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***REAL *** -=Green Crack=- week 8


Nacho,FF, it's real in your eyes because you've never had the real clone. It's ok to get a clone, think it's real, and then find out it's not. It's happened to all of us... and that's what happening here. You post a thread in a public forum of growers who have been running the real clone for years... It's not a big deal, you're going against straight facts here dudes... You probably have a Cush hybrid or S1, but it's not the same cut. I find it highly unlikely that it would be from the same batch of beans, since we're just hearing about them now after all these years.

And Nacho... I'm simply giving my opinion on the strain... it's not my favorite, everyone has a right to an opinion, even you. :rasta:

Peace to All,
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flavorfullife said:
You don't know CecilC or Bunz. And schroomy is the person you got your cut from. SO, how can you honestly have an intelligent argument about schroomys story when everything you know about it was repeated from Schroomy.. How about until cecilc, bunz or schroomy comes in here to to talk in a civil way about Cush or Green Crack than lets just talk about theorys we have about it , from facts we have gathered by working with a plant called green crack or cush.

NOt by just taking it personally and attacking anybody that questions something about a plant you got from somebody you don't really know in real life, who got it from somebody else.

your friend

NO offense M. steelers but, this applies to you as well. You got your cut through schroomy .. So bascially all you or og can do is regurgitate info that you were told about it.. Not real life background on the cut. You guys can't honestly say in Athens, Ga. that there aren't siblings of the cush cross by (whoever made it)still around that aren't spread by canna-nerds online.

So I really don't understand how everyone can get all butt hurt when just trying to have an intelligent discussion about origins of a strain, its siblings or possible mislabling.. FUnny thing is.. I didn't start this thread calling anyones shit a fake.. Seems to me like you guys just jumped on the bandwagon after getting asked serious questions about the story you guys all whispered to each other in the back of class.

And I never said it was headdy head stash or whatever og and m. steelers inferred.. Only thing I wanted to do was compare my cut of cush accquired in Athens, Ga. from a person with a real name.. Not an internet name. WHo just so happens to be older than me and would fit the time frame living in Athens at the time the cross was made. Says he was around when the cross was made and still has plants and references to prove it.

I never made this into an attack on wits, growing ability or intelligence like a few other people did. Now can we pull this thread back to where it was intended to be and show more cush aka green crack pics? Someone who maybe didn't get the cut from schroomy? maybe someone else who knows cecilc or his constituents that helped make the cross?

I didn't come to sling mud or regurgitate old information thats already been
told. I'm here to learn in the now.. So anyone else who has some cush plants or has something not repeating the same story that schroomy told them.

This is not an attack in any way on schroomy420. I consider him an online friend. this debate is about plants not people.

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Active member
flavorfullife said:
Look guys I'm not dissing your green cracks.. But just saying if you have the heavily traded around the internet cut.. It may be fake. Mine came from athens and I picked it up there myself. From some really old guys I know that have been growing it there since the early 90's...It did'nt come with a story of how some guy got it from a guy who got it from a guy.

Look Flavorfullife.....You were the first one that brought up that our Green Crack may be fake cuz we got it in a trade from the internet.....We never said that yours was fake, All we did was post up some pics of our Real Green Crack aka Cush and gave you info on it and than you said that ours could be a fake.....Go back and read....You started this entire fake Green Crack shit just cuz ours is different than yours....All we are doing is telling you the story behind our cut and where it came from....Now you are all butt hurt cuz you know in your heart that YOU may have a Fake cut....But just suck it up buddy...I have received fake cuts before and prolly will again soon in the future but I aint gonna cry about it......Now go back from the very beginning of this thread and read and ...tell me who starts the shit about who may have fake cuts....It was you!!!!!!!..All Steelers said was that yours looked different....~ogr


Active member
Now for the record.....Cecil C was around still on Overgrow when I received this cut 4-5 years ago and posted up pics of it....I even thanked him for creating it and he said it was no big deal.....Now if the GC cut i posted up was not the one he created he would have surely told me so.....So whats the story behind your GC Flavor????...Who created it and what kind of proof do you have????..Just curious???...~ogr


this shit is too funny! people be getting flamed about real/fake cuts! as long as it is dank, you should be happy... where is cecil c when you need him?


