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i hate alcohol


Active member
stay away from alcohol ,it fucked my liver..

if i kept on drinking,i would have cirrhosis very soon. in addition to,i lost many things because of drinking.
We are lucky because God created MJ for us.

and please dont forget :

If God created MJ, he also created alcohol... and its not alcohols fault for you becoming a drunk to the point of destroying your liver...


cant stop wont stop
i find its easier to operate a motor vehicle if you balance out the whisky with a few grams of mushrooms and a couple joints..:chin:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I dont go to bars anymore, or drink much at all. Drunk people are just annoying as all hell


Active member
you say " they was created from..."

but weed is only a plant..morphine is also not natural..opium is a plant,not morphine..

Actually opium is not a plant, its the sap from a plant... Morphine is certainly natural, though pure morphine obviously is not. Neither is hash/oil/whatever...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
If anyone is struggling with alcohol addiction check Naltrexone out. It's a new drug that is also helping tons of people stop drinking. I'd suggest trying to quit naturally and with MJ help, but sometimes it's just not enough, it's a powerfull adiction that can even be traced to hereditary weaknesses. I'm sure you need a doctor prescription for Naltrexone, but there's even a writeup on CNN about it..best of luck to all trying to kick the habit. Kids, whatever you do, don't drink and drive, it could cost you life in jail...
If any of you know of any serious addicts. ie: Heroin, meth, pills, c0ke etc. Looks into Ibogaine, its a root from Africa which brings you to a hallucinating state but at the same time cures you of any addictions you may have. Its pretty serious theres a documentary on it on google video. FDA won't approve it as usual cause they cant understand how or why it works, but meanwhile its been used for yearsssssssssssssss in Africa for illness and dieses. Then again why would the FDA allow something to be legal if it actually does cure you? lol We gotta love our healthcare system, treat the symptoms dont cure problem.


Active member
Paracelsus: "All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous."

I know alcoholics and I know people having real problems in life together with / because of consuming cannabis (depressions) so let´s hope never to forget what is the right dose in your life and that circumstances in your life will never get that bad to forget what paracelsus said.

What do I mean? Sure you know the saying "never say never" and for me it means everything in life is possible even for example a person who says "I hate alcohol ´cause my parents were addicted to the bottle..." can end as an alcoholic too. It just depends how bad life will "play" with you. Sure it is just theory but there only have to be several causes of events in a short time (loosing wife/husband cause of cancer, loosing job cause of economy crisis-> loosing home--> getting sick.... I guess even the strongest will reach a point saying "I can´t take it anymore, enough is enough"... some will use drugs or a gun.

So you should only fear that there isn´t a shit load of bad karma waiting for you!

Okay that was a bit off-topic....


Man Ibogaine wont "cure" addiction and the FDA wont approve it because it kills people lol!I'm not saying some addicts may not benefit but a cure from addiction?At best it relieves withdrawls and gives the person time to work out their problems.You can say the same about methadone


Active member
If anyone is struggling with alcohol addiction check Naltrexone out. It's a new drug that is also helping tons of people stop drinking. I'd suggest trying to quit naturally and with MJ help, but sometimes it's just not enough, it's a powerfull adiction that can even be traced to hereditary weaknesses. I'm sure you need a doctor prescription for Naltrexone, but there's even a writeup on CNN about it..best of luck to all trying to kick the habit. Kids, whatever you do, don't drink and drive, it could cost you life in jail...

Moldy is right about drinking and driving. When I was a nurse in the county jail I did the medical intake on a young lady who was an accountant with a really good job. She had a HX history of a previous DWI/DUI and had just been in an auto accident where ppl were killed and it was her 2nd DUI and she ended up getting 20 years for vehicular manslaughter. Her boyfriend she said was going to wait for her and I thought....Yeah Sure! but he may have as she was a very pretty lady....young....college grad....from a great family here....but her life is over for a while and she may never have children as she will be in her 40's when she gets out.

Drinking if done should be done in moderation. Weed is much much less destructive to the body. Why I love it and it relaxes me after a stressful day with the children I watch daily....Trust me watching children daily is much more stressful than when I worked a job.

