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Working/Living in Amsterdam


Well, I'm in a transitional phase of my life, and I'm thinking of moving out to the Netherlands. Ideally, I would like to come out a few days before this year's 4/20 cup and volunteer to help out with, well, whatever they might need volunteers for :). I'd like to stay after the cup as well, but I'd need to line up a job and a place to sleep. I'd like to find a job in the Cannbis industry, and eventually work with the growers and breeders over there. If there are breeders/growers in any other part of the world I'd consider moving just about anywhwere. If anyone can help me out, PM me :D


Thanks, I'm just dreaming at this point I suppose. I was hoping to get work 'under the table', since I'm not a business professional, and don't make much money anyway. I thought if I came out for the out-door season I could help a grower/breeder. There's a lot of manual labor that needs to be done by someone who cares about what they're doing and can follow directions. I was thinking I would help tend or trim plants, sort out seeds, that sort of thing, and in exchange, I'd be able to learn a lot from the person I'm working for and would get to spend four or five months in Amsterdam. After the season, hopefully there would be more work.

I know there are a lot of threads on here about this sort of thing, what I was hoping was that someone had seen my grows and posts and based on that would be more likely to offer me a chance than some random person :D.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I guess thats one advantage of being in the EU(about the only one as i can see)
Maybe i could set myself up as a prostitute lol, specializing in cunilngus...(who knows, maybe theres a market for skinny-assed scruffy hippy whiteboy cock among the dutch and tourist women lol)
Seriously though male hookers r legal too just not as open like women lol
My cousin worked in holaand for a couple of years or so(not as a hooker lol) She did the typical british thing in holland-packing bulbs, our house was full of fucking tulips in glass pots, and amyrillis, arum lillies and all klinds of bulb plants...
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sir, you have heard of the red lights so surely you also know about the blue lights? these are the locations :jump: that offer work to men with talent.



Active member
how much easier is it if your in the eu? I just bought a farm in eastern europe. America can kiss my ass!!!! Ive had enough.


There are jobs in horti and farming it's just that you will have to make friends and wonder around for some time and that takes some cash, patience. Wages aren't big for the type of job which will most likely be on the hard side but you will manage. Save some money, get a place to stay and be respnsible, positive and openminded and you will be victorious. Visa dificulties is not something that should discourage you. And one more advice I'd give you is if you wont to work in horti get professionaly educated, even an online learned certificate in horti/hydro is a of help. Cheers!


learn dutch, try to get accepted to a dutch college and get a student visa. There are also dutch school that teach in english. Check out Maastricht, it's the capital of the southern most "state" of the netherlands. I spent many days there. They have about 10-15 coffee shops and great food. Lots of Belgians though ;)

Any way Maastricht has a english speaking college that is very popular for americans. Mostly rich white american kids of course. I've been trying to move to holland, for awhile now. You need to be a upper level business man with a good company with an office in holland and kiss alot of ass. You can be a student and try to find work on the side of school. You can marry a dutch lady, won't work for me. or just be rich.

To get a resident visa to stay in holland you need to take dutch culture and language classes and pass some tests and have employment it's alot of work. If you've ever heard the dutch language you know it's not an easy one to learn.

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