Active member
High&Lonesome said:
i might name my green crack x tres dawg 'dush' and then let single cuts of it out to different people at different times and then sit back and watch the douchery transpire.

what do you guys think?

:wave: count me in for a care package. Always down to contribute to the cause of confusion ;)


Soooooooooo not to get off subject, all the plants on this 5 page 1day old thread are great, but can anyone tell me how the super skunk stacks up to GC?


Active member
tex1969 said:
Soooooooooo not to get off subject, all the plants on this 5 page 1day old thread are great, but can anyone tell me how the super skunk stacks up to GC?

Hey Text......The old school SuperSkunk that i have is almost Identical to this GC cut except that it takes around 1-1.5 weeks longer to finish and makes bigger buds.....They smell almost exactly the same and the buds look the same as well....Check out these old pics of my SS at day 53 flower......~ogr



THE OGRASKAL Grow and show thread

THE OGRASKAL Grow and show thread

OK homey,

I went back and read the whole thread again. Never did I call yours a fake only question schroomys story. ON page 1 you started the whole I don't know what you have shit. I could quote all your negative posts about how you are uber elite and Im a newb that has an s1 or doesn't know what I have. But, this thread is about learning, not being a knowitall jackass.

So once again, I would like this thread to be about continued learning about cush /green crack and the possibility of siblings or mutated clones from different growing enviornments or mislabled . If you would re-read for once and take your head out of your ass. And your clones off a a pedestal of greatness. You would see I only questioned the story that has been posted online over and over. It has holes the whole ceclic named it green crack .. NO bunz named it green crack.. No it began as cush shit.. There has to be more to it than what you or I know. and I am man enough to admit it.

I still will not stoop to your level and turn this into an argument.. Its a debate..That being said.. anyone who wants to repost their pics that they've had for years and everyone has seen a million times can start their own thread.

I want my thread a positive read about cush. My plant was recieved as cush in athens 4 years ago. The grower when I first received the cut was very adamant that I called it cush with a "C". Quite a few people that have been growing since the 80's in Athens, GA .still grow this strain and have kept it alive for a long time. I cannot reveal the name of the person who gave it to me ogr~ .Sorry, not everyone has an online canna-nerd account in the scene. The people I received my cut from have been doing it a very long time and the proof is.. All the cush in Athens that has been and still is there pretty much constantly. All same buds everytime has been since early 90 when it started getting ran as a cash crop. I apologize I don't have a screen name to give you to validate my cut.. But that is the verbal history I have of the strain. I don't claim to know the breeder I just claim to be real close to the source.

your friend,


ograskal said:
Now for the record.....Cecil C was around still on Overgrow when I received this cut 4-5 years ago and posted up pics of it....I even thanked him for creating it and he said it was no big deal.....Now if the GC cut i posted up was not the one he created he would have surely told me so.....So whats the story behind your GC Flavor????...Who created it and what kind of proof do you have????..Just curious???...~ogr

I thanked King Ralph for creating OG KUSH.. around 4-5 yrs ago on overgrow and he said he makes crosses like that while he takes a shit.

Hows that for validation? ANyone can say anything on the internet and after a while its accepted as truth.. Example


super nachos

New member
m.steelers said:
Nacho,FF, it's real in your eyes because you've never had the real clone. It's ok to get a clone, think it's real, and then find out it's not. It's happened to all of us... and that's what happening here. You post a thread in a public forum of growers who have been running the real clone for years... It's not a big deal, you're going against straight facts here dudes...

lolz I don't know where to get fake cuts :noway: I think that's more of a west coast thing.......not too much of that going around here.


Active member
super nachos said:
lolz I don't know where to get fake cuts :noway: I think that's more of a west coast thing.......not too much of that going around here.

