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Republicans and marijuana

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Heres the topic.

Heres the topic.

This has been bothering me for awhile now so I'm gonna rant, please forgive me.

Medical marijuana is a partisan issue. If Republican politicians are not outright against medical marijuana, they are at best in favor of overly strict regulations on dispensaries, especially if they operate at profit.

This is a very curious position for Republicans if you have at least a general knowledge of world history and politics. There has always been a "conservative" vs. "liberal" political debate, no matter what country or what century you are talking about. In America, we have Republicans vs. Democrats, so that's what I'm focusing on right now.

Republicans, or political "conservatives" are usually heard defending States' rights (as opposed to Federal gov't) and "laissez-faire" economics. Curiously, they abandon, no less betray, these two cornerstones of their political philosophy to attack medical marijuana.

In San Diego, the Republican District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis, continues to raid medical marijuana dispensaries despite the Federal "truce" since President Obama's election. This is in spite of budget cuts when tax revenue from medical marijuana could help both the county and the state.

So why do Republicans hate marijuana so much? Think about Woodstock and the 1960s. How many pot-smoking Republicans have you ever met? Not many, if any. And THAT, my friends, is why Republicans really fear marijuana, whether it be legalized for medical reasons or not. Because they fear it 'liberalizes' the conscience. I'd be surprised if any Republicans even realize why they are against medical marijuana. Political conservatives are typically angry, bitter people. They don't like to admit it though. But if you have been perplexed as to why this seems to be a partisan issue, now you know. At least I think I have figured it out. :p

Politics as to how it directly relates to MMJ.


The Voice of Reason
this thread is too easily derailed off topic, as Marijuana is directly related to healthcare and healthcare is directly related to taxes and the economy... and marijuana, healthcare, taxes and the economy are all relative to liberal or conservative compassion or capital.

I'm sorry I keep going down tangents, I'll make sure any further comments relate to the politics surrounding MMJ, decrim, and legalization/taxation.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Neo-Cons (The modern Republican Party, IE The Establishment) hate weed. They don't want to see it legalized because it will dig into the Pharma's and the DEA's bottom line.

:dunno: Pretty easy, not too much to discuss beyond that as it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Now, why? That is the question I like to answer and ponder on. You'll have to excuse me. I live on tangents. It's what happens when you constantly look at the the big picture.

I'll try and keep it more simple and narrowed to the title of the thread.

Neo-cons hate weed. Weed bad to Neo-Cons.
Neo-Cons (The modern Republican Party, IE The Establishment) hate weed. They don't want to see it legalized because it will dig into the Pharma's and the DEA's bottom line.

:dunno: Pretty easy, not too much to discuss beyond that as it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Now, why? That is the question I like to answer and ponder on.


There aren't that many people at the top of the food chain reaping the benefits of big Pharma or for profit prison. I can't explain why people believe 'God hates stoners', or whatever it is that causes such a high percentage of conservatives (and a lesser percentage of liberals) to want to ban weed.

I've just about given up trying to figure it out, people are irrational. That fact makes it tough to dig much deeper into they whys of whats of what it is that makes so many people believe that the world is a better place when people who use or grow marijuana rot in jail (at their expense).

To me the only rational explanation for wanting to keep pot illegal is if you are involved in the black market sale of it. Mexican mafia, sure I understand why they are in favor of keeping it illegal. Joe and Jane Suburbanite? Don't understand that one so much.


Nope, you only made your assumptions regarding my statements clear.

What I said needs no interpretation, if it wasn't expressed then it wasn't implied. You are a bit presumptuous in your judgment.

Like I said... If you don't believe there are underemployed people who cannot find a higher paying job in their field, and unemployed people who cannot find a job in their field, and people with college degrees who are flipping burgers or laying sod because the job market is shit... then you don't get out enough or don't get out far enough.

