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Reversed Backcrossing:)


The Tri Guy
What did you do then? delete your post and repost it? My response now appears before your post.


ICMag Donor
sorry man,,,its the only way i can correct my crumby spelling and mistakes,,,,i cant edit my posts,,


ICMag Donor
ah cool, just checking, for a second there it sounded like you were gonna sit back growing your own clones while asking others to do the breeding work for you.

The specific mechanics of rna are I'm afraid beyond my knowledge base at the moment. However the dna alone will determine which protiens are produced, the quantity, and the uses they are put to (provided they have the key ingredients to work with). Though the health of the individual cells will determine how well they are able to follow their instructions. If I got on top of all this stuff, I could make a great living as a medical genetic researcher, sadly I can't be bothered with or afford 7 years of med school. I hear that Suzy Creamcheese is up there, and from repeated talks with Charles Xavier, I know him to be extremely knowledgeable on the genetic side where plants are concerned. Whether they would be willing to put any time into discussing it though I don't know. It's best to understand exacly what you are talking about before contacting them though. And if you get anything from them, then please add it to the thread, (with their permission), as it would be well worth the read.

so whos is more harcore Charles Xavier , Suzy Creamcheese ,,,,or Chimera,,,im waiting for Chimeras reply,,,im waiting for a thrashing ,,,maybe


The Tri Guy
I don't know much about Suzy, Charles is extremly hardcore, though with botany in general, Chimera may well have more experience with canabis than either one, and will know more about specific strains, but pure botanical breeding knowledge, I'd have to go with Charles as my answer, but don't start hounding him, perhaps one single polite request to post something in the thread, and if he doesn't leave it at that.


Active member
yeh,,, bag seed is very interesting....love the idea,,,

my ideas might show up faster from people like benj ....are you gona say benj is a wa*ker at this point...

i dont need to prove anything,,,,swiching on peoples brains to this understanding might prove more productive than i could ever be allone:)

took it wrong, i just wanted to watch the show on cheese first, and in the mean time, ya know, a mans gotta do somethin :jerkit: :nanana:


ICMag Donor
this 1 im not gona fuk about with....

im gona reverce the Cheese this week,,,an the polen will hit another Cheese clone asap.....

Blues x Cheese will get done at the same time ,,,,,no bull spit!!!


ICMag Donor
I don't know much about Suzy, Charles is extremly hardcore, though with botany in general, Chimera may well have more experience with canabis than either one, and will know more about specific strains, but pure botanical breeding knowledge, I'd have to go with Charles as my answer, but don't start hounding him, perhaps one single polite request to post something in the thread, and if he doesn't leave it at that.

i dont know him so im not gona hound him:),,,,i only do that to my real mates:)

if this is interesting enough,,,im sure someone will tell them guys about this thread....

fuk,,,,i hope Chimera is coming back


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
hay bej

whats is the best bit about your jack?.....what did you notice in this clone that was so different from the other "normal" jack`s

Every thing bro its a one of a kind the smell is prevalent right from grow to flower even clones stink to high hell, the hybrid vigour and growth is outstanding and the yield is what impresses me and with an 8-9week flower time, overall this cutting best's everything in all areas aint nothing come close in my 15 years of growing and ive never seen a jack or another strain that compares to this not even the slightest beleive you me ive had mates throw out cuttings of AK-47, Northern Lights, White widow, skunk#1, Critical mass, chronic, big bud and many others because this cutting is so reliable and easy to grow...

Damn i wish i had some flower pics my mate just turned his so ill have some in a couple of weeks, this same mate yielded 16lbs from 4 plants indoor...

Not long and ill be testing out some STS just need to pick up the silver nitrate and sodium thiosulphate and ill be set..
Ill be ready to test it out in about 4 weeks just need my cutting to get a lil bigger and then its 3,,,2,,,1,,,BLAST OFF!!!


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
this 1 im not gona fuk about with....

im gona reverce the Cheese this week,,,an the polen will hit another Cheese clone asap.....

Blues x Cheese will get done at the same time ,,,,,no bull spit!!!

That sounds interesting bro i like...


ICMag Donor
Every thing bro its a one of a kind the smell is prevalent right from grow to flower even clones stink to high hell, the hybrid vigour and growth is outstanding and the yield is what impresses me and with an 8-9week flower time, overall this cutting best's everything in all areas aint nothing come close in my 15 years of growing and ive never seen a jack or another strain that compares to this not even the slightest beleive you me ive had mates throw out cuttings of AK-47, Northern Lights, White widow, skunk#1, Critical mass, chronic, big bud and many others because this cutting is so reliable and easy to grow...

Damn i wish i had some flower pics my mate just turned his so ill have some in a couple of weeks, this same mate yielded 16lbs from 4 plants indoor...

