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Republicans and marijuana

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weed fiend
It's pretty apparent that diddy is here to wreck the train. But he can't muster the horse power to do that so there's nothing left but crying.


Active member
He already called the feds off states unless growers are breaking state laws. That's another step, although it's bigger than baby.

Obama's word must not mean much, because the Feds are still busting legal growers in legal states. There is that much talked about bust which just happened recently that is in the news section on this site.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Look, Disco...you are nothing but a stupid little kid. Running off to my personal page and posting up harassment. I asked you to stop. Now I am telling you. You aren't worth the ascii it takes to respond to your stupid shit.


weed fiend
I haven't seen any busts of "state legal" growers. Why would justice declare they're not going after state legal growers and turn around and do the opposite w/o public retraction?

I think some readers see busts and assume something they don't take the time to differentiate. Not you, Greenhead. Would you mind showing us a federal bust that otherwise was free and legal in the respective state? I'm not asking you to do something you don't want to do. I just think your conclusion might be swayed to a bust w/o the details.


Obama's word must not mean much, because the Feds are still busting legal growers in legal states. There is that much talked about bust which just happened recently that is in the news section on this site.

Ah, but AG Holder's directive stated that they would not pursue prosecution of those who are operating within state laws. That grower was not. According to follow-up reports on that same thread, he did not have a large enough collective to justify his crop. That put him in violation of Colorado law, and within the bounds of the AG's directive. It sucks, but that's why he went down. This is why I remain within the limits of California law, and even the laws of the county in which I live. This would have happened under any president, and especially under former AG's like Reno, Ashcroft, and Gonzales.


Active member
"Obama has a very limited relationship with Ayers, who lives in the same neighborhood. They served together on the board of a Chicago charity, and in the mid-1990s when Obama first ran for office, Ayers hosted a meet-the-candidate session for Obama at his home."

I believe that they were closer than that. It doesn't really matter much now, since the American public knew all about that and still voted for Obama.

Like I said, the beliefs and ideologies of youth don't necessarily transition to later life.

Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist, he has stated so himself.

Here's one of his victims. And one can not merely dismiss these things as ideologies/beliefs of youth etc. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist, once a child molester, always a child molester. Things that people have done in the past do not disappear with time.

Child Victim of William Ayers Nail Bomb Speaks Out



Look, Disco...you are nothing but a stupid little kid. Running off to my personal page and posting up harassment. I asked you to stop. Now I am telling you. You aren't worth the ascii it takes to respond to your stupid shit.

Agreed. There is no reason to make this personal. Neg-repping and splashing personal pages with invective is unnecessary. Keep it real.


weed fiend
Look, Disco...you are nothing but a stupid little kid. Running off to my personal page and posting up harassment. I asked you to stop. Now I am telling you. You aren't worth the ascii it takes to respond to your stupid shit.

Now that's the funniest thing you ever typed. I posted verbatim pasties of your harassment. I believe my comments consist of "Thank you."It seems you don't mind coming to others and spilling your attacks but you're rather sensitive over others seeing your m/o.

Until you practice what you preach, stick it up your ascii.

Repeated insults, no substance and repeated negative reps just gets you what you deserve. Nine out of ten of your rebuttals are personal insult. Nothing more.


Now that's the funniest thing you ever typed. I posted verbatim pasties of your harassment. I believe my comments consist of "Thank you."It seems you don't mind coming to others and spilling your attacks but you're rather sensitive over others seeing your m/o.

Until you practice what you preach, stick it up your ascii.

Repeated insults, no substance and repeated negative reps just gets you what you deserve. Nine out of ten of your rebuttals are personal insult. Nothing more.

Agreed. There is no reason to make this personal. Neg-repping and splashing personal pages with invective is unnecessary. Keep it real.


weed fiend
Agreed. There is no reason to make this personal. Neg-repping and splashing personal pages with invective is unnecessary. Keep it real.

I agree. It's a two-way street, though. hoosier doesn't like his own spews seen by others. If he keeps sending his candy, I'll send it back to his house.

diddy's pretty good at playing the victim.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hide behind your screen, mother fucker. People like you aint about shit.
I'm done with all you fucking liberals.
See you sad fucks at the polls.


weed fiend
Brought to you by fellow Virginians in support of mj reform

Brought to you by fellow Virginians in support of mj reform

Here's a video link of a single, state Republican legislator shutting down mj reform.


