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Product Review - Fans


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The format:
Basically I would like this to be a place primarily for product reviews that apply to the header/title. Questions can be asked about products as well to hopefully bring out some ones experiences with it.

When making a product review please try to keep to the format below:


Model # -

Product Details - (CMF rating, size, GPH, ect)

Price you paid and/or Suggested place for purchase

Overall grade - (1-10; with 1 being so bad you don't even recomend to your enemy and 10 being so great even yo mama should have 2 of them)

[insert pict here if available]

Personal Review: (any other info about the product and your experience. Please touch on: Performace, Noise factor & value)


Active member
Product Review - Fans

Ok I'll go first

Manufacture- Dayton

Model # - ? its a squirl cage pole blower style

Product Details - 256CFM

Price you paid and/or Suggested place for purchase - I think I paid $150 for it like 6 or 7 years ago at a local shop.

Overall grade(1-10) - I give it a 6 to 7

Personal Review: I have had this thing going 24/7 for years its a tank. Not the quitest thing but that's what silencers, carbon filters adn ambient noise is for.
It has handled my 400 watt cab ok for as long as I have had it. However for the extra $60-80 I would get a 6" elipse 630CFM or 6" Vortex 449CFM with a speed controller. That of course is hindsite. However for the budget minded grower this is a great fan.


Active member
Ok so I already have a question. Really the reason I started this.
does anyone run these fans?

Eclipse CK Series Circular Inline Duct Fans
Eclipse Fan 6" / 630 CFM
Price: $205.95

That CFM for the price in a 6" is rediculous!!! I was thinking about a vortex 449 but add a speed controller and this thing should be more than enough for up to 800+ watts in my 3x2 cab. Caligreen already does 800 in that size wtih a 449. What do you think?


Active member
Ok well since there now seems to be an area for the reviews which is good to know. Just need to know if any one has used the fan in question

Eclipse CK Series Circular Inline Duct Fans
Eclipse Fan 6" / 630 CFM
Price: $205.95

is it loud? Or louder than a dayton 256? I really want to get rid of the dayton and unless a few people say that this fan is a no go it looks like its the best bang for the buck.


Active member
Nice find Messn! That is some of the info I would like to see come out of these or the new area which is really hiden from the rest of the site and don't really think will live to its full potential with out some sticky thread about where to find it. LOL

$20 plus free shipping cheeper!

Have you seen any reviews of heard anything about them? I know the brand has a good rep so im sure they are solid fans.

Guest 18340

I am not affiliated with these people in any way. But, when I can scrape the money together I plan on getting it here, $185 and change free shipping.

Hydroponic Gardens and Supply 6” Eclipse

Namaste, mess

Imo, Vortex is thee best fan out there. And you can get a 6" 449 cfm Vortex for cheaper than that 6"eclipse, just google "vortex 6" fan. Also, the Vortex has a 10 year warranty, as opposed to a 5 years warranty on the Eclipse.
Though, to be honest, I've never heard anyone complaining about an Eclipse fan.


Nice find Messn! That is some of the info I would like to see come out of these or the new area which is really hiden from the rest of the site and don't really think will live to its full potential with out some sticky thread about where to find it. LOL

$20 plus free shipping cheeper!

Have you seen any reviews of heard anything about them? I know the brand has a good rep so im sure they are solid fans.

lol...I suppose there is some benefit to a recession.

At any rate, I have seen a lot of people say mostly good things about the major brands (Eclipse, Vortex, Fantech, S&P, etc.), but I only have experience with the Stanley Blower. Right now, I have two 250w CMH's and I am uncertain whether to add another 250w or a 400w to my little 2'x4' closet. But, I don't think the Stanley will be able to handle the additional load. Although stealth is an issue, it is not a high priority with me, but I wanted to get something bigger for expansion later. In either case, I will be using a Variac type transformer for speed control.

Evlme2, yeah, Vortex makes a very good fan from what I hear. But, I wanted to get as powerful a 6" fan as I could for the money and at about 180 additional CFM of flow at 1.1 amps, it is about as good as I can get, for the money.

Namaste, mess

Guest 18340

Maybe i'm missing something but the 6" Eclipse in the link you posted is rated at 440 cfm. The Vortex 6" is 449 cfm. Basically the same cfm rating.
Either one will do though.
BTW, i have a the 6" vortex and its not as loud as some people make it out to be.


Maybe i'm missing something but the 6" Eclipse in the link you posted is rated at 440 cfm. The Vortex 6" is 449 cfm. Basically the same cfm rating.
Either one will do though.
BTW, i have a the 6" vortex and its not as loud as some people make it out to be.

I just double-checked and they have it rated at 630 CFM. It is listed just after the Dayton's and just before the Vortex's, towards the bottom of the page.

Hope this clears up any misunderstanding a bit.

That is good to know about the noise levels of the Vortex. They make a good product as far as I know. But, even though it is a concern, I don't worry all that much about stealth either. Still, I plan on using a power transformer as I don't figure I'll need full power and it will give me that extra margin of error to work with. Overkill? Maybe, but I would rather have too much fan and tone it down rather than have too little fan (or just barely enough) and need to upgrade again.

Namaste, mess


Active member
Messn I currently grow in a 2x3x6 cab with a 400w HPS and about 100 true watts (actual power consumption) CFLs and my 256 dayton has handled that ok for the last few years. I'm actually thinking of putting a 150-250watt CMH in my cab along with my 400w HPS once I upgrade my fan. I'm sure your cab could handle another 250w easily with either fan vortex or eclipse and bet that you could put that 400 in there snuggled between the 2 250's and still make it work depending on your ambient temps.

Guest 18340

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I was looking at the 6" in the middle of the page, lol.
I agree, better too big a fan and tone it down than not big enough.
Thats a pretty good deal on such a high cfm fan, let alone for a name brand such as Eclipse.


Active member
IC now has a new area for reviews, including product reviews. It can be found by clicking 'Site Menu' then 'Vendor Reviews' :smoke:


This is not very good. I posted this very same review in there weeks ago and it still is not up. A mod has to look it over and then put it up if they feel like it is worthy or censor it if they want....You can not ask questions in there either unless its on a topic that is already reviewed and posted. So far that is one bulb review. While I think the idea is a good one, I think that it needs more member participation and access for it to really be as good as it could.

I would still like this to continue and if your report is official or good enough perhaps the mods can put it in to the product reviews from here as more of the final review and this can be a disscussion and review.

Please continue to post your fan reviews here so that the general public can see them the day you posted with out having it be reviewed by admin first before it is posted.

I hope that this does help people in th future.

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