Not long and ill be testing out some STS just need to pick up the silver nitrate and sodium thiosulphate and ill be set..
Ill be ready to test it out in about 4 weeks just need my cutting to get a lil bigger and then its 3,,,2,,,1,,,BLAST OFF!!!

yehhh man,,,,thats the sort of select clone i love to hear about

an i know what sort of seed crackin you have been upto over the years......that is 1 in many.........sensi seeds have had big money from you,,,now its time to turn the tables ,an show them what higher learning is all about:)

id say the vigor/fitness is very important,,,,,,your gona lose the fitness around S3 i think,,,that is the point when things are becoming homogeneous.....but S2 might be ok to work with, just keep that in mind

id say test the Reverce Backcross to increese vigor and limit phenos,,,an it might even replace the loss from genetic drift


this 1 im not gona fuk about with....

im gona reverce the Cheese this week,,,an the polen will hit another Cheese clone asap.....

Blues x Cheese will get done at the same time ,,,,,no bull spit!!!

great news, will be fun watching the cheese S1's grow, see what im inorder for when i have to self her.


ICMag Donor
sounds like your up for testing the water cork...

i see all this as a group fem testing project

how do you see it?


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I just read up on "Gregor Johann Mendel" very interesting character...

Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822[1] – January 6, 1884) was an Augustinian priest and scientist, and is often called the father of genetics for his study of the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants. Mendel showed that the inheritance of these traits follows particular laws, which were later named after him. The significance of Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century. Its rediscovery prompted the foundation of the discipline of genetics.

Gregor Mendel, who is known as the "father of modern genetics", was inspired by both his professors at university and his colleagues at the monastery to study variation in plants, and he conducted his study in the monastery's garden. Between 1856 and 1863 Mendel cultivated and tested some 29,000 pea plants (i.e., Pisum sativum). This study showed that one in four pea plants had purebred recessive alleles, two out of four were hybrid and one out of four were purebred dominant. His experiments brought forth two generalizations, the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment, which later became known as Mendel's Laws of Inheritance.

A nice read so i thought i would add it to this thread...


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Hehe ive been doing some reading cant seem to get this off my mind im even dreaming bout it now...


ICMag Donor
I just read up on "Gregor Johann Mendel" very interesting character...

Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822[1] – January 6, 1884) was an Augustinian priest and scientist, and is often called the father of genetics for his study of the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants. Mendel showed that the inheritance of these traits follows particular laws, which were later named after him. The significance of Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century. Its rediscovery prompted the foundation of the discipline of genetics.

Gregor Mendel, who is known as the "father of modern genetics", was inspired by both his professors at university and his colleagues at the monastery to study variation in plants, and he conducted his study in the monastery's garden. Between 1856 and 1863 Mendel cultivated and tested some 29,000 pea plants (i.e., Pisum sativum). This study showed that one in four pea plants had purebred recessive alleles, two out of four were hybrid and one out of four were purebred dominant. His experiments brought forth two generalizations, the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment, which later became known as Mendel's Laws of Inheritance.

A nice read so i thought i would add it to this thread...

this is how i visualize Mendel's Laws of Inheritance



ICMag Donor
but please remember Polygenic inheritance witch refers to inheritance of a phenotypic characteristic "trait" that is attributable to two or more genes and their interaction with the environment. Unlike monogenic traits, polygenic traits do not follow patterns of Mendelian inheritance

heavy dank nugg

my guess is this and i could be wrong..... Chimera and charles both have extensive threads that basicly tell you all you need to know as to why your methods WILL NOT WORK. both have done the leg work and would guess have tried your rbx idea. its arrogant and self serving to assume your the 1st to think of it. So why would they want to come and help you do something they dont believe in??? Way i see it is your pissing in the genepool trying to run b4 walking and spiting in the face of some GREAT work they have allready done. Im sure you will have a smooth nice guy answer to this too. but just giving my feelings as to why you keep calling them out and they not responding. I read through this whole thread waiting to see Chimera tell you how it really is and have you sling ? after ? back at him. i guess like me he figures your going to do it anyway .. look out world the days of true breeding is over. its the dawn of the age of hermi pollen chuckers.... just my 2 cents....And dont get me wrong im not trying to argue anything i have a firm opnion on on the whole fem thing and am just stating it
reg seeds male/female chances of f 50% male 50% hermi 25% ( just numbers ).
fem seeds f 80% chance male 20% hermi 50% ( when you stress induce pollen you are forcing a dormant trait and making it dominant thus doubeling its chance of passing along the hermie gene as a dominant part of its dna make up)
now arent you just trying to hermi a plant get seeds choose parents (f) hermi them and bx them to you orginal ?


ICMag Donor
ahhh man, thanks for recognizing my smooth nice guy side:).....

i find it hard to read mass text,,,,,all this stuff is baced on my own experence,,,im like a yound Mendelian,,,,thats how i see us all,,,,exept we use weed insted of peas,,,,and we deal in quantitative traits

why is it wrong of me to acreddit myself,,,,?? ,,,when ive never heard of the RevercedBackcross beffore i thought of it,,,,,an i dont read big books like Clarkes mj botany.....so, i got exited thinkin i thought of something special,,,so what:)

so who has done RevercedBackcrossing beffore...they might save me the troubble,,,,and save the pond from my piss?


ICMag Donor
are you sujesting chimera is not coming back because "he dont like me"....

thats hurtfull,,,,not cool