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Pure Kush Pics for future comparisons...



RUDEBOI - Hit the homie Suge up and get that cut your favorite cracker wants a piece of that pure kush pie 1 love home slice


Plant Whisperer
Some Kush, told it was Pure but I was also told its not, I dont care I like her :wave:










New member
I know exactly what cut I have and where it came from my man, straight outta Suges hand into mine.

I'll say it again tho', if you like Bubbz, Youll Love Suges PK


Watup guys lost my old PW and setup info. Nice bump. Great pics here, cant really tell diff between pics of bubba ,master, etc, but if u have it u WILL kno, deff blows bubba away, its the best part of bubba x 10 minus any coffeee or dirtyness i wud say. Not the best yeilder but solid 1 per. Highly gaurded and sought after. Havnt seen any in cali dispenses just bubba x even grew some pk cuts out from around outa curiosity. If u have it congrats and enjoy! I scored it with strict restrictions and gave to only two peep, rudeboi and LB homie, he dispenses it as 'purple k' in 2 cali dispenses.. crew i sourced from had ~probs~ and lostit. Stand by all my old statements of prolly a parent of bubba and from "old man" who legend has it created all the kushes.. Im not selling beans anymore and dont sell t-shirts or hats either.. LOL

danny karey

Great info Suge.......Thanx for the update!!

Wish you were still selling your gear.



Active member
LOL these threads are funny.

Quick, everyone run out today and pick up your Purple K cuts at the dispensery!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smoke Buddy

Hey Suge nice to see you here.
Totally unrelated to this thread but I got a question for you. If you dont mind could you tell me which OG you used on your OG Kush BX1, the one that JLP used in his SDXOG BX1?
I saw somewhere it was Ghost but then heard it wasnt... anyway it would fill in a blank for me. Thanks much bro


The revolution will not be televised.....
Rude - Relax man! I checked your gallery before posting and knew you had some great stuff. Sorry for givin ya a hard time. I can go too far sometimes. Anyways great pics again.

Suge2 - Good to see you droppin in and great cut.


High Class Grass
WB brotha Suge...good to see you on the boards.
I too would like to know which OG was used in the BX...the initial outcross was done to NL right? Awesome space u have there..i hope we´ll see some serious Kushes in there soon..

Stay Safe



Watup guys lost my old PW and setup info. Nice bump. Great pics here, cant really tell diff between pics of bubba ,master, etc, but if u have it u WILL kno, deff blows bubba away, its the best part of bubba x 10 minus any coffeee or dirtyness i wud say. Not the best yeilder but solid 1 per. Highly gaurded and sought after. Havnt seen any in cali dispenses just bubba x even grew some pk cuts out from around outa curiosity. If u have it congrats and enjoy! I scored it with strict restrictions and gave to only two peep, rudeboi and LB homie, he dispenses it as 'purple k' in 2 cali dispenses.. crew i sourced from had ~probs~ and lostit. Stand by all my old statements of prolly a parent of bubba and from "old man" who legend has it created all the kushes.. Im not selling beans anymore and dont sell t-shirts or hats either.. LOL

is that you medic?


ya i was around back in the day don't know or care who the old fart is i can tell u 1000% that's purple kush the original cut that spread like wildfire from 93 on. shiiiieet rare now but back then u had even the boyz in the hood with pkushes in they backyard. problem was only few could clone that had em and then came the kush craze. that's when the purple kush really went underground except for an s1 or hybrid here n there. pure kush is a super inbred indica has no stretch and is very leafy. pure could've easily made bubba but the nugshots first page are first purple kush and imo still the champ of em all. and to the fucktoy who judges smoke from a picture go play in traffic. i've had some uglys bring the rukkus and some beautiful 1s suck ass. that's like looking at a pic of a girl and being able to tell if she's a good fuck or not can't be done. that's what mmj and strip clubs are for ya horses ass.:moon:


Rudeboi, here we go again... It has been confirmed before suge spoke it that you had the cut, you and I both know it... But, I do have the cut, you can verify it through our "friends of ours" if I have it... I have a question though, do you still have the cut? Just asking... if so, flower it out, I'm doing the same now, and we'll get together soon and chop it up... I'll bring a little o.g. too if you need to verify that one too. I'll bring a few more crowd pleasures too, but until then... Growhard.... Lmao.


What you have is a Suges PK S1!! LMFAO!

What you have is a Suges PK S1!! LMFAO!

