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R.I.P. Robin Williams (1951-2014)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
fucking tragic,,years back,,if in London for a film premiere ,he would often turn up at londons "comedy store" and do a unannounced set,,,as I understand it ,,he always struggled with mental illness,,,
robin Williams and rik mayall in the same year,,lifes short, rest in peace,s2


iTarzan, did you take Bi-Polar disorder into consideration? Life can be pure hell before diagnosis. My mother was Bi-Polar. You don't understand WHY you feel the way you do, but you feel that if those in your life loved you, you'd be happy. Then as time goes by, left untreated, you lash out at your loved ones. There's a profile, & as it progresses, it gets worse. Thats the depression side of it. The manic side, you get super energized. You push yourself & accomplish more in a given amout of time than the average person. You're the LIFE OF THE PARTY! The funny guy........... etc.etc... The hardest part is the rollercoaster ride the Bi-Polar person goes through, taking friends & family with them, from manic to depressed. No one can anticipate the mood swings. Yep, the friends & family.... being raised by a bi-polar mother gave me some serious trust issues. Dont ever dare say you love me. I'll kick you to the curb so fast you're head will spin. Because I'll be looking for that sucker punch that comes out of the blue. My mothers been gone 21 yrs, & guilt still eats me alive because I couldn't forgiver her. My mind may know it was an illness, but my child within still hurts & can't forgive. So I wonder if Robins first two wives kinda feel like I do..... like the rat who deserted the sinking ship........
- So iTarzan, don't judge Robin.... judge the disease. Its terrible & it destroys lives.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
He was even a dallas cowboy's cheerleader :biggrin:

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That photo is worth one million words. Thank you for finding it and posting it OG. I'm going to get it printed and frame it and hang it on a wall as a reminder of this great man.

Great artists are frequently victims of various kinds of mental illness. They also often sit on death's doorstep at too young an age. I'm very sad about Robin's death. He was a comic genius because he deeply felt the human condition, which allowed him to perform great comedy, but also great film characters. One film not mentioned yet that I love Robin in is, "The Fisher King." A unique and special human for the ages.

RIP Robin.


Well-known member
A fellow wrestler

A fellow wrestler

He spoke fondly about this time in his life.


He looks Happy


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Tragic loss of an incredible talent that has affected untold millions in a positive way. It amazes me that he could have ended his life. He seemed too smart to just end his own life without reaching out for help before he ever came close to actually doing it.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I just think that it is incredibly sad, that even with all the money he had, he still couldn't get the help he needed. Some of my earliest memories are of Mork and Mindy on the TV. It's almost like a favourite uncle has died.


Active member
Very sad news , a real funny man of great talent . Severe depression is very hard for the people that suffer I know a couple . Robin`s death has depressed me a bit as I was lucky enough to watch Mork when I was younger & loved the guy ever since .


if it smells like fish
really???wow ... it would seem the funniest people are also the most tormented souls......rest in peace man you gave me lots of laughs ..starting with mork and mindy.......... na noo na noo..till we meet in the afterlife....peace


Active member
Goodwill Hunting, is my favorite movie with Robin Williams..

but on a more serious note the Serious Illness of Depression needs to be highlighted, because still in our country its still seen as a weakness or anything other than legit.. The only reason I started smoking and growing weed was because I wanted to validate myself and escape the mental pain of depression... Thankfully I got cured but so many others cant get the help they deserve and even a rich man like Mr. Williams, someone whom everyone thought had it all, can do the most unbelievably sinful act and himself.. Depression...

