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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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John Public

Ganja Pasha said:
Believe what you wish, but that strain you have is quite clearly not a Colombian sativa. Colombians look like this:

Whatever you have is not Colombian Gold, pure and simple.


Just put the spliff in the ashtray. Raise your eyes just a bit on the screen. Re-read my post just above Thule's one. Ok? What do you read?

"if you'd read fully the posts, you'd have seen I do not consider it as pure sativa nor original Colombian gold like those great ones that Chaman used to post at OG...."

I just say: the pics I have seen from Brazil and the description of the breeder, sent by the breeder to my friend and discussed over many years, are closer to what I have grown or seen grown than to what you show in your pics and your description, so I suppose you have not the right strain (the BSC Colombian gold).

Again, I do not say that your colombian sold at B....bay is not more authentic than the BSC or than it is not a purer sativa, I don't know, I do not have grown it. I just say it seems to me it is not the BSC one.

I do not believe the Colombian gold from BSC is a true colombian sativa, I think I have some idea of what is a pure sativa and what is not. I believe it is a stable hybrid that comes from an indica imported to the country, probably crossed because it produces very close effects to what is described in the books about colombians without the extreme sativa part. I trust Luiz when he says it comes from Colombia, he gave us enough details about how it was collected. Himself knows it is not a pure sativa. He just named it Colombian gold because it came from Colombia.....and dried buds were.....gold !

Santa Marta was added later because one of the friends you are speaking about told him it may be an old Santa Marta cultivar while they were making some negotiations about buying the BSC. LOL

That's all (and simple I think). Maybe this is clear now and we could stop talking about this?

Mriko, nice Purple Haze. It seems however you have the green hands indoor too :)


Green Mujaheed
About the Colombian strains, they just can come from anywhere.

The spread of smoked cannabis production to COlumbia is something pretty recent, dating from the digging of the Canal of Panama which involved very important human inter-changes all around the Caribbean area.

Added to that must be know that there is an Afghan community existing in Guyana and Surinam. relatively old one as they came with the Indian indentured workers, the first ones arriving in 1838. British crown also used to send overseas political trouble makers, and this is were they ended up too. Although doubtfull that the prisoneers had seeds with them (but why not), we can easily imagine than some of the migrating Pashtuns (they made up most of the Afghan community there) have brought with them seeds from their homeland. And that the Canal of Panama diggin, or something else, would have made the genetics to spread somewhat.

The existence of indica genes in some Guajira strains can't be totally ruled out I think.

Here more of my Capricho !

Thanks John ! Things are working fine til now indeed :canabis:

Irie !


all praises are due to the Most High
Hello everyone, the term Colombian Gold has been applied to a lot of different strains grown all over Colombia since they started to grow the good herb :)

Nice Plants Mriko, Peace!

colombian sativas from a little gorila grow a couple of years ago



Look, pure and simple, what I have was bought from Luiz in 2004, long before he had even met the people you talk about, Luiz lost the line so is now selling something different that is clearly not a Colombian sativa, much more indica influence. What I have is a line supplied by Luiz's then partner in Colombia, all Luiz did was sell them on.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Raco said:
According to R.C. Clarke,(HASHISH! page199)
"Around 1976,Afghani seeds and Afghan farmers to tend them were brought to the Llanos region of Colombia.Hashish was made from the Afghan variety by the hand-rubbed method through at least 1980" ;)
let´s talk about the tropicalization :muahaha: of the afghan indicas...
TheHashAssassin said:
some nigerian girls just starting to bud outside

Lookin good there THA! You got any other of your Sativas going, how about those Columbian 'Sabanera', Taco de 20 or the Lemon thai x highland nepalese cross you made?

Regards. :joint:


Active member
Herbalistic said:
I missed this on previous post.. Im doing all good right now, thanks for caring mate! I hope everything is ok with you & yours also! I really do hope that aint the case with the Rooibart I have curing, but well see it after time... Btw, here´s some more Swazi, the mummy which was harvested after 144 days under flowalights...

Gotta love the yield on these :D Just would hope it matches with the quality of high also, otherwise it isnt worth SH*T in my book! Made a little stock of beans crossing Swazi with early Destroyer male, that should add some potency in it if the the Swazi still lacks of it after cure :chin:

Btw, the aromas are incredible on Swazi, really complex odor that are hard to describe.. I would say the carrot tone´s have disapeared when the flowers got matured and got replaced by these complex citric/citrus aromas :yummy: The samples I have smoked have got citrus like, but bitter taste, you know the "bitter" taste that some HC sativa´s produce :wink: Usually erb with that taste are very potent/got great quality of high!

Take care mate and maybe well see some Neville´s Haze pics later ;)

Hiya Herbalistic!

Glad your doing well man. The rooi look great and good yielders too. Hope they turn out to be good.