But as a nurse I have seen the downward spiral of the body secondary to ETOH alcohol abuse. A very nasty death and near the end they develop ascites and fluid has to be tapped out of their abdomen [paracentesis] and they tap gallons of fluid out from a poor working liver and chirrosis[sp]
The fluid on the abdomen displaces the lungs and they get dyspneic[short of breath] and are quite miserable. A grizzly way to die. Their skin an schlera turns jaundiced[yellow] because the liver can't filter the toxins. Their potassium goes sky high and that is very dangerous and can cause arrythmia and death.

So when I saw all of this suffering I just knew weed was my preference over ETOH....

I do have a drink occaisionally like when I go to a Blues Jam or like last night I was in a pissy mood over a dumdass altercation and I had a shot of rum in my coffee with a joint. And boy did that do the job:woohoo:

Good thing D was on the road on business te he. But later the down side as I felt like crap from the drink.I think ETOH metabilizes differently as we get older.

So I just mainly am a stoner these days.....but I did my share of drinking back in the day in Texas. If any of you have seen Urban Cowboy with John Travolta that pretty much depicts Madre's young club life. Mickey Gilley's Club in Pasadena , Texas became famous with that movie shot in that town when I lived there raising my kids. But it ruined the ambience for us regulars when the tourists arrived....

But my liver functions are great and pot has not hurt my lungs from many years of smoking as my O2 sat runs 99% even as an old bat. I never smoked cigarettes though and do consider cigs carcinogenic. I would recommend vaporizers though. I burnt mine up somehow and set it too hot.

But YET ETOH is legal and cost taxpayer mucho money in healthcare bills....and our POLITICIANS do love their martini's.....and they won't legalize weed cause' they don't wanna lose the MORAL MAJORITY vote......Even Obama and I do love Obama so far on many issues.:wallbash:


My Name is Roger and I am an Alcoholic.
Everyday i decide whether to drink or not.
I have been smoking as a deterent to drink.
I have been smoking as an alternative to drinking.
I actually prefer smoking to drinking.
I will cure this terrible affliction.
Thank you for listening.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
except you dont get addicted to ibogaine where the idea behind methadone is to still sell drugs and makes the giov money
you arent hooked on the dope whcih gives 'criminals' $, you are hooked on the gov sponsored provided dope

ibogaine can be miraculous for people
and yes people die from it
people die from living too though
so, you might want to not to that or else you will die....

the FDA certainly isnt around for anyones protection, they are there to assure markets for drug companies


Active member
except you dont get addicted to ibogaine where the idea behind methadone is to still sell drugs and makes the giov money
you arent hooked on the dope whcih gives 'criminals' $, you are hooked on the gov sponsored provided dope

ibogaine can be miraculous for people
and yes people die from it

the FDA certainly isnt around for anyones protection, they are there to assure markets for drug companies

ALL MEDICATIONS will kill somebody......just read the PDR

Some are allergic to ASA[aspirin] I saw someone die who was accidently killed by a hospital nurse[not me te he] giving Toradol which has aspirin in it. Why a nurse has to know "the 5 rights of meds" but are sooooo short staffed these days they don't have the time to do this. A little known but verifiable stat is that more patients are injured by nurse med errors than ANY OTHER REASON!!!! Scary INDEED! Lots of lawsuits these days...happy to be retired/retard now.......

But as far as ibogaine it is psychoactive and was accidently discovered as most things are really.
but it neurochemically returns a patient to a preaddicted state and look at their addiction without the severe withdrawal and it is reported that
"it opens up the mind"
to work out the problems that prolly caused the addiction in the first place. Self medicating ones pain in life is done by many. Nature/nurture/genetics/life circumstances/basic coping skills/self esteem/love for self.....yada yada yada

So Nurse Madre's unasked for opinion is the benefits "outwiegh" the risks!
But it clearly is a hallucenogenic and can only be admimistered by a medical professional at this time to monitor safely.

makes me want to try it and relive the 60's but it prolly ain't the same....
Those were the days!!!!

