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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



it takes too long :D and im trying to take away the ones i like least the look of every day.

i jumped the nutes for seedlings up to 20/20 A+B - im in a hurry so need to know wich can handle higher nutes in veg or not.

got to take out about the middle of the seedlings this weekend. i can only aford to buy about 30 more pots - and then i will recycle what ever i got around that can be used as a pot. the idea is to fill the trays with pots before the flowering - but in good sized pots - and hope for as many females as possible. maybe i can keep a maximum of 40 seedlings to flowering. and on the side the rest of course :D

transplanted the SSH x PTK mom to a 40 liter container. now i hope it spreads out a bit. got to cut about 50 clones of it and then i got an other one revegging that will also give a few clones. i plan to take about 60 clones or more the coming weekend. also got to prepare the cloning shelves. or use the one i built already - but do an adition on the side of it for the clones i will take later of the seedlings i got growing now.

that will mean in about 4 weeks i will take clones of the seedlings i will sellect. either i just take aclone each before flowering - or i take the clones as soon as i see pre flowers. wich ever i feel like. its of little difference. these clones will become the keepers of this plantacion. i hope in best case to get about 10 females to continue evalueting later on. i plan only to keep the best smoke..

and the best looking male/males that will get thru the process :D

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i just finished planing the curtains i will make.

the problem is to make them not to move too much in the airflow of the vents etc. so i have to adjust weights or wellcro strips to them in the bottom.

i will build a wood frame suported by the light structure (wich definetly is strong enough) - there will be no corner poles etc - 2 sides will be mylar on the walls - and the 2 other will be curtains hanging down. atleast as far as i thought now. i will buy some B/W plastic to hang in the botom part of the mylar curtains - that will go down to the floor. if needed.



bought today equipment for building the frame for the mylar curtains. also did mayor part of the work of setting the frame up - also i connected the vent tubing and ventilation.

i didnt pick any more plants out today.. just want to see for a few days how they react to the 20/20 AB - the ones that dont like the nutes will have to go.

lets see tomorow wich i pick away :D

peace! :D


Hey man! looking good there, selection is going allright I see;=)
Picked up my homebox xl yesterday, I´ll install it later today. Cant wait to get some more flowerspace. My old flowercabinet has had a waterleakage in the bottom, so I´ll just have to rip it down. I was gonna use it for veg, but I´ll rather build a new one thats better constructed.

Keep up ya good work, I´m sitting here with an envelope full of beans, guess where theyre going tomorrow. A little holiday in spain perhaps lol!


hehe :D nice one :D

water leaks suck - both my trays got a few holes - but i think ive covered the most with duct tape from the underside :D

those trays just arent meant for stepping on hhehehe :D


just watered all my plants.. the big old ones are getting 35/35 per 10L and the seedlings and clones are on a 22,5-23/10L.

i realizad its only one of the trays thats leaking water - when im going to do the transplant ill have to try to dry the tray and fix it.

its not that much water that leaks out - and its ok - i got room to dry it with a towel - but id rather have it fixed if i can.

i got one problem that seems to get harder to solve :( hehe the plants seem all very healthy and they are all getting better looking. its time to transplant this week... so i can push it any longer ... i have to start selecting harder...

tonight i will do a re count of the plants.. and se exactly howmany i got left of each strain.. and then i can easier plan it a bit more.

luckilly i dont have to kill most of the plants i cant grow out since i can drop of a bunch to my mate. but as allways id rather grow them all out myself :D its going to get crazy in there soon :D

the astrofog clones and the ssh x ptk clones are the mayority starting to get in proper veg mode and hopefully in not too many weeks i can switch to flowering. im really just waiting for them since the plants from seed are now most getting ready to get thrown into 12/12 :D

alright, peace all :D

ill update later with the exact count of seedlings :D


i feel for ya bone, real difficult to select at this early stage, without knowing which are females it's a nearly impossible task. as you know often the fastest growing seedlings are exactly the ones who are male. so maybe go by root mass instead of plant mass??? just an idea, lol. pity you can't sex them all and then chose hey?

anyway good growings man, i'm sure it will turn out awesome. :wave:


yeah gaius . im definetly with u on that theory about the most fast growing beeing males - as far as i experienced they allways are. one more thing - they usually are a bit lankier - thinner - since they wont carry lots of weigth like the ladies :D

but still its messy hehe - there is a lot of strains, lots of crosses amd lots of variation - so im a bit afraid to pick away all sativa like phenos by misstake :D hehe

its all fun :D still havent gotten to count thru them hehe

i could allways switch to 12/12 for 2 weeks and then just keep all who show female preflowers :D

besides the most important keepers like the pure PTK, DC and special mix etc etc witch i will keep what ever happens :D

ono - thanx :D its new hehe


LOL very good point about the sativa phenos :D

hm....bit of problem hea? lol never even thought about that side of things.
but you do have the strains marked right? so you know that you are not getting rid of all of one strain etc? yeah i see you have markers on them, phiew lol.


