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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Active member
cor excellent stuff

great choice of strains to grow John Public

when/where are your South Indians and Jamaican Lambsbreads from

It would be great for some traditional ganja strains to find their way back to Jamaica - some truly rancid hyrbid weed in brick form finds it's way to the Uk from Jamaica with yardies etc. .... really horrible stuff, needs to be diluted by true ganja strains to the point of totally disappearing

John Public

ngakpa :)

Both strains came from a good friend of me, which obtained them from other people and gave them to me as he stopped growing.

The south indian is a bag seed coming from Mumbai. It was kept because it had many similarities with descriptions of books: very classical south indian buds, spicy smell, psychedelic happy high, very good to stop the stress. It is very long flowering, up to 16 weeks and has some hermie tendancy.

The lambsbread comes from an early rasta community in Jamaica (maybe early 1960's?), then moved by a reggae singer belonging to this community to a similar community but in another carribean island and finally was gifted to my friend.

This is the first time I grow both, although I have sampled both in the past to test the smoke. The lambsbread is a bit more irie, but was maybe harvested too early (only 12 weeks of flowering), it gave some heartbeating to me. Although it produces more than the indian, it could need the same flowering time to mature. Imho, it is a true jamaican sativa from the old days. Check the gallery if you want to see other pics, I posted some in another topic (extinct strains?) and do not want to spam.

It is to say the least a special strain, but the indian is also a good one ;)

Today, I noticed I have females of both strains in the closet, so I suppose I just have to wait to experience it myself :)


Mr Nice "Walkabout"
12/12 from seed.

kinda young, but, if anyone could give input, the fine folks in here could, im certain of it....
peppery/citrusy scents given off when rubbed.
and shes about 3? weeks under 12/12 regime. for now..

Walkabout #1

heres the write up.

You want to go Walkabout? A selection of mixed outdoor varieties with all genetics of supreme sources including Thai, Haze, India, early Skunks, Mexicans and New Guinea. Highly recommended for those in need of a walkabout. A guaranteed recipe for outdoors or greenhouse cultivators, with its range of early finishes and a few late flowers. By the time your WALKABOUT is over you will have forgotten where you are going but you will know where you came from

love this thread.


Herbal relaxation...
Gotta love your variety john public :yummy: I see you new here, so WELCOME to IC :wave: Please post other pics of those strains in this thread, after all this sativa thread and there is no spamming if you post them here :2cents:

l33t said:
hey herbalistic

how are you doing man ? Yes , I agree that many sativas need proper curing to reveal their true potency but this is not what I found with the swazi rooi bart , even after 4 months of curing , so I turned it into BHO and it was kinda better. This was just my case , so cure it for a couple of months and see what happens !

have fun !

I missed this on previous post.. Im doing all good right now, thanks for caring mate! I hope everything is ok with you & yours also! I really do hope that aint the case with the Rooibart I have curing, but well see it after time... Btw, here´s some more Swazi, the mummy which was harvested after 144 days under flowalights...

Gotta love the yield on these :D Just would hope it matches with the quality of high also, otherwise it isnt worth SH*T in my book! Made a little stock of beans crossing Swazi with early Destroyer male, that should add some potency in it if the the Swazi still lacks of it after cure :chin:

Btw, the aromas are incredible on Swazi, really complex odor that are hard to describe.. I would say the carrot tone´s have disapeared when the flowers got matured and got replaced by these complex citric/citrus aromas :yummy: The samples I have smoked have got citrus like, but bitter taste, you know the "bitter" taste that some HC sativa´s produce :wink: Usually erb with that taste are very potent/got great quality of high!

Take care mate and maybe well see some Neville´s Haze pics later ;)

John Public

Thanks for the welcome, herbalistic.

Okay here are some of the other pics that I received to document the seeds.


John Public

And this one is the last grow I did: Colombian Santa Marta gold (Brazilian Seeds Company)

The strain is a bit indica but it has a great smell and taste, and the high is really great medium high (sedative but not like a pure indica) and damnly strong :bashhead:

I like it a lot ! :joint:

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Hi John Public

love hearing that people are growing Jamacian 'erb,like you are.
The Bombay/Mumbai is a gem also, although is it South Indian ? <smile>

Interesting to hear your take on BSC's Colombian Santa Marta gold, BH/Ganja Pashas take on it seems different.
re the sativa/indica parentage,he claims.