It sure is and it's a damn shame :cuss: Now.. where was i :chin: Oh yea :lurk:

Crunchy Taco

Active member
ograskal said:
A few nuggies of the Real GreenCrack....A true 6-7 week finisher.....Smells really Fruity just like my old school Superskunk....~ogr

And a few more flower shots....I dont think I've ever taken the greencrack aka cush down later than 7 weeks ever.....

What are you running? these look small. All the GC I've seen has had way bigger structure? Forearm sized colas. are those your popcorn from the bottom?

Crunchy Taco

Active member
Triggety said:
Wsup flavorforlife. What you have my friend is the real green crack. It has a smell you can't describe, and a nice & different bud formation. It's not fruity at all. Very afghanish and musky. A few of my partners up north grow GC all the time.


exactly, it's not the flavorful taste one would expect from a "elite clone", but it does pack a punch that makes people ask for it by name.


It's not worth investing any more of my time in this dicussion. It's obvious you guys are in complete denial and are unwilling to accept the advice of many long time growers that are trying to help educate you. I haven't insulted you from what I can tell... I dont like to get mixed up in that.... Our friend obtained the cut from the breeder of the original, your's was picked up from someone that supposedly lives in the same city.... that doesnt even know him. Are you guys for real????? Do you not see why this is so damn hysterical? There's a lot of hippies and growers in Athens, and Cush is the cut it's famous for... of course it's logical that people are going to say "this is Cush", it's just like around where I'm from... there's a specific "F****** 4 way" cut that goes around (name removed to protect location)... you know what? Eveyone says they have it, but very few do. At one point, it was almost like any kind sack was being called 4 way.... It's the nature of the beast....

And It has nothing to do with "online nerds" or whatever, I picked my Cush in person. If ya think we're nerds, then why even come here to post? I can tell you we won't miss the misinformation if you decide to stop.

Nachos, you talk about not getting fake clones, seems to me you're now perpetuating the problem by insisting you have something when you do not.

And Taco, I guess your Nachos brother or something... I do like mexican food so no hard feelings... but seriously the Cush clone is highly sought after BECAUSE it finishes in 6-7 weeks and produces the sativa high with a great taste that a lot of people love. THAT is why it has been preserved for this long. You say your cut doesnt tast like an elite, well there you have it! Maybe a lot of growers you know pull their shit too early, but around here we know what that f u c k we're doing, for real.... I'll say it again, one last time, if you have a cut that doesnt finish with cloudy and amber trichs, swelled calyxs, and bright orange hairs in 6-7 weeks, you DONT HAVE THE ORIGINAL CUT. End of story.

If you'll excuse me, I have a game to get ready for. Enjoy your thread!

Peace to All,
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Crunchy Taco said:
What are you running? these look small. All the GC I've seen has had way bigger structure? Forearm sized colas. are those your popcorn from the bottom?
////Got any pix ,of anything?GC most of all? :joint:


High&Lonesome said:
i might name my green crack x tres dawg 'dush' and then let single cuts of it out to different people at different times and then sit back and watch the douchery transpire.

what do you guys think?

lol nice 1.

Yo, seriously guys why don't you all agree to disagree hmmm? I love it when poeple bitch about authenticity, no ones mind ever changes. I've had a couple fake cuts but it was REAL obvious to me, some even in veg. Bad things was that unknown strain was the best I ever smoked and never knew what it was. Take a deep breath (of smoke) guys and CHILL OUT. :smoke:


Active member
Crunchy Taco.....The dried nugs in the pic may have well been bottom nugs cuz my patients usually score on most of the top colas and i usually keep the lower nuggies for myself ......I've never seen forearm size GreenCrack colas unless you veg her out hella long which i dont.....Do you have pics of these Forearm sized GC colas or any pics at all of the real GC or are you just talking out of your ass tryin to get attention....Dont be jealouse now just cuz your mommy doesnt let you grow....LOL....~ogr

Here is anothe REAL Green Crack Nug....