There is the big "C" for cancer and not far behind is the big "D" for Depression
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My fav was Dead Poets Society. Also a very deep moving movie was What Dreams May Come and he went to hell to save his suicide wife, yet couldn't save himself in real life. I have a good friend and 2 family who did this. Alcohol( a depressant) is not good for you, especially with depression and probably on some pharm crap. I love to laugh and say laughter is like a medicine and is free, yet one can only hide behind laughter for so long. I loved his intelligence, but unfortunately he seemed to always be acting, doing comedy when in public and in my opinion never came to peace with himself and God and always trying to please man like most fancy and Hollywood types. I still don't have much money, but some of my best times was when I was dirt poor and very thankful for the little things. I stay away from most peeps now as most are so negative or druggies, alcoholics, self righteous, fancys etc and will bring you down IF you listen to or hang out with them.
Some info from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Much more data, but hears some...
Common methods include: hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms. Around 800,000 to a million people die by suicide every year, making it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide. Rates are higher in men than in women, with males three to four times more likely to kill themselves than females.[5] There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year. SR


10 minutes ltr After seeing this was moved from tokers den.. :nono:

yea Shocking! First saw him as Mork from mork & mindy in the 70's



Active member
and in my opinion never came to peace with himself and God

Please don't make assumptions about him and your version of god. You didn't actually know the man,and I see no reason why you would assume him to share your beliefs about god.

"God" or no "god".


I don't know if it is the same for women, but for men as they get older, I am a few years younger than Williams, there is a vulnerability that grows and if allowed to flourish, can be very overwhelming in quiet alone times. All the baggage of a lifetime collected and hauled behind you like a heavy sack, filled with good times and joy, but also with failures and memories of the times you mistreated people, or did things you wish you had done differently. The times you were a slacker and missed out, or you were weak and chose the easy route. At the time they were just choices and decisions, but looking back you see that you were not a good person and could have done better. It can be very disturbing to confront yourself. I lived in a zen monastery for a while and we used to do a lot of meditation, just sitting on a mat, eyes unfocused, trying to quiet the mind. At first you think about stuff as your mind tries to infill the void that is created by the meditation, but as the hours and days go by you are less able to fill the space with thoughts and you are left with the void itself. After all the familiar markers that define who you are, your looks, your voice, your home, family, things you do and say, and eventually what you think, after all that is left behind the question remains, " Who am I?" What is my essence? I used to hear sometimes somewhere across the room on a mat all alone in his own head a man begin to weep, and I wondered why. Now, as I am easily that age and beyond, I fully understand why a man could fall into despair while sitting in a quiet room confronted by a lifetime of choices and consequences.


Expectations would of played a mental part on his "normal" daily life too (fame i mean)

"OFTEN stuff gets deleted when i tell the truth..sad but :shrug:".

(nope) i was sayin' how words "get in the way" 'n'..alter perceptions/actions
And of course they do! ;)
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That photo is worth one million words. Thank you for finding it and posting it OG. I'm going to get it printed and frame it and hang it on a wall as a reminder of this great man.

Great artists are frequently victims of various kinds of mental illness. They also often sit on death's doorstep at too young an age. I'm very sad about Robin's death. He was a comic genius because he deeply felt the human condition, which allowed him to perform great comedy, but also great film characters. One film not mentioned yet that I love Robin in is, "The Fisher King." A unique and special human for the ages.

RIP Robin.
yeah danny,,fisher king is very good movie and I believe that robin Williams strength in the last few years were his "straight" roles like "insomnia" and "one hour photo" to name a couple,,,,
I enjoyed his straight acting even more then his comedy,,s2


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good will hunting
Mrs. Doubtfire
Bird Cage

Just a couple of favorites

That's the tip of the Iceberg this man's filmography is extensive.

Bicentennial Man
Patch Adams
One Hour Photo
The "Night at the Museum" movies (including a third one which is one of the 4 done but yet to be released movies.)
Happy Feet 1 & 2

Just to name a few. He did it all Comedy, Drama, Suspense, Disney, Kids Movies, Animated Movies, etc.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
One hour photo is a great film, and Good Will Hunting is also great.
The Bird Cage was hilarious. I'd forgotten about that.

When I was a kid, I saw Good Morning Vietnam, and became obsessed with it. I used to make recordings with my little stereo, of me playing records and hosting my imaginary radio show, which I always opened with "Goooooooooooood mooorning (Where I lived)".:biggrin:
I remember some film or maybe a 2 part mini series when I was little, with him playing a dad who was fucking his family up...there was a kid with a glass eye. That's all I can really remember about it, but I remember then how odd it was seeing him in something serious.