"This is thought to be an authentic Colombian Gold cultivar from the Santa marta mountains. Originally purchased from Brazilian Seed Company in 2004, and one generation removed from that stock. The line was cleaned up and stabilised prior to arriving in my hands and produces very uniform plants, no variation noticeable in taste, effect and potency among individuals suggesting the genes were bottlenecked some generations ago, but the line still retains the authentic taste and effect.

Although a pure sativa, this strain is very well suited to indoor growing under lights in a variety of mediums, so far I have successfulyl growen this strain in soil, coco, DWC and ebb and flow with consistently good results. A very tough, hardy strain that is very forgiving of mistakes and not sensitive to water or nute issues, stretch is betwen 2 and 3 times and as this strain likes to grow with many side branches, I recommend pruning and training into several colas to maximise yield indoors and keep height manageable. A heavy feeder for a pure sativa, in hydro I have reached an ec of 1.8 with no burning.

From a test sample of roughly 50 plants, only one individual was found to have an intersex trait and produced both male and female flowers, however, most females will be resilient to stress and intersex plants are unlikely to be encountered given good environmental conditions.

Flowering time can vary between individuals but is between 13 and 14 weeks. Some individuals may take a few days longer. Clones can be taken after 12 weeks if given an 11/13 light/dark regime. I recommend using an 11/13 light schedule with seeds plants too, switching to 10/14 for the last 4 weeks. Yield is about average for a pure sativa, but with an extended veg period and pruning to 8 or more colas, good yields can be achieved. In vegetative growth, this strain is fairly vigourous, but will not rocket up like some sativas, being a highly inbred line.

The taste is at first earthy and rich with coffee and sandalwood tones, but with a good cure become smooth like a good cigar with strong sandalwood and spice flavours, and leaves an aftertaste of peanuts with a hint of sweetness, by far my favourite tasting pot in my stash. I consider this to be one of the finest conoisseur daytime smokes around. The effect is not racing or heart-poundinh like some pure sativas, rather it is mellow and smily, waves of happiness surge over you and the cares and stresses of the world are quickly forgotten. Very good for creativity, daydreaming and listening to music, the buzz is strong but active, very good for daytimes, just makes the day pass by easily and with a big smile on your face. Smokers of Colombian Gold invariably have permanent fixed grins and very red eyes, the latter being a paticular effect of this strain.

Flowering time can vary between individuals but is between 13 and 14 weeks. Some individuals may take a few days longer. Clones can be taken after 12 weeks if given an 11/13 light/dark regime. I recommend using an 11/13 light schedule with seeds plants too, switching to 10/14 for the last 4 weeks.

So grab a pack and experience a true old school classic strain, highly recommended for growers wishing to try their hand at a pure sativa for the first time due to it's ease of growth and hardiness, very easy to clone."




all praises are due to the Most High
John Public said:

One can find phenotypes exactly like the above one in seeds from colombian pressed bud, I have grown a few, real strange how one of those short indica looking plants grow out of the same seeds where thin leaf long flowering sativa grow... some are done flowering before the sativa ones even begin to properly start to flower... I dunno if this is because of hybridization or because they make the pressed bricks with seeded buds from differente strains? who knows...



That indica CG looks nothing like the one I have. Luiz is dodgy as hell and I wouldn't suggest anyone buy anything off him, back in 2004 he had a partner in Colombia who was the source of his Colombian Gold, Black and Punto Rojo, so those were okay, but I know that these days he's rather less scrupulous about how he obtains his seeds. The reason I reproduced the CG was that I know Luiz lost that line and I was going to send him a big batch of seeds so he could keep it going, but when I found out how he works and his seed production methods, I decided not to bother.

This is the CG I have, no indica in it:






Those seeds look nothing like the ones I have either, mine are very small and very dark with no striping, those look twice the size and totally different colour.

John Public

HHmmmm, petal, that description do not fit at all what I have in hands.

I obtained the seeds from a very good friend that know very well the breeder of the BSC. He showed me pics that the breeder sent to him, BSC Colombian gold grown outdoor in Brazil, and it was one main cola. He also described it as a 9-11 weeks strain. In private, the breeder told also my friend it had hermies in the genes, and even this breeder agreed there were intermediate characters between indica and sativa in his Colombian gold. The line was collected long time ago.

The hypothesis is that it is an indica brought to the country and that adapted to local conditions (or was bred with pure native lines) and not a pure sativa from the country.

I saw the first generation grown from seeds sent by the breeder and it grew just like its progeny (what I showed in my former post above).

I don't know, maybe there are just different phenos in the line and the different selections explain the different descriptions?


