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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Herbal relaxation...
Yeah Spangli, ngapka keep dropping real gems!

Here´s some lousy shots I took for you guys/gals today under great hurry..

The high is better after little cure, but im still going to continue curing it :wink:


that's some wild looking bud you have now that"s what i call sativa bud .this is a bud of kalimist i have growing .



Herbal relaxation...
Yeah Dan, thats what I call sativa bud too :D

I see you are still growing that Kalimist :D You really must like her, co´s yo have grown her a year or two eh?


Herbal relaxation...
Hola UST :wave:

l33t: Yeah, it´s really exoting plant to look at + the potency was much better after couple week cure, but I wait month, or two before doing final smokereport on her..

Sativa Soul: Really beautiful plant :yes: Seems like it´s perfect for indoor growing considering yield & floweringtime, let´s hope the potency will be in same level! Could you plese enlight me/us about the genetics used to create this cross?

Sativa Soul

Hi there Herbal!
I gave some info on her genetics one page back. I included some pics of the mothers there too.

the original lineage is Banana Haze x Crash Test
Banana Haze beeing some bagseed F2 I made from some seeds in some outdoor pot which really smelled like silver haze. The name came from her looks mostly.
The crash test was gifted to me by Core which is Amnesia Haze x (Purple Bastard x White Widow).

She has a great flowering time for indoor (about 12 weeks, some earlier) and yields very well, especially with some training. She's no more then 50cms.
The potency should be pretty good, very hazey high too. I haven't tested this specimen yet but I think she will be better then the original banana hazes I had.

cheers! :joint:
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Hi Herbalistic
Yes you are right. i love kalimist .these are differant phenos i have been growing of some f2 i made from some kalimist .i am trying to find a right mother plant i grow like 2-3 seeds of the f2s .smoke the seeded plant but i find i get a better feel for the pheno after i flower out the clones it seems to me the clone of the plant is the beeter representation of the plant for some reason .mybe its that i am getting it dialed in
and it giving me all it can give or being a sativa its more mature as a clone . but i think i got a keeper on this run it looks like the plants from the pack that had good yield and one hell of a buzz .this plant is at 30+ days and not evan started to pack on the buds if its the pheno i am looking for .the other pheno i do not recognize.it has no smell .it could be better then the one i think i want .thats the fun thing about growing its like a box of chocolates you do not know what you are going to get till you grow them out.
good luck DAN

Sativa Soul

Indeed I had some luck! This is a unique pheno I found in about 20 seeds. The rest varies between 2 phenos. A very short sativa, only had males of those so don't know how those are yet. And a bigger mostly sativa looking hybrid with bigger leaves. These are flowering for a week or 2 in a mates garden and look promising as well. I will get some pics of those next week.



Active member
ahh i figured id post a question in here for the sativa lovers cause thats what im workin with i have a mama thai ive been growin since the beginning of june. im around 42 degrees north and its still not flowering yet. am i looking at an unsuccessful grow this season?? its about 4 main branches all about 4ft tall and it just keeps getting bigger.


Active member
a thai wont finish at 42 degrees north (not if you are in a location that has cold/frost and lots of rain during winter ). If you have a greenhouse and can keep her in she should finish fine though and yield good too.
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Active member
They turned out very nice Toodles,

Glad to see they yielded well too.

ps Yes regarding photography, yep its always good to keep the ISO at the lowest settings to avoid quality loss and noise.
Make sure you also set the aperture manually so you use the 'best F-stop' for maximum sharpness (esp if you are using Zoom lens/es). Usually the best sharpness/highest resolution can be found half way through , in a lens that goes from f2.8 to f16 most probably that would be around f5.6-f8 . Not always the case though as certain specialized lenses like some macro ones they are designed to give maximum sharpness at their lowest f-stop (aperture wide open).


i love kalimyst too, this is one of my favorites for trippy things
and i wait a cross of satory X and kali :listen2:

pics of my nepalese flowering, they start soon, that's nice



up date on some kalimist.there is 3 different phenos in this grow as you can see look at the leaf on the one plant. it has littel fan leafs on the plant. has any one got one like
it from a kalimist or seen one like it.

it is a long flowering sativa i think.

and the one is a combo of sativ indaca.

and this one is like the one i used as a mother.

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