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Rand Paul wins Senate Primary, soon to be a pro-legalization senator!

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So Marquis, you think taking BP's side on this issue is smart? Do you think it will get him more votes? Even the Neocons aren't that stupid.

By the time the general election happens, AynRand Paul will be about as popular as cancer.


St. Elsewhere
His popularity lies in his refusal to play Realpolitik. The media is trying to get him to compromise, but it isn't happening.

Maybe I missed one of his statements regarding BP, but I really don't see him as "taking their side". That's BS politics and you know it. Accepting that accidents do happen when mining/drilling doesn't seem too unreasonable.

Though I will admit I'm not entirely sure what Obama said regarding BP that Paul is rebuking. I don't watch the news, and only check Google News when I think to.


You dudes don't make any sense to me.

I believe I can shed light on that.

Rand Paul is a newb, wannabe politician. Trying to hitch his wagon to any group he hopes might put him on their shoulders to carry him to DC.

What he isn't...is libertarian. Which means riding out the wave of quasi-chaos from people who don't know any better while waiting on long time libertarians to explain to the general public...if Paul were libertarian...he should be insisting on immediate intervention with BP.

BP, who is violating the life and liberty of countless human and marine life...poisoning property that doesn't belong to them, and committing mass murder as well...all acts no libertarian I know of that would cause them thinking a thing like...."What I don't like from the president's administration is this sort of 'I'll put my boot heel on the throat of BP.' be said.

BP has that boot coming. And I say his comment there puts Paul down as a disingenuous snake in the grass, not a libertarian.

Not that it matters...soon as the perception kicks in that hes actually defending big oil enemy number#1 having some right to pee in other people's pool....he assures his status as an also ran.

Get use to him though...media knows how to manufacture controversial talking heads that they then milk for ratings for a long long time.


St. Elsewhere
You're right. We need more professional politicians. Fuckin' newbs man.

Can anyone clarify what it is that Obama said that was akin to "putting his boot heal on the throat of BP"? That would help me to understand the full issue better.

I love potheads who act politically seasoned. (Including myself.)


May your race always be in your favor
I personally have no problems with the beliefs of Dr Paul. I used to be a Libertarian back in the early 70's. If the Civil Rights laws were rewritten to exclude private business owners from discrimination, because they don't wish to serve or employ a particular person cause of their race or physical problem. Then what's to say, that an employer can ignore or rather say it discrimination for them to ensure safety in the work place. Lets do away with OSHA and let everyman take his chances everyday when you go to work. It's like the Massey mines. If you want a safe environment then work someplace else. Because if the theory is everyman for himself, then no one is twisting your arm to work there. So that the problem I see with the whole premise of the Libertarian Party. imho. :smoweed:


His popularity lies in his refusal to play Realpolitik. The media is trying to get him to compromise, but it isn't happening.

Actually, it's the establishment GOP that is trying to get him to compromise and temper his wacky views (which he has already done 24 hours after his primary win).

The media is just letting him hang himself with his own rope, and he is apparently more than happy to comply.


St. Elsewhere
Funny. I've been reading alot of anti-Rand blogs on the issue in the past hour or so. On almost every one I read about the "Civil Rights" issue, 95% of the comments are people saying things like "It's not the Government's place to legislate morality" and "If a business owner wants to discriminate and lose his ass as a result, it's his business".

So it's only the Republican party that is attacking Rand? That's funny. (Though I do agree the GOP is involved) And somehow the media isn't involved? You're hilarious dude. Really.

Do you think Rachel Maddow simply let Paul hang himself?

Because that was very clearly a "gotcha" attempt at getting him caught up in race/identity politics. There is no amount of Mental Gymnastics that will change that, outside of the minds of a few naive people, who believe all questions should be answered with "Yes or No". Lmao!


Active member
ICMag Donor
slappyjack, you are so biased it stinks. And it wouldn't matter what demonizing spin the media placed on the man, you would cheer it along just as blindly as you are now.
You folks really kill me. Anyone not on your "side" of things needs to be demonized and their message derailed by any means, because you folks simply don't have valid arguments in the arena of ideas.


May your race always be in your favor
Your right, the media plays gotcha all the time. But the right leaning media (Fox) does the same game,and just forgets to put in the facts sometimes. As does MSNBC and the rest. The media is no longer in the new as information, it's all about ratings and entertainment, not the news as it should be presented.


slappyjack, you are so biased it stinks. And it wouldn't matter what demonizing spin the media placed on the man, you would cheer it along just as blindly as you are now.