Having desire and determination and a skill set, does not guarantee you'll get a job that pays enough to feed a family. You might like to imagine we live in a utopia where poverty is a lifestyle choice, but that isn't the reality.

Your opinion and mine varies on this topic as I do believe that anyone who puts there mind to it can be successful. I understand thats my opinion and not necessarily the reality.

Remember your the one that labeled me a republican for disagreeing with you... presumptive certainly. We all make presumptions when you say your a liberal then I take that as handouts(compassion) because thats what I see liberals doing on a regular basis.

Let me guess(that means presume) you think a 'good job' is a right like 'health care'. We just come from two different schools of thought as I tried to explain earlier you would need some understanding of natural law to understand my political philosophy. Rights are things that cannot be taken away nor given only lent to the goverment. I dont remember lending my healthcare, education, and work rights to the goverment. They are privaledges and should be treated as such. Nobody is entitled to a nice home a picket fence 2 kids 2 cars a wife ... you need to work your ass off for that stuff and you just might get it.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Sometimes you go so far out there it isn't even funny, gramps.
No, it is not just as simple as you laid it out. Not at all. And it takes less than a genius to know that your statements are as whacked as some of these others.

Look folks, you may have some evidence of republican politicians voting against MMJ for whatever reason, but to make a blanket statement that the reason we don't have pot legalized is due to republicans is...well....it's fucking stupid babbling, and nothing more.

I know lots and lots of democrats that hate pot. You do too.

One thing to think about...perhaps the republicans you know are a good bit smarter than many of you are in that they don't fit the mold. Maybe they are smart enough to conceal their clandestine activities to a point that you don't really know they conduct them?
I know for a fact that I do not fit the mold, and folks would not assume me to be a pot smoker. But I am, and have been for longer than many here have been drawing breath in.
I have lots and lots of conservative friends who also enjoy and partake in weed, and would enjoy seeing it legalized, or at least decriminalized.
Hell, the OP I am sure is just a kid...but he offers up his own unfounded prejudice of what he "thinks" a conservative looks and acts like. They apparently looked "privileged". That tells me all I need to know about how screwed up the OP's mindset is.
After really taking a good look at what his bitch was, I find that he is simply experiencing angst because his little town didn't approve a MMJ dispensary. Two of the three council members were registered republicans, so automatically the problem is because of republicans. Although I read the whole thing including the minutes of the meeting that has Jr pissed off, and the reasons they stated were valid, and were not MJ specific reasons. Other than there was no demand for a dispensary in their town at present.
I asked the cry baby how far he has to travel to the nearest dispensary for a cut...and he refused to answer. Must be nice to bitch about having to drive a few miles to buy some weed, huh?
I think the bottom line to this whole thread is a pissed off kid wanting to take it out on someone. Probably should learn something while he is here throwing around his unfounded charges...like learning to grow his own pot and stop worrying about his town having a dispensary.

Your parents and grandparents are more to blame than any political party today.
Go blame them.


A post more on topic. I think that the reason you see the disconnect with republicans is because alot of the activist for legalization shun them. Instead of educating and embracing them. I think is a fundamental flaw in the path to legalization. I have always been a big fan of education as I believe thats the truth path to legalization and I think personally the best place to start would be the republican party and the christian right.


The Voice of Reason
Your opinion and mine varies on this topic as I do believe that anyone who puts there mind to it can be successful. I understand thats my opinion and not necessarily the reality.

Remember your the one that labeled me a republican for disagreeing with you... presumptive certainly. We all make presumptions when you say your a liberal then I take that as handouts(compassion) because thats what I see liberals doing on a regular basis.

Let me guess(that means presume) you think a 'good job' is a right like 'health care'. We just come from two different schools of thought as I tried to explain earlier you would need some understanding of natural law to understand my political philosophy. Rights are things that cannot be taken away nor given only lent to the goverment. I dont remember lending my healthcare, education, and work rights to the goverment. They are privaledges and should be treated as such. Nobody is entitled to a nice home a picket fence 2 kids 2 cars a wife ... you need to work your ass off for that stuff and you just might get it.

