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one in the chamber
^ Looks like the Peruvian sativa from Cuzco I grew when I was 18. :D I love plants with attitude. 8/10 for you too!


Active member
Alright, I will play....Havent seen this one before....

Litebuzz...I am kinda of a Heavy smoker..:D but I will still give you a 7.5 for the art and bong looking things in the corners....lol

And hey, I know I need a trim, but whoever is next, you can leave it to me...:D


I'm not a real goat.™
Dude, I'm looking at your avatar on a 15" laptop screen...I mean I'm all up on that shit, nose to screen and I have no clue what I'm lookng at....lol

What is that?

Forgive me if it's something obvious - I'm kinda blazzed at the moment.


Active member
To 5 legged Goat....It is,with the colors negative, the bottom half of a mans face with the top part of a bud hanging from the chin, and under the nose....like a beard, ....hence the name Cannabeard....lol...:D No worries...I thought that I made it somewhat easy to figure out, but I was stoned when I did it, and I knew what it has always been, so I never thought about it again...lol

As for Jiggy....damn dude it is like 2 cyclops looking at me, with out a face....:D stop staring at me, it is freaking me out....now.....i mean it......OK I am gone....:D

Must be all that Cannabus Sativa...:D


"It's just a flesh wound"
Wow I'm not sure what it is. I'll give it a 7 1/2 for a purple thing with horns.



Guns always remind me about that one time on mushrooms.

- 9

Could have been a 10, but you gotta save that for something crazy.

Doctor Who

Michelle Obama praying to a Black Jesus. Everybody SHOULD know Jesus had dark olive skin common to the area where he was born. 6/10 for the laugh.


OH SHIT! I am seeing Smurfs! People told me i would have flash backs if i ate the much at one time! 7/10