, he could have been greedy, and kept all that "extra" money for his other drugs, and under age girls.


Registered Med User
I think the internet is replacing the hard copy in many cases, causing the printed publication to go out of business.

Yep. This is actually happening with some newspapers in small towns now. we goin all digital too? yep, its official, were in the Matrix.