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RIP Cannabis Culture

Marco Renda

Active member
I just got off the phone with Marc Emery Publisher of Cannabis Culture magazine. Marc has advised me that he will no long print the magazine and that issue # 74 is the last issue to be printed. I was told that CC mag was losing $40,000 with each issue and that some of his advertisers were having a hard time paying the invoice for their ad. Marc blames the economy and the fact that 25% of his sales were lost when Anderson News a US based wholesaler went out of business. Marc stated that he is now going to be spending all of his time and energy on his web site and predicts that other publications will follow suite. So that leaves SKUNK and TREATING YOURSELF as the only marijuana publications based out of Canada.

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Publisher & Editor in chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal


damn thats a major bummer, i was just starting to get into that mag, oh well. skunk isnt bad and neither is high times. Marc emory is the man though, love that guy.


damn thats why i couldnt find it in chapters yesterday i looked for like an hour shit that mag was great


Marco Renda is the real thing. I highly recommend treating yourself. We all need less hype in the canna community.

Keep it real, Marco :yes:

and thanks for offering those past issues free online


ICMag Donor
Treating Yourself....IS THE REAL DEAL...the only mag that keeps up with current medical research and reports on strains and their actual medical usages...not only that, the article are much more in depth and thought out....not just here is more good pot...that we will praise this issue to hype another the next....

Treating Yourself, is QUICKLY becoming my favorite read....



New member
Thanks for informing me about these free back issues Marco , our cannabis community needs to come together especially in these times of new legislation coming forth all the time and changes happening everyday. Let us all show the world that cannabis is crucial to our world's survival and we all need to act responsibly and intelligently in these exciting yet disturbing times. ONE LOVE ~ Peace my brothers, we can do it.


Pull my finger
I love the smoke reports in TY. I even saw a few familiar handles doing the reports. That was really cool.

I love getting the latest issue of TY. Guess where it goes as soon as I get home with it.
No offense to you, Marco, since you know him personally, but I seriously find Marc Emery to be a serious detriment to the cause...

Why? Well, he is a sleazy character, confirmed by his own post on his own site, giving advice as to what drugs to give a sexual partner. Plus, he routinely crosses the line between believing in something and flaunting something. This fuels the propaganda machine with allegations that pro-legalization movements are gateways for the acceptance of all drugs, which i sure hope is not true.

Furthermore, anyone SERIOUSLY considering the medicalization of marijuana should abstain from fraternizing and aligning themselves with full legalization movements, as from a political and social standpoint this would be suicidal.

Of course, I personally believe in the regulation of ALL drugs, since we are responsible for our own well being(i myself have dealt with various addictions and beat them all, knock on wood), but being a sociology and political sciences major with a minor in history that is studying to be a lawyer, i know that the best course of action is to maintain a very moderate stance until THAT position is completely assimilated by the populace. However, Marc being sleazy remains. Maybe it's just my OG prejudice.

Sorry for jacking the thread, just genuinely want to see us accepted as "normal" before I die. Prohibition CAN'T reach a 100 years!


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
I think the internet is replacing the hard copy in many cases, causing the printed publication to go out of business.


No offense to you, Marco, since you know him personally, but I seriously find Marc Emery to be a serious detriment to the cause...

Why? Well, he is a sleazy character, confirmed by his own post on his own site, giving advice as to what drugs to give a sexual partner. Plus, he routinely crosses the line between believing in something and flaunting something. This fuels the propaganda machine with allegations that pro-legalization movements are gateways for the acceptance of all drugs, which i sure hope is not true.

Furthermore, anyone SERIOUSLY considering the medicalization of marijuana should abstain from fraternizing and aligning themselves with full legalization movements, as from a political and social standpoint this would be suicidal.

Of course, I personally believe in the regulation of ALL drugs, since we are responsible for our own well being(i myself have dealt with various addictions and beat them all, knock on wood), but being a sociology and political sciences major with a minor in history that is studying to be a lawyer, i know that the best course of action is to maintain a very moderate stance until THAT position is completely assimilated by the populace. However, Marc being sleazy remains. Maybe it's just my OG prejudice.