Despite the the broad support of conservative Republicans on the committee - one legislator, Delegate Rob Bell, district 58 (areas surrounding Charlottesville, VA), clearly agitated at the crowd, and testimony by injured veterans, a professor, a retired police officer, and a crowd of nearly 100 Virginians.

If delegate Bell is your representative, please consider the consequences next election.


Disco - Read Dave Albo's comments on HB 1134 and HB 1136

He was the head of the committee too. I already told him via email that I'm not voting for him next term unless he changes his stance and I will be encouraging all of my friends/family to do the same.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Where do you get all the rage against religion that you hold, gramps?

I feel persecuted living where I live. I try to temper my comments on religious institutions if you can believe that. You are entitled to your beliefs. Religious persecution caused this country to be founded. It's a contentious issue. The Constitution was created to free the mind. That's the spirit of it.

but it has nothing to do with today.

Those are a fools words. Academics don't matter? TV does. :biglaugh: A sheep indeed. I don't have the mental energy to argue this with you. You clearly lack the capacity to debate this in an intelligent way.

As far as the books you need to start reading. You need to start with what the founding fathers read and work your way up from there.

John Locke- The Second Treatise of Government 1690



Thomas Hobbes- Leviathan 1651

Then read what the Founders came up with. The whole thing.

And that's just the very start.

You working off a media produced philosophy buddy. To think this stuff has no importance today is the reason why this country is in the shitter.

Your kind of thinking is part of the problem. You are fool to question my patriotism and love of freedom.


Active member
Well I have a different take on this. I think (since I have 3 kids of adult age) that I have to prioritize. The accelerating obama debt, socialist agenda and his march towards less freedoms are FAR more important to me then smoking a joint.

To those who vote based on whether or not your candidate wants to make pot legal as your main issue, you are pathetic to say the least with all the other freedoms you are losing at the moment.
This mental attitude will get you high but in-debt you as a slave to the government for life. If you think that pot is most important, then you are a moron to say the least.


I have to ask again, sorry for the repost:

I would like for anyone who thinks Obama is trying to take away their freedoms, to tell everyone exactly what freedoms have been taken away, or what freedoms he is trying to take away. The president doesn't make laws, so I don't see how he can be the sole offender in what is, by design, a complicit structure of government.

and to this I will add:

What is your definition of socialism? If you think Obama is a socialist, you don't really know what it means.

A few people keep popping into this thread a making these accusations, but none have provided any examples. I think they are very susceptible to repetition.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I would like for anyone who thinks Obama is trying to take away their freedoms, to tell everyone exactly what freedoms have been taken away, or what freedoms he is trying to take away.

A looming national debt of this size invites economic slavery, especially when much of it is being brokered to the Chinese. The enitity who holds your debt is your master. This is exactly what the US did to the English to take over the world. The percentages are there. Bozo the Clown before Obama is just as complicit.


A looming national debt of this size invites economic slavery, especially when much of it is being brokered to the Chinese. The enitity who holds your debt is your master. This is exactly what the US did to the English to take over the world. The percentages are there. Bozo the Clown before Obama is just as complicit.

While a looming national debt is a problem, claiming that it brokers economic slavery by the Chinese is unlikely. China is a production nation. The United States is a consumption nation. Economically, we are dependent upon each other. No one will buy their cheap shoes and televisions unless we do, and we can't get cheap shoes and televisions unless they make them. India and Brazil stand to be next in line to take over for China once they become a consumer nation. It is the natural flow of things. Our current economic crisis is affecting the Chinese as we speak. They recently put regulations in place to prevent a bubble-effect in their own economy.

The English lost their superpower status due to changing attitudes towards maintaining imperialist domination, and by spreading themselves too thin. (The second world war didn't help, either.) The Romans lost their empire for similar reasons. I should add that, despite being a wrecked nation at the end of the 1940's, the United Kingdom did make the decision to grant all of its people access to free health care as a right of citizenship. At a time when it might have seemed like the last thing on anyone's mind, they did it. They still enjoy that right today.

Possibly the greatest achievement of Richard Nixon was his opening of a trade dialog with the the Chinese. In my previous post, I explained how commerce eventually brings peace using France and the United Kingdom as an example. I will use both of those nations to further suggest that being the second, or even the fifth economic power in the world is not at all a bad thing. The United States is no longer number one in quite a lot of things the world uses to rate the qualities of a nation. Our economic standing is still on top, but France, Japan, the UK, Russia, Germany, and China are not disasters just because they aren't number one. Hell, Canada ranks number eleven, and I don't think anyone would say Canada is a dump.
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