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purple-bastard & jackhammer



hello there :joint:
ok lets do a couple shots of the PB's, i'll get some better shots a little later down the road...

ok ummm since i have several strains going at once i think i'm going to do one update per week per thread....i think i can get some better pics that way, as it is getting all the pics at once while watering and getting ready for work and answering PM's is getting to be tough....

any Question are welcome as always :moon:
peace friends :joint:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just quit your job man ...lol j/k
naah ......i also update once every 5 days or week or so this way you see the progress better anyways....
about updating.....got good news ....got my 6.1 megafrixel camera back from the repairshop...ohw man i already practiced some macro's :woohoo:

GCG i just lifted the tl to make some pics for you peeps...its about 2 a 3 cm above them if hong down....
anyway it is a improvement for shure :wave:



hello core :joint:
ya bro but if i did that it would no longer be a hobby it would be a job, and for me that would kille the fun.....

nice younguns you got there bro, but i would like to request some bud shots over in your thread :yoinks: any chance you can get some close up bud shots.......hey and dont worries about the looks of the leaves at this point, just remember what pothead said at this point your buds are what important.....
peace bro :joint:


most excellent plants my friend.... any signs of sex yet?

also remember when i said they they are fert hungry? if you up your ppm a little on the n side, they will literally explode. from the bottom leaves, they look like they are asking for it.push them till they claw in veg. and they will put on the size and weight you only dream of seeing!


oh yeah, what are they at. looks like about 25" if so you better do some branch spreading quick! they are going to start branching and clustering real soon!


:woohoo: Your plants are looking amazing Jaws..You have done them well..I'm counting the days man..Can't wait to see them bud!

Here is just a little update..The purple Bastard has shown its face..I originally had 1 purple bastard,1 White Widow,and 1 AfghanSharkk, but unfortunately my situation doesn't permit that many ( even though its only 3) at the moment.. :badday: That's alright though..I have this baby PB..Therefore, I shall nurture it and top when the time comes and produce a decent bush...(Crossed fingers for a female in its future)..I currently have this seedling under a sun system VIII fixture with 150 w's of Fluorescent..It was germinated using the paper towel method then placed on the back of my monitor..Showed it's tail in 2 1/2 days..:yes:

Excuse this pic..It's a bit blurry because I was having trouble holding the cam steady and taking the pic with one hand lol...
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Father Time

Looking good mate!
loveing the sites thay are showing,her's my next few jackhammers just out in the bed thay will finish the grouth in.
Kind Regards,FT :wave:



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
:wave: Jaws
The plants look better every time I see them. :yummy:

What size containers (pots?) are they in?
Do the containers have drainage holes?

Keep up the good work. :yes:


hello friends :joint:
hey lotus very glad you got the PB up and going, hummm 2 1/2 days huhh well i guess the ones i tried back when were just too new to spout that quick :yoinks: :yoinks: ......is that CFL going to be the light source all the way through your grow?...looking good dude....

FT, hey buddy those look like they are very happy and in a good place.....i wish i could do a full outside grow :chin: ...i may try one next spring down too my bros house....i got a lot of mixed purples and i'm thinking i could just scatter them here and there and see what happens......
thanks friends :joint:


hello milo :joint:
whats up dude, i grow in three gallon plastic trash cans i get them from the dollar store for $2.00 and they work great and last forever.....ummmm do i have drainage holes :yoinks: :yoinks: do you really need me to answer that Question my friend :chin: ........
peace bro :joint:

all soil grown plants in pots MUST have drainage holes, unless your swerve and i'm still not sure how he did it :joint: :joint:


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
roughly how many drainage holes are in each one?

No one sells 3gallon pots around here. this looks like a an excellent solution. :sasmokin:


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I have checked Every local nursery (there are six within a reasonable driving distance).

I have yet to find one. :wave:


hello milo :joint:
damn bro where the heck do you live dude, theres like 30 dollar stores in my town there frekin every where.........ummm but i put 10 holes in my pots 1 in eack corner 1 in each short side and two in the long sides......
peace bro :joint:


Thanks jaws..Yeah 2 1/2 days is pretty quick..I mean I just let the seed crack and the tail was just about showing then I planted..Usually I let the tails show to about 1-2cm then sow but I was anxious:D...

I will use the 150 w floro for seedling growth as well as Veg..But along with the 150 I will use a 250 w Metal halide Eye Hortilux conversion bulb(for veg)..Flowering I will use the 250 w hps bulb and possibly grab a few warm white floros to scatter among the bush and focus on those node regions.. :chin:


Hey Jaws.. the JH is a great lookin plant. Nice n stout and very healthy lookin. Are you holdin out on a feeding secret? I see some chicken noodle soup in some of the pics :chin:


hello there :joint:
ok some pics today, umm no pics of the PB's right now the batterys sre dead so i'll have to get them up a bit later on...here are a couple shots of the JackHammers..........

this is day 36 of vegg just 24 more to go,this was there 5th feeding and they just got a boost in dosage.....no signs of AF on any of these plants, iv'e been checking every couple days nothing yet...

ummm one thing ppl have to remember about this grow and that is i have 7 plants in there that are from seed......now as full as this closet looks IT COULD become very UNFULL if say 5 of those 7 seed plants go male, so i'm still holding back some hope that atleast 5 of the 7 are female.......
peace bro's :joint:


Tree Grower
Looking very nice Jaw's i think they'll yield big for ya :chin: .Here's how my Purple Bastard is looking like today :wave: .



hello T :joint:
ahhh thank you my friend, yes things are going well here for me....

ahh some little PB's they look good, and i'm sure you know there hungry by the looks of those seed leaves :chin: but i'm sure you have taken care of that by now :yoinks: :yoinks: hahaha......
thank you T :joint:


i see those ladies are starting to branch good my friend. going to be some thick colas for sure!