Sorry for jacking the thread, just genuinely want to see us accepted as "normal" before I die. Prohibition CAN'T reach a 100 years!

as a bystander in the marijuana world, and just being a smoker, i think marc emory is a joke. he flaunts his marijuana use like a mainstream rapper does, which does absolutely nothing for the cause.

not to mention i have to agree with above poster as i've seen his posts online and man, calling him sleazy is the tip of the iceburg only.

i don't subscribe to weed mag's. i see no point. any info i want on weed, i can easily check NORML.org or ICMAG.com :)


there's another thread where we're talking about his herpes and how there's always pics of lots poeple smoking with him.
Yeah too bad about CC, but the magazine has been sucking for some time, and Jodie Emery, the girl he started dating when she was 16 and he was 45, is running the magazine into the ground anyway. She is the editor, and has a 10th grade education. Marc and Jodie were not open to nor capable of running a succesful business.
The Cannabis CUtlure website has a forum that has closely knit clicks of 3-4 people, each group having a moderator - so if you say something one group disagrees with they abuse the moderator powers and ban the person. Sadly, these people are @ 40-50 years old, and playing games like children. Fuck Cannabis Culture and fuck all of them ho's.


Active member
Hello all,

Yeah, I have to agree with the two posters above...hard print is becoming a thing of the past



there's another thread where we're talking about his herpes and how there's always pics of lots poeple smoking with him.
Yeah too bad about CC, but the magazine has been sucking for some time, and Jodie Emery, the girl he started dating when she was 16 and he was 45, is running the magazine into the ground anyway. She is the editor, and has a 10th grade education. Marc and Jodie were not open to nor capable of running a succesful business.
The Cannabis CUtlure website has a forum that has closely knit clicks of 3-4 people, each group having a moderator - so if you say something one group disagrees with they abuse the moderator powers and ban the person. Sadly, these people are @ 40-50 years old, and playing games like children. Fuck Cannabis Culture and fuck all of them ho's.

damn straight.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Hello all,

Yeah, I have to agree with the two posters above...hard print is becoming a thing of the past


he...he....I have made comments that book libraries may be a thing of the past someday, and I thought a couple of my friends were going to kill me by their reaction.

Maybe books will be replaced with computer terminals in libraries, but then again, you cannot sit on the toilet with a PC. Oh, wait, you could use a laptop.


he...he....I have made comments that book libraries may be a thing of the past someday, and I thought a couple of my friends were going to kill me by their reaction.

Maybe books will be replaced with computer terminals in libraries, but then again, you cannot sit on the toilet with a PC. Oh, wait, you could use a laptop.

or my Iphone.
Even though Marc Emery has done some shady things in the past, I still feel bad that he has no choice but to end the magazine... I wasn't a subscriber, but I did enjoy sitting at Barnes & Noble and reading the latest issue. There have been some very good articles in Cannabis Culture over the years. High Times is a joke however, and that's why it upsets me that they aren't the ones in this position. Every issue gets worse and worse, with the same articles that have been printed for years. Each issue gets less focused on Cannabis, and more focused on other shit that I don't care about.

Luckily, Skunk is still around. I haven't checked out Treating Yourself yet, but have heard great things. I was at Barnes & Noble today actually, and was looking through the latest issue of Skunk. It's what High Times should be, lol.

But oh well, there's still the best, International Cannagraphic!



cannabis culture started out pretty good. It was aimed at a more classy group of smokers and then it slowly changed to straight shit.

I can't stand those mags


My previous endorsement of Mr Renda and his magazine didnt include any comments about Marc Emery because I have really made my hatred of Narc Emerroid as clear as a bell in the past and didnt want to hijack the thread. But Since the topic has been brought up, his seedbank being a disgusting rip off/f2 chop shop with 300% mark up, being totally ripped off by Emery in the past, and his deplorably graphic instructions on cannabis culture forums to a 16 year old kid on how to get his girl friend to have anal sex by getting her fucked up on a combo of coke and ecstasy and further graphic instructions on how to get her anus ready, I have to maintain, he is a disgrace to the cause. We don't need perverted raccoon eyed babbling megalomaniacs scaring the voting public. Pot doesn't make you into an emmerroid.

Anyways, the less emmerroid is in the limelight the better. where would gay rights be today if Michael Jackson was their representative?