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Bubble Puppy


Far away in sands of Saudi Arabia.I run but alas the water i see is only a mirage .Im left with a dry thirst ,and nothing but sand for miles.

Don Cotyle

I'll give ya a 9! One of my favorite animated-claymation movies! My youngest sons girl is crazy over anything to with The Nightmare Befpre Christmas!

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Curiosity is inspired... is it a man or a woman and why are they kissing a goat... I realize you're a FiveLeggedGoat... but nobody wants to kiss a goat... let alone a freakish 5 legged :D


Well-known member
8/10 Medusa. Kinda freaks me out. But I get it - your look makes people turn to stone. And it's true - i'm suddenly compelled to smoke!

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