No, Luiz is full of shit, whatever that line is he is selling now it's not related to the one I have and 9-11 weeks is very fast and one main cola is not how Colombian grow. It might be an adapted indica, but it's definitely not anything like the Colombian Gold I have.

Luiz was selling seeds out of bags of weed his family members bought, was growing plants on a windowsill overlooking an alley in tiny pots of dirt scraped from the alley, ripped off his business partners and lied to everyone about his actual situation during his health troubles, he painted a picture of poverty to everyone when in reality he is from a very well to do family and had not one but two luxurious houses. There is lots more dodgy stuff but I won't go into any more detail to protect the identity of the source of this info.

John Public

Ganja Pasha said:
now it's not related to the one I have and 9-11 weeks is very fast and one main cola is not how Colombian grow. It might be an adapted indica, but it's definitely not anything like the Colombian Gold I have.

I'll leave you with your judgement on Luiz, I do not like to argue about friends.

I think also you don't have the same strain than me.

Remember the cannagenetics website? Luiz was already selling his Colombian gold with the same description and it was largely before 2004 :violin:

Comments from its website from the cannagenetics days:

"Colombian Gold is considered a favourite and very popular strain. Her flowering time is not so extended as others Sativas, being ready to rippen in 9 weeks or less."

"Her buds turn golden when dried properly, lots of aroma and a stable medicinal effect. She grows as a main stem with few side branches, finalizing with a main and huge cola.
Heigh: 2mts.
Flowering: 9 to 10 weeks
Yield: 450grms "

Seems for me you just were sent the wrong line (edit: I mean it's not the BSC Colombian, I do not judge at all the quality of your strain, as I do not have tried it) , sorry for you :joint:
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gee a pure sativa that ripens in 9 weeks or less , that would have to be a first ...
my guess is what u are being told is not what u are being sold ....


Active member
Hey Wally, good to see you online bro....jeje funny some one post's some pics of Colombian Ladies and I come around ;)


Look, I can't tell you the full story because I was sworn to secrecy but I can safely say that what I have is what Luiz was selling before he had the fall out with his partner in Colombia, due to this fall out he is no longer able to source the Colombian Gold, Colombian Black etc. The CG I have is from the partner in Colombia, whatever Luiz is selling now is not, like I said, he lost this strain, which is why he is selling a different one under the same name. This version I have is 14 weeks, Luiz should never have claimed it was 9-11 weeks, but that is typical of his honesty.

You might not want to believe this, but my version is proper CG, yours quite plainly isn't. Take it up with Luiz, it's high time people called him on his dodgy practices.


Chaman said:
Hey Wally, good to see you online bro....jeje funny some one post's some pics of Colombian Ladies and I come around ;)
hey chaman good to see u around too mate ,,,
might aswell use the post to add a pic ,,, hehe ,,, heres a skinny sativa growing in the jungle ,, most likely of thai origin ...

John Public

Ganja Pasha, I do not need your story, I read it from the inside at the time it happened and know where comes from the true BSC Colombian and were come from the other Colombian lines the BSC has been selling more recently.

However, I consider the idea that I may be wrong, so in any case, I wish you good luck for your business adventure with the so called BSC Colombian that you are selling at another auction site and let's stop this discussion for the good of this marvelous topic, I should not have answered to petal, all my apologies. We may discuss it in private if you want, when I'll have reached the 50 barrier and if I do not get banned before obviously :)

Wally, if you'd read fully the posts, you'd have seen I do not consider it as pure sativa nor original Colombian gold like those great ones that Chaman used to post at OG....Nice sativa pic by the way

Ok I stop rambling and here is a pic of a Federation's Hawaiian inbred, in early flowering

Respect to all

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Believe what you wish, but that strain you have is quite clearly not a Colombian sativa. Colombians look like this:





This is Colombian Gold from Santa Marta, as grown by redrder:



Whatever you have is not Colombian Gold, pure and simple.


Green Mujaheed
A nine week sativa ? here it is !

Sorry for dark pics, the plant was just gobbling any light hitting it, very dark plant, almost black !
Comes from some busd I bought in A'dam. Was labelled as Purple Haze. The buds I bought were clearly sativa, taste rather tropical fruits and fresh, one of the most giggly smoke I've ever had. A joint put my buddy and I laughin to tears in a few hits. Was glad to find a very few seeds, one of'em producing this plant. First flower was shown on First week of July, harvested 1st week of September. Was crossed with an NL male bt I lost the seeds when I moved to another place... :spank:

As we talking Colombian, here my Capricho Lady starting to produce some yummy flowers !

Irie !
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