Nope I don't think a good job is a right.
See you don't have a clue about me, and the better part of your assumptions are off base...

You were educated by your government, unless you attended private school (in which case your mentality is fully explained), But I don't think education is a right or priveledge... It is a responsibility, and being lucky enough to live in a country which provides education for everyone anyone who does not become educated is irresponsible.

If it wasn't a TOU violation I'd post up what you privately labeled me as, prior to me mistaking you (a conservative libertarian) for a republican... It's just that if I took you and 4 republicans, put you in a hat, shook it up and dumped you all out, there'd be no way to tell the difference between you.

Natural law is some imaginary concept.

Your entire post is off topic. Smoking marijuana should be a right, but I guess republicans put the right to grow and smoke cannabis right there with the right to a basic level of health care.... Hell I think there should be a public option subsidizing mmj.


Nope I don't think a good job is a right.
See you don't have a clue about me, and the better part of your assumptions are off base...

You were educated by your government, unless you attended private school (in which case your mentality is fully explained), But I don't think education is a right or priveledge... It is a responsibility, and being lucky enough to live in a country which provides education for everyone anyone who does not become educated is irresponsible.

If it wasn't a TOU violation I'd post up what you privately labeled me as, prior to me mistaking you (a conservative libertarian) for a republican... It's just that if I took you and 4 republicans, put you in a hat, shook it up and dumped you all out, there'd be no way to tell the difference between you.

Natural law is some imaginary concept.

Your entire post is off topic. Smoking marijuana should be a right, but I guess republicans put the right to grow and smoke cannabis right there with the right to a basic level of health care.... Hell I think there should be a public option subsidizing mmj.

first Ill address you are the one that dragged it off topic. I gave you positive rep and left a remark letting you know that your views have discouraged me from your products and incited me more or less. From there you took it upon yourself to send me a pm stating you didnt care. If you didnt care then why pm me why respond at all. Anyhow back and forth it goes through pms. When I check the thread you posted directly about my comment left in your pm and i felt obligated to respond.

Now onto the rest of the dribble. You are the one that started out with the assumptions. You are the one that stated your political alignments and leanings I simply referred to them. I have stated I am in no way a republican nor do I believe in the current actions of that party.

I wish the statement about me and a republican was true but its simply not. Most republicans put security above liberty I do not. Most republicans put religion above liberty I do not. Most republicans dont understand the constitution and have never read anything on the constitutional congress nor the debates I have. I am a very educated pot consumer most republicans are not. I can go on and on but since your not being presumptive I wont and Ill just say your flat out wrong as you seem to be alot of the time.

Education is the problem Im sure of that. My education mostly comes from my real life experiences and what Ive personally deciphered from facts and various interpretations of the facts I have read or listened to in my lifetime. I dont listen to anyone else without applying my personal reasoning to it. I dont take a party line and run with it, I dont listen to the talking points, I look at real results and real facts. Its often very difficult to find the facts through the deluge of bias fodder.

If you believe what you say then you believe in natural rights. I can show you quite simply that natural rights are a reality and I would be glad to do so. If you make a law and say its not my right to slap the stupid out of you then I laugh and slap the stupid out of you... hmmm see how that works? You cant take my right to smoke away you cant give me the right to smoke. I have my own body and my natural right to do with it as i please. You can make it illegal to kill myself but it cant stop me from doing it. The fact is that natural rights can never be given nor taken and they are a fact.

Lastly, I like your comment on education but I believe your trying to twist the reality of it. Education is a priveledge and taking advantage of such a benefit would be your personal responsibility.
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The Voice of Reason
Education is a privilege, in that sense, and to carry your logic further, the right of every american according to law, and apparently a natural right too, since no one can stop me from learning. but being all of those things is less important than the responsibility.