Of course everyone has their own bias. It's more commonly known as an opinion.

My argument is valid, and I provided a source with quotes directly from AynRand Paul's mouth. If you don't agree with the quotes, contact the source.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
To be perfectly honest I don't see a solution coming from the 2010 elections. We are so far gone now that the "Change You Can Believe In" lmao is going to come from the streets or not at all.

Europe is slipping further into the systematic black hole the International Banksters created and we won't be too far behind. I'm curious to find out how American's behave when Posse Comitatus is suspended and the military shows up in force on the streets to quell the effects of collapse.

The Republic has already fallen. I recommended reading about the collapse of the USSR and the Wiemar Republic or go back to watching the boob tube since it's such a great source of information and truth.

Fear mongering you say? We'll see. It's funny how bad economic and social news is written off as fear mongering. Is it fear mongering for a doctor to tell a patient he has terminal cancer or should he just tell them everything is going to be alright, all you have to do is HOPE?


The revolution will not be televised.....
He is clearly a blue blooded good ole boy Kentucky racist and is even against the Disabilities act! What more do you need to hear? Oh!! He thinks it is un-American that people are criticizing BP for the worst environmental disaster ever unleashed on our country! I wonder how much they contributed to his campaign? Now that was really all I needed to hear. Whats really funny is, I see alot of the tea party t-baggers in this thread are the same folks who were here 6 months ago spouting that a ploitician is a politician no matter the party. Looks like politicians arent the only ones who talk outta the side of their mouths!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
GP7, there are also places in the hood that would also back segregation. Racism is not a club owned by anyone. It is a personal thing.
The most blatant show of racism today IMO, comes from the people who claim to fight against it. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama...you know, the guys who jump to racial conclusions so to use the issue as a political prop? The ones who NEED us to think that racism is alive and well, but only in the hearts and minds of who they say it does.

And also, I don't think you will find that the TEA party folks are championing any class of people at all. That would be part of their deal. Fuck the classes and the envy that the above racist bastards also create and use for political gain.

i don't disagree racism is alive and well in the minority community also...


St. Elsewhere
He is clearly a blue blooded good ole boy Kentucky racist!

His practice is in Kentucky and he is running for the Kentucky seat. He was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Texas, and moved to Kentucky somewhere in his 20's, after marrying his wife. His wife is a Kentucky native, they live 30 minutes from her hometown.

Identity politics.

I think it's racist to assume he is a bigot simply because of the color of his skin, and where he lives.

Edit: Show of hands- How many of you who are against Rand Paul have cable? :)


Active member
ICMag Donor
He is clearly a blue blooded good ole boy Kentucky racist and is even against the Disabilities act! What more do you need to hear?
Simpletons that are not worried about the facts probably need to hear no more. And I need to hear no more to figure out that you are a bigoted hypocrite.

Very weak stance....albeit typical.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
True too. Segregation was a democrat cause, and the republicans were against it. Last I checked the republicans generally took control the south in modern times. Unless that changes, the south is generally against segregation.

i am gonna disagree here... the deep, rural south is FOR segregation. just because those people have switched parties and are now primarily republicans does not change the people. the racist democratic southerners from the 60's are now the racist republican southerners of today.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
But, ignorant types seem to think that morality needs to be legislated. And that is their problem. You can't legislate morality, and even if you could, one mans moral is another mans sin.
Leftists don't get this...and I fully understand it is mainly due to their secular nature. Such a hollow existence leads to hollow thoughts.

you mean the way the right for the most part is tough on drug laws and trying to legislate morality in that arena?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
So, you would rather a racist business owner be racist behind closed doors, after he counts your money. The law doesn't change his views. He may be taking your money, and donating it to the KKK or skinheads.

I didn't say sort out the assholes with guns. We sort them out financially or by disassociation. If the asshole causes a direct threat to you or your family physically, then you can sort them out with guns, ie. self defence.

do you believe there are entire communities in the south that would not protest a racist business owner and his business would still succeed ?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
It would be rare, though it is possible.

not that every individual in town would be racist, but that through intimidation some might not speak up resulting in a town that allow business to discriminate against others based on race...

and if that is possible then govt intervention is required... as much as i dislike big govt sometimes it is required...

just my .02...
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