But Methodone is prolly good short term as some drugs can kill you if you just quit without med and intervention medically through the detox process. I don't like it long term as opiate addiction IS THE WORST.....I have severe pain in a knee I will have replaced soon.....but Alieve and weed is my med. I don't want to be opiate addicted as IT IS A DOWNWARD SPIRAL....unless short term or end of life comfort med for suffering when we don't worry about addiction only comfort...

I have had the priveledge of detoxing IM's off just about all drugs out before 2000 when I worked in the jail....naturally daily I was monitoring detox.....but surprisingly I learned that alcohol is the most deadly to detox off of from a "chronic drinker"......10% die when detoxing and that is why you need medical intervention when detoxing AND DON'T DO IT ALONE!

Opiates and benzo's also can be a rough detox.....

We sometimes had to do short term benzo's and hypertension meds as when detoxing the pulse and blood pressure rises and stresses an already unhealthy body per drug abuse and related health problems.

That PERSONALLY is why I get angry here when weed smokers ridicule ppl with drug and alcohol problems here. ...and are quite smarmy about it!

I guess I see them as "sick people" BUT SOME NURSES ARE JUDGEMENTAL assholes out there in this world and very unprofessional IMHO!!! I have met MANY of them as I am sure you ppl have along the way and they ought to be out of the business really.....

I gave the same loving care to drug addicted inmates as I did working in a rich hoity toity hospital.....I took my vow seriuosly.....I WAS A NURSE .....not the judge OR GOD! whomever their God is.....

all we had to do to the crack addicts is let them sleep 3 days per they have been tweeking for days before incarceration....but we wake em' up and do their vital signs and get them to eat and drink.

No charge for todays nursing tips te he....

BUT yes AA/NA is a good thing and Anthony Hopkins who attends AA meetings daily wherever he is in this world says he owes his sobriety to AA and the fact that he is STILL alive...:joint:


The Hopeful Protagonist
After major knee surgery I had, I started feeling like I needed more pain-killers when I actually started feeling better.

I talked to my Orthopod and he prescribed Suboxone (sp?) to take in place of the pain meds.

After about a 2 weeks I stopped taking them as well and felt fine. I wonder if they would work for folks trying to stop drinking ?

Madre...any insight on that ?


Active member
After major knee surgery I had, I started feeling like I needed more pain-killers when I actually started feeling better.

I talked to my Orthopod and he prescribed Suboxone (sp?) to take in place of the pain meds.

After about a 2 weeks I stopped taking them as well and felt fine. I wonder if they would work for folks trying to stop drinking ?

Madre...any insight on that ?

Suboxone is a opiod but not the euphoric side effects of morphine and other opiate...SO less addictive....but still can be addictive .....but it is safer than most of them

and they do use it in detox....off opiates and not detox off alcohol as far as I know at this time.

because as I said you can't just quit these drugs and alcohol without tapering down.....IT IS DANGEROUS!!!!!

Even though I detoxed myself off hydrocodone 10 mg tid PRN.....when I was trying to work as an injured nurse.....WHY I retired....

It was a nasty detox and helped me empathise with addicts more and what they go through...

Not good to have an injured nurse in genuine pain taking opiates to walk and RUN for 12 hours a day to complete her shift at a hospital ,,,,,nursing is a very rough intense profession these days .........te he You have to be able to RUN and run codes efficiently as charge nurse especially.....

impairs judgement....critical thinking....assessment skills .....so I retired and DETOXED MYSELF off of opiates ....like I tell you guys NOT TO DO....BUT I do have my own stable of nurses in my family who look out for this old bat.

You can TAKE DRUGS AS A NURSE as long as a MD prescribes it......DUMB AND SCARY! But many many do it....but not me! I won't work impaired any longer and hurt somebody.....

And I was tired and wanted to help my kids with the grandkids anyway as they are busting ass and pursuing careers....SO WIN/WIN!

But I will take opiates short term only after my surgery as I want to live a longer life and opiates IS A DOWNWARD SPIRAL my little darlins here need to know1

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