Let me ask you this....

If I should expect to receive nothing from society, this means I personally owe society nothing?
What is the purpose then of society?

I could most assuredly prevent you from slapping me in any manner, btw. :D


weed fiend
Look folks, you may have some evidence of republican politicians voting against MMJ

That's exactly the argument.

but to make a blanket statement that the reason we don't have pot legalized is due to republicans is...well....it's fucking stupid babbling, and nothing more.
That's YOUR stupid babbling, nothing more. Nobody brings that spin to the debate except you. Absolute mentality, the thing you're famous for.

I know lots and lots of democrats that hate pot. You do too.
Sorry, this isn't a love/hate poll. When you find enough Democratic lawmakers that oppose reform like all the Republican lawmakers posted in this thread, you'll have an argument. Until then you're just whining.

One thing to think about...perhaps the republicans you know are a good bit smarter than many of you are in that they don't fit the mold. Maybe they are smart enough to conceal their clandestine activities to a point that you don't really know they conduct them?
When Republicans seek public office and proceed to obstruct mj reform, your comment above is about as moot as it gets.

I know for a fact that I do not fit the mold, and folks would not assume me to be a pot smoker. But I am, and have been for longer than many here have been drawing breath in.
I have lots and lots of conservative friends who also enjoy and partake in weed, and would enjoy seeing it legalized, or at least decriminalized.
Then you and your friends will be wise to educate yourselves about your respective representatives. Check their stance on mj reform or you may regret who you vote for. Pay particular attention to Republicans. They're particularly the ones making the news and thwarting reform.

If you prefer to stick your head in the stand and assume your "mold" jazz, don't be surprised if the rep you vote for throws a kink in your reform hopes.

Hell, the OP I am sure is just a kid...but he offers up his own unfounded prejudice of what he "thinks" a conservative looks and acts like.
And you're full of it. The op never psychoanalyzed Republicans, they brought current events to back up their statements. Unlike your "I am sure is just a kid" worthy assumptions. You are the poster-boy of "unfounded prejudice", hypocrisy and projection. :biglaugh:

They apparently looked "privileged". That tells me all I need to know about how screwed up the OP's mindset is.
After really taking a good look at what his bitch was, I find that he is simply experiencing angst because his little town didn't approve a MMJ dispensary.
Go back and read again. Republican lawmakers are thwarting reform. Then go stick your head back in the sand.

Two of the three council members were registered republicans, so automatically the problem is because of republicans. Although I read the whole thing including the minutes of the meeting that has Jr pissed off, and the reasons they stated were valid, and were not MJ specific reasons. Other than there was no demand for a dispensary in their town at present.
I asked the cry baby how far he has to travel to the nearest dispensary for a cut...and he refused to answer. Must be nice to bitch about having to drive a few miles to buy some weed, huh?
I think the bottom line to this whole thread is a pissed off kid wanting to take it out on someone. Probably should learn something while he is here throwing around his unfounded charges...like learning to grow his own pot and stop worrying about his town having a dispensary.

Your parents and grandparents are more to blame than any political party today.
Go blame them.
Now that's a bunch of crap, the whole thing. Republican lawmakers are thwarting reform and you're defending it, plain and simple. You can deny or you can defend but you can't do both, unless you're just striving for consistency, lol.

Forget what I said about avoiding prohibitionist lawmakers, even if you seek reform. You're obviously willing to allow Republicans the benefit of the doubt on that subject.


Education is a privilege, in that sense, and to carry your logic further, the right of every american according to law, and apparently a natural right too, since no one can stop me from learning. but being all of those things is less important than the responsibility.

Let me ask you this....

If I should expect to receive nothing from society, this means I personally owe society nothing?
What is the purpose then of society?