Here is a NH , I have in veg at the moment . Pic with sunlight+fill-in flash

Hazy top under the sun

another leaf detail under sunlight

Here are some pics from the flowering Neville's Haze under HID's , they are still a month+ from harvest so plenty of time to fill up .

They were put straight to 11/13 from unrooted clone , now 10/14 for the last 4-5weeks







Active member
Here's a pic of a Santa Marta Gold that was from seeds sent by Aldous from Columbia back in the OG days. Doesn't look the same as other SMG's posted but then again I'm in a different area and have different gardening practices. The container the seeds came in had gold colored shake leaves. The unmistakable scent of old school Columbian Gold when container was open.



That SMCG looks exactly like the one I have, friends who have grown the version I have outdoors in the US had plants just like that. Lemme see if I can find some outdoor pics from a friend in Cali, I used to have.


Active member
would love to see pics of other SMGC's as a reference. i have about a hundred seeds left and am in the process of restoring my stock in a seed run.


Active member
jejeje nice one Raco, I posted some sat pics today of my crosses....that lime with the dark undertones...so beautifull she is.

good conversation, love it when we talk my language jejeje sweet tropical bliss...



Active member
ohhh and herbalistic, thos pics look ver ver very much like my Bangladesh buds...only mine in my climate where more full and thick, but took...man I aged watch'n them. I could grow and harvest 3 batches and she'd still sit in a corner doing her thing, about a yr for a great uncomparable harvest...made corsses and they took alot of time too...but wow was the smell and taste of the Colombian Red and Gold I corssesed to that Bangladesh one the most tastefull longer head lifting heart race'n highs i've enjoyed...just the wait man. jejeje maybe clones would have been faster, but good thigns come to those who wait too right ? jejeje anyway great pics going on here.


jejej had to come back agian, hey Motaco !!! remember way back at the beginning of this thread, the first pics your posted of some of my sativas....ejje found those genetics agian, but over the last five months I'm try'n to figure out which batch of seeds it came from as I mixed 5 dif types of seeds in one big ole contianer (5 gall) and she was the last to go...yesturday jejeje her are some pics.

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Active member
African herbman said:
Lookin good there THA! You got any other of your Sativas going, how about those Columbian 'Sabanera', Taco de 20 or the Lemon thai x highland nepalese cross you made?

Regards. :joint:

just got my plants back from buddy that was looking after the mix the Sabanera's and Taco De 20's where in, so I need to look thru and make sure he didnt kill them on me :fsu: I really really hope he didnt. I really really wanna do the sabanera. getting into a new place I can do more shit in soon.. so them sat beans be a crackin soon.



Wow, beautiful plant. Is it Colombian by any chance? reminds me quite a bit of Cheese in the way the buds are structured, I suppose this sativa of yours could be similar to the Colombian used in Skunk #1 and that is where the resemblance stems from?

Pure speculation of course, but there are eerie similarities imho.


all praises are due to the Most High
Ganja P. you can find cheese smelling fox-tailed looking buds in colombian plants for sure.

btw, check out the actual source of those taco de 20 beans :D original colombian brick, real spicy and a bit minty.

edit: for the sake of clarity, the taco de 20 beans are a mixture of many healthy seeds collected from several pieces very similar to the one in the picture, including seeds from the one in the pic too anyway...

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Active member
Ganja Pasha, jeejejej man love it, thanks...I have tried a million times...Raco and friend have explianed too me....BUT THERE ISN'T A WAY I'VE BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT !!! jejeje

Yeah its a Colombian that prety much reveged during bud....lots of my plants are doing this right now that are more sativa dom.

In my opion this Colombian in my pic is more of my Colombian Red, then my Gold from my old Colombian Red X Gold crosses.

Paz, nice man, haven't had decent "cajeta" we call it here, jeje "Bareta" en Colombia...in a long time, its been said for the last few yrs here between the Colombian drug lord and Mexican Drug lords here all they give a shit about is that trash Coke and Heroine....So for us Ticos, what they have been doing in our indian reservations is some sad compareson too those Colombian bricks....Indians here need some special trianning jejejejjeje, but then agian the messed up part is the DEA is all over here and sinks ther teeth into everything make'n the Indians give up there fields for food, medicine and other benefits...they don't give it all up jejeje, but it afects the general public here alot. People have been buy'n a more expensice import comercial brick from Jamica now...its a hybird but very hermi influenced, bricks have tones of seeds and branches, and when i've grown them...lots of them would go hermi in time to comfirm my thery....I got all my good old seeds from colecting them from my best Cajetas from back in the day, some minty, spicey, jeje like christmas, "puro pino" and others a puro Chocolate !!!! man mis those jejeje I got my Red, GOld and Creepies from those and then made my Red x Golds.

Un abrazo Paz,
My Girl

My Girl

My satiava is at day 117.A ph problem set me back a couple of weeks,but allis going well.I not sure of her gentics,she came from some bagseed,a few years back.

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