hehe lol it would be funny to see someone try to keep track of this many strains and phenos without marking and numbering each one :D

im narrowing this down by taking away whole strains i have more seeds of. so today i separated a whole bunch :D 18 to be exact - still might put some of them back - :D if they change in the few next following days :D

i am more or less planning to transplant and put to flowering end of this week.. lets see about that :D



i forgot to say i cut of most of the undergrowth on the astrofog bushes. since its the tops that will produce.. i cut of a lot of the thinner branches in the bottom :D

since this one is a bit of a stretcher i hope it doenst get too tall hehe :D

the big ssh x ptk mom is growing slowly but steadilly. that one i wont touch untill this weekend when the time of chopping of two of the 4 main branches comes ...

the clones of astrofog handle high nutes without anyproblems - they are loving it and just going for it as quick as they can.. think some of them might get hidden away in the shadow ofthe others.. propably ill end up cutting that one of or something.

i got 4-5 rooted clones of ssh x ptk im going to give to my gf's brother as soon as possible... and 2 moms of the ssh x ptk i revegged will get completelly cut down as far as i know. dont see any reason to keep em after i cut down them for all the clones.. i got a 2-3 other i planned to keep as moms :D

also gotto say it seems the ssh x ptk doesnt like as high nutes as the other ones.. i will have to cut down on its nutes a bit... lets see in a few days :D

i gave today supervit to all seedlings and clones. the moms i forgot to give any hehe :D next watering :D

ah the count.. eh - about 60 - 70 left :D of the seedlings :D

also im considering to plant for example all 3-4 bogglegum i have in one big pot on the floor. - the same maybe with a few other strains that i have given second importance. there is still floor space - so im not worried about moving together a bunch in a few more 40 liter containers... got a bunch of those in the green house anyway so, should give use to a few :D i think i can fit in 3-4 more :D that way i can just group together a few on each of the same strain and see :D

for example 5 tall cascadias in one - etc :D this way i can group up phenos etc..

the list of strains left after my picking etc:

super G
x-18 x dc
dc x dc
special mix
johnny deep

and im doubting to keep: (they will get gifted to mates)
cheese x trainwreck
uzb./north india x banghi/nepalese.

im lucky i can see them grow in others grows.

i have more seeds of the land races - and id rather grown them outdoors anyway. im saving them for my greenhouse :D

also i picked out a few cas cascadias and sg's and also a few alibis im thinking of keeping or not..

still - the plants change so quickly so one that looked like a looser yesterday today is going 100% ok.. so hehehe im in for a good one in any case :D

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i have been told so - but hm it doesnt seem that yet - no smell and kind of lanky look.. but i was thinking about that too - if its a female id like to try it really :D

seems im going to end up with a lot of the plants.. and strains!

just group many of them together in huge containers and flower them as quick as possible, and hopefully have lots of females. im prepared to use smaller pots so i can fit more plants on the trays - but itd mean more work. but in the end it allways is worth it. the big cointainers go on the floor.

so im thinking of keeping the cheese x trainwreck (by some sources very good) and the Mental Floss - i have very few of them anyway :D they wont take too much space :D

i got 4 bogglegum im also thinking of grouping together in a big pot also.

im going to check up on the grow later tonight :D

peace all
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delighted to read the ptks are still going strong :D 5 i planted have germed too , last to wake up still to be transplanted .
peace mate



i started putting up the mylar today :D its awesome - love it. seems to reflect light visibly more than the b/w plastic.

tomorow i will put up the rest..

now i have done a count of pots.. i have enough to squeeze in 72 seedlings!!!!!! it will be tight and it will be hard work :D but its SOOOO worth it!! - next grow when i got the moms sorted it will be pimpin..

fun fun :

this week is the HUGE transplanting WEEK.. i need to transplant as many plants as possible in as short time as possible :D i will try to do them all in one day!

soak about 500 L of coco to have it prepared (about 10 x 50 L slabs) and then start filling up pots.

im delighted this way i can wait much further with selection :D -- phew! nice!

so think im going to keep most i have now

also got to start building a cloning area in our main bedroom - thank JAH for pacience in girlfriends..

got discount in the shop :D

will go back in a few days to pick up the coco and a hand full more of pots if i would run out of space..

peace all !

tomorow i will separate the ones i wont keep. its not gonna be that many. yohooo!! hehe and on top seems im not going to need to buy any at all! i just had forgotten about how many pots we really have!

the fact is there still is about 4 x 25 liter ones and one 40 liter one left at the green house. also still got lotts of mini pots there - i also had forgotten about them hehe..

thats the punishment for spreading thing out and beeing too stone dto remember :D

CT and MF are back on the list of wanted ones :D

peace.. hope to put to flower in about 16 days or so..

nows its looking like this..

this is the ballast and the vent close to each other.. u see i cut a hole in the mylar around the ballast - not to over heat it - good to have some air flow there.

now plants.. in the first pic u see the curtain in some way - its the back wall with mylar and then the B/W thick film in the bottom. im a bit surprised with how TRANSPARENT really mylar is.. did i get ripped off?

ssh x ptk on the left and u can maybe see a bit of the astrofog clones.. wich i will have to lift up a bit so they wont have to spend too much energy stretching. darn these buggers like nutes. im going to give them 25/25 next time (the same as for the seedlings)

but i will keep giving the SSH x PTK clones a bit less. they just dont veg too much untill pre-flowering - its a really tight internodal plant with full on indica way of growth in veg - but switches to sativa mode 50% in flowering - a bit of stretch but huge solid buds :D

in the foreground there is the seedlings :D


the ones going to my friend - + maybe an other few.. :D maybe - still not sure about witch to give.. away hehe

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