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TDS question?


TDS question
i have TDS 3 meter made by HM Digital
tested my water (well) it reads 472 (before adding any nutes)
the meter says it comes calibrated @342
HM Digital products are calibrated with a 342 PPM NaCl solution
does this mean im realy @ 814 ppm ?
im trying to figure this meter out , but im lost as where to have a baseline
to start
thank to all.......... :bashhead:

also im lost as to when i add my Floranova Grow do i subtract my
well water reading and that would be my TDS or is that combined with the water reading?
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The meter is calibrated and from that it figures out where zero is. So, that would mean your water is 472 ppm. Either way, whether it's 472 or 814, that's some disgusting water and should not be used on plants. Way too hard and probably full of NaCl, which is devastating to plants. Go to your water company's website and look for a water quality report, that should tell you more.


wygram said:
The meter is calibrated and from that it figures out where zero is. So, that would mean your water is 472 ppm. Either way, whether it's 472 or 814, that's some disgusting water and should not be used on plants. Way too hard and probably full of NaCl, which is devastating to plants. Go to your water company's website and look for a water quality report, that should tell you more.

ok i dont have a water company............this is out of my well..........
ok any advise as how to clear my water to have good ppm ?
other than buying distilled water or buying RO filters ?
thanks again
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well water, i don't see any other option besides a filter or buying water, which is not cost/time effective.

Maybe a cheap brita filter would help and be cheaper then a RO?


A Brita will not lower your ppm enough to make the water usable. When I Brita my water it drops by only 0.06 EC, which is about 30 ppm (@500 conversion) or 42 (@700 conversion), not nearly enough for your needs. Take a look at this. It's a cheap alternative to a RO filter, which with your high ppms would end up costing a fortune for replacements and the amount of waste water is also an environmentally unfriendly idea.


bajasauce said:
well water, i don't see any other option besides a filter or buying water, which is not cost/time effective.

Maybe a cheap brita filter would help and be cheaper then a RO?
yeah looks like ill be makeing a trip to lowes or home depot..........


bump <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
any other ideas on the ppm well water vs ppm nutes
combined or subtract well ppms from total ppms ?


My tap water is around 400, will get a ro soon but hasn't been an issue yet.


ok something strange going on had my ph @ 6.0
went out this morning and its back up to 7.6
hate to keep adding ph down because it prob has salt base....any word
why this big change..........thanks


your water is extremly hard, which causes the ph to go up wildly, you can try & compensate by dumpng huge amounts of acid, but this is going to cause nute lockout problems.

best thing to do is to get an ro filter if you have a 400w or bigger, or you can use 1 of those splotless car wash filter thingys for a small grow.
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i use on of those mr clean filters and my 650 ppm tap water goes down to 13 ppms! completely usable. but it only filters about 20 gallons with water as hard as mine. but still cheaper then buying it by the bottle!


my water is friggin hard that the mr clean filter can only filter 5 gallons of water before the ppms get over 100!!!
fuck my tap water :cuss:


salgjkhaf said:
i use on of those mr clean filters and my 650 ppm tap water goes down to 13 ppms! completely usable. but it only filters about 20 gallons with water as hard as mine. but still cheaper then buying it by the bottle!
used the mr clean filter and water is @ 96 ppm and ph of 6.6
got so far 12 gal. but its slowing down............
im letting the plants flush with clear water for a couple of day before adding nutes back?......hope thats ok...?


my ro filter has been putting out 120ppm lately.... i want to replace it for myself cause i drink off it, but otherwise the plants dont seem any different. i think over 200ppm basewater and you start seeing problems...