Rudeboi, here we go again... It has been confirmed before suge spoke it that you had the cut, you and I both know it... But, I do have the cut, you can verify it through our "friends of ours" if I have it... I have a question though, do you still have the cut? Just asking... if so, flower it out, I'm doing the same now, and we'll get together soon and chop it up... I'll bring a little o.g. too if you need to verify that one too. I'll bring a few more crowd pleasures too, but until then... Growhard.... Lmao.

Everybody reading this thread doesn't have some of the insight you have AeroK that's why I beat the dead horse! When I first asked you where your pk cut came from you were all evasive saying some online associate yada yada. Now comes the truth! Lol So you got a cut from "the homies" right? Ok Cool, even tho' they weren't supposed to trade/gift that PK S1 cut so be it! I never had the PK mom around them and when we did our collabo I had my fave PK S1 pheno I called "Deadringer" around those cats because I always knew this is how they get down!lol I on the other hand am cut from a different cloth, that's why you don't see bunches of fools claimin to have this cut(atleast not for very long! Lol) This cut is closely guarded and because I accepted the cut with stipulations/restrictions I'll be damned if the ball gets dropped on my watch!
Thanks for coming out with this info tho' atleast a few of us now know who's NOT Keepin It 100!!!:wave:

Btw I hope you do finally have a O.G worth talkin about, jeez the strains only been out for 14 years! LMFAO
& Yes I know that you have some decent strains to play with, just look at your usual suspects thread 70% of those came down from me!!LMAO!


Okay, as GOD is my witness, I didn't get that cut from "the homies". I said it before, this is the last time I shall repeat it... And as for the low blows for strains, I found my own OG. SoCom is mine, got it? So what have we learned today class? AK didn't get the PK from the homies!!! So no, my cut wasn't the one stolen from your spot, lmao... 2ndly, how about growing more herb instead of talking about all the strains online??? What gratification do you get telling ppl that they don't have anything until you verify it??? I think you have the wrong approach.


Well thanks for confirming that, brilliant!

Well thanks for confirming that, brilliant!

Okay, as GOD is my witness, I didn't get that cut from "the homies". I said it before, this is the last time I shall repeat it... And as for the low blows for strains, I found my own OG. SoCom is mine, got it? So what have we learned today class? AK didn't get the PK from the homies!!! So no, my cut was the one stolen from your spot, lmao... 2ndly, how about growing more herb instead of talking about all the strains online??? What gratification do you get telling ppl that they don't have anything until you verify it??? I think you have the wrong approach.

Well you're just a wealth of knowledge today! Lol If I wouldve known all I had to do was ruffle a few feathers to get what I wanted to know for the past 2+ years confirmed I wouldve been jumped on you're cupcake ass!! You have no idea what you just started but then again you probably do and can't wait for me to clean up the "situation"! It's all good playboy, when did you say you want to get together again, definitely need to holla @ you and see what's so funny in person Lil guy




Hey AeroK aka "SNAKE", that is what "the homies" refer to you as, right? Lol While you're telling the class what "they learned today" you forgot some very important details! Why don't you fill the "CLASS" in on all of the "wonderful KARMA" the stolen cut you have possess'!!! Lol You found it "funny" that my OP got broken into while I was in Rice Street jail facing 10+! That's Real Cute! But damn SNAKE, you failed to mention to the "CLASS", that on the very first run with my Stolen Cuts & Stolen Equipment the POLICE Ran up in the spot and confiscated it all and the "Lickle Rob Boy" has Multiple Pending Felony Charges stemming from his FUCKERY!! LMFAO!!!! Now that's what I call FUNNY!!!

What's even FUNNIER(more funny!lol) is the fact that you think good things are gonna happen for you advertising to "THE CLASS" that you have absolutely ZERO DIGNITY/SCRUPLES!! Good Luck with that!

BTW, I never kept my moms/cuts accurately labeled, most of the time they were in recycled bags/pots that had several different strain names on each pot/bag!! I actually recognized my different strains by growth characteristics, even In Vegg!! So to think/know that you have the real deal remains to be seen! If you do have the real deal and not a PK S1 or PKSD, good 4 U!! WooHoo, You get to play with RUDEBOI'S Complete Line-UP from 2005!!! LMFAO!!! It's 2010 Bitch, just imagine what I have now!! LOL I guess you'll get a hold of these in what 2015 give or take a year!!! LMFAO

By all means please keep that stolen cut as the centerpiece of your Signature CannaExistence!! You've seen how the KARMA on that Cut did "Lil Homie", Just Imagine What I Has I Store 4 U!!! Keep on Fakin it till you make, SNAKE! That is what the "Homies" call U Right?