I could most assuredly prevent you from slapping me in any manner, btw. :D

It was simply to illustrate the reality of natural rights. We could argue wether or not you could stop me .. but whats the point until i swung niether know. The point is goverment can niether give nor take away my true right to slap you (or learn) as previously mentioned. They can only make penalties. I have to loan my right to slap you to the goverment for the law to be effective. This is the same as with the plant we both love. They can say its not our right yet I dont know about you but I enjoy my right to smoke quite a bit.

I am a big believer in community. I think that people need to get back to the community that people need to quit looking to the govt and start looking at themselves. Help your neighbors be a good person. Help educate them on the benefits of the great herb wether they be liberal conservative democrat or republican. Community has nothing to do with goverment my friend. Community is your neighbors many of wich you have been insulting with inflamatory language as you have been programmed to do. They are your neighbors who the hell is this guy in washington calling them names and encouraging you to do the same ... ask yourself these questions.


Also to disco , if you can pen the illegality of marijuana on nothing more than the republicans then why is it not said that way in Jack herers book wich I would hope we both agree is a fairly accurate account of the reasoning behind its illegality? Just curious how you rationalize this total blame ... there is plenty of blame to go around.


weed fiend
If there's plenty, care to share? "Total blame" is your perception. I even acknowledged several times my own democratic governor has said she will veto the upcoming mmj reform bill this year. The only difference, she hasn't vetoed a bill and said veto hasn't made the press. Who knows? She might be lobbied to pass it, we'll have to wait and see.

Other than that, it's been Republicans that have made the list here. There is merit in the op and I choose to agree with that merit. Anybody that can read a news article can distinguish the disparity.

It's one's right to agree with republican lawmakers' actions over continued prohibition but they can't turn around and suggest it isn't happening.


Cant really speak for him but my interpretation was he was saying that "the only reason MJ is illegal is republicans" was bs. I dont think he was saying "Republicans have nothing to do with the illegality of cannabis". If he was saying the latter then I agree. I think progressives , big pharma, gp,media, republicans, and a host of others in no paticular order share plenty of blame both in its original illegalization as well as its continued illegalization.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Sometimes you go so far out there it isn't even funny, gramps.

It's hard for me to even discuss Democrat and Republican because they are Neo-Liberal and Neo-Con definition remixes of the real academic meaning behind the words Democrat and Republicans. Most people call that propaganda when it's served to the public as truth.

So yes, for a political realists, who was raised outside of this retarded two party paradigm everyone is living in, it comes off as "far out" because you are speaking in philosophical paradoxes to a true political philosophy.

Notice the word "Neo". New. New thinking. One thinking. And this is what your new thinking is going to look like. We better all get used to it.

This bullshit two party illusion serves as meaningless argumentation propagated to occupy the "the beast," as Alexander called it. Intellectual crumbs.

This shit ain't new dude. We just all think we are a lot smarter than we really are.


weed fiend
Cant really speak for him but my interpretation was he was saying that "the only reason MJ is illegal is republicans" was bs.

One could argue your interpretation isn't free of bs. The op linked news articles identifying Republican lawmakers actively moving mj reform in the wrong direction. Your argument is expanded to

include republicans that aren't active one way or the other?

obfuscate the issue?

We're pointing out elected opponents of reform and they're mostly Republican. I haven't seen many Republican proponents of reform other than co-sponsors of democratic bills.

I dont think he was saying "Republicans have nothing to do with the illegality of cannabis". If he was saying the latter then I agree. I think progressives , big pharma, gp,media, republicans, and a host of others in no paticular order share plenty of blame both in its original illegalization as well as its continued illegalization.
But only elected lawmakers write the laws and reform is being thwarted, mostly by republicans.


I see your point and ill concede it I was looking at this topic generally as the name of the thread implied more than his little personal issue. You live in his city? Is this relevant to you ? Its not to me... so Im applying it nationally / districtly. I thought he wanted to know the reasoning and Ive addressed that ... The christian right is who determines the cannabis policy it has nothing to do with conservatism.
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