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Top job Red! The reveg plants look great. That box is gonna be full of bud before you know it. Im gonna tag along for the show. Peace

guest 77721


Here's my girls after 4 weeks of 12/12. I've been trimming the upper fan leaves off to give the secondary shoots a chance at the light. It seems to be working fine.

I'm also running a different nute schedule from AN. It's the high yeild kit recipe, SensiBloom and BigBud with the BigBud dosage set to 300ppm all the way through.

So far the choice to run bigger pots is working fine too. I feed on the weekend and give one watering midweek. All I've had to do is move the shelf down every couple of days and trim the odd fan leaf off.



Active member
Hey Red!
Didn't you say that you pollinated some more of your girls? I'm wondering how you made-out, have you got a lifetime supply of viable seeds now?

I think I'll give targeted pollination when I grow the LUI & PPP seeds I have, but it'll probably wait at least till spring (I've got enought pot to last me a LONG time!!). Making my own seedbank sounds like a great alternative to all the expense & anxiety of purchasing.

So, let us know how you finally ended-up, seed-wise!

guest 77721

Hey I2,

I've gotten about a half dozen seeds from LUI#1 from the two little buds that were pollinated. I only got two from the Shiskaberry. I haven't touched the LUI#2 buds yet but I imagine I'll get a few more.

I'm not sure if the pollen was 100% mature when I collected it and I also cut it with flour and the buds might have been a bit immature as well. Anyway, Pirates technique does work and I was able to target only the buds that were chosen.

guest 77721

Update Time!

here's my Thai-Lights and LUI girls after 6 weeks of 12/12. I just gave them thier final feeding for week 7. The LUI is starting to bulk up this week.



Active member
Lookin' good, Red - am I seeing some fall color change in those lower fan leaves? Are you going to try to re-veg again after this chop? How long till you do the chop, 2 weeks or so?

Man, that top-most cola on the LUI looks nice and stout, I'm looking forward to growing mine - but I've already got a serious stash, so I think I'll wait a while - give the cab a rest.

guest 77721

Hey I2,

The LUI is showing a bit of N def and both plants have some defs on the lower leaves. I might be a bit light on the nutes this run and I didn't supplement with dolomite lime in the soil mix. My last grow I was a bit more aggressive with the nutes about this time and could have cleared them out a bit more.

I've given them the last feeding for the 7th week and will be running molasses and then water for the final week.

I'll have to think about revegging one more time. I'll have a good little stash built up at the end of this grow. These girls wouldn't mind putting on an encore.

guest 77721

I don't know why I haven't been taking lot's of pics of this grow as usual. I even have a new Olympus Stylus 12MP camera to play with.

Here's the LUI starting 7 weeks. It's starting to show fall colours and is bulking up nicely.

Here's the Thai-Lights. It's still got a few weeks to go.

guest 77721

Hey guys, thanks for popping in!

These girls aren't too stinky. The LUI has a good skunky smell while the Thai-Lights is more fruity/spicy.

guest 77721

I came in the side door tonight after work and was greeted with a nice snootful of skunkiness.

The girls got a drink of molasses last night as I'm done with nutes on this run. It reeks in the laundryroom and when I opened up the cabinet, there was a wave of dankness.

Looks like I gotta change the carbon in my filter. Funnything is that they didn't smell much until today.

guest 77721

Here's the LUI after 7 weeks of flowering.

Here's the Thai-Lights

I've only watered once this week with 1 tbsp molasses / 4 litres of water and boy did it ever make the plants fragrant. I changed my filter out this morning cause I can smell it all over the house.

The LUI is bulking up nicely, when moved to get her picture taken, the cola's were bobbing around like drunken sailors.


Red, that's pretty sick. I know I'm late on the subject, but I'm glad you're back. You helped me so much when I first began to grow. You were an inspiration to a green thumb(or wanna be depending on how you look at it :p)! You're a caring and knowledgeable individual to boot. I had quite a hiatus myself after my first successive grows, but I'm back for more. And low and behold Red you're back too! I'm stoked I have you to learn from again!

Best of luck with your babies!

guest 77721

Hey teerull - hang around for a bit. The LUI has a week or two to go and the TL is going strong.

Budless! Good to hear from you again. I'll have to check out your Sweet Tooth grow. My LUI is a cross of Sweet Tooth and Ortega. I remember you asking me a million questions when we had the Rubbermaid club going.


Hey teerull - hang around for a bit. The LUI has a week or two to go and the TL is going strong.

Budless! Good to hear from you again. I'll have to check out your Sweet Tooth grow. My LUI is a cross of Sweet Tooth and Ortega. I remember you asking me a million questions when we had the Rubbermaid club going.

Well the Sweet Tooth occurred a while back. I'm actually back in the game with a 150 watt HPS that I managed to pick up in my down time. I think I'm going to be joining your 150 watt HPS cab club soon. The good part about it is I have a lot to choose from now: Purple kush, Sweet Tooth, Blockhead, and some unknown fire that I forgot to label. I may be going to hydro soon, so I may try the questionable seeds out first to see how the learning curve is.