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Schwag beaners


Active member
How good are schwag beans? I know a ton of THC degrades because of bricking and the trichomes breaking. I also know having seeds lowers potency and no one will convince me otherwise. So these can get to be pretty kick ass plants. You buy a few 20 bags and you have variety right there.

Im just wondering about mold, how resistant are they? People also say the flowering time is long, but I wonder if this applies to all mexischwag plants.


Active member
the biggest problem u will have is high hermaphrodite rate. there fore u will have lots of crap seeds. not to mention the smoke will taste like shit, just like the bag u probably got them from


Some bagseed can be excellent.

Most however is a risky investment of time, soil, nutes and discovery... Was the daddy of the seed a hermi? Maybe it was wispy runt that spurted a few bananas? Maybe the males weren't culled at all in the grow and open pollenation occured to drive up the weight of the buds with seeds... With schwag beans, months of time can be wasted...

Schwag beaners = Schwag plants 90% of the time- certain landrace 'schwag' may have just been poorly cured/stored and the plants grown from seed can be excellent...

May I direct you to SBay- there are some genetic bargains there in the $20 to $50 range...
ive grown bagseed so many times, its just more economical. look for weed that gets you pretty high but looks like shit. i take that as if i grow it and tend to it and dry/cure it, it will be 10x the bud that it came from


yes mexi will come out way better, you sound like me, i'd get a quarter everyweek, always something different and collected all theses seeds, everyplant seemed to be different , all of them would get you high , some more than others. it is nice to have a variety also. i made crosses of my bagseeds, bagseed x bagseed and they frickin smoked the originals, read up and make some seeds from the plants you like. dj's got good info and so does sam the skunkman, good weed id to be had with mexi seeds


I recomend bagseed i got one of the best plants from bagseed. It is mold resistant, pest resistant, and can take a freaking beating and go on like no other. We have put this plant through hell and back and it still is freaking amazing. It is a nice sativa dominant hybrid that has a really nice fruity taste and not sure what the high is like when fully matured but before we cloned it we picked off the buds, they were about 3-4 weeks in and my friend told me (who use to smoke a qp a week) that it was the trippiest high he has ever had.


dkmonk said:
I recomend bagseed i got one of the best plants from bagseed. It is mold resistant, pest resistant, and can take a freaking beating and go on like no other. We have put this plant through hell and back and it still is freaking amazing. It is a nice sativa dominant hybrid that has a really nice fruity taste and not sure what the high is like when fully matured but before we cloned it we picked off the buds, they were about 3-4 weeks in and my friend told me (who use to smoke a qp a week) that it was the trippiest high he has ever had.

Pre-matured flowers can give a damn good high. Last year, I put a grand daddy purple out 4/11/08 and it started re-vegging so I picked off all the premature flowers and rolled it into a fat blunt and it gave me a crazy energetic high that had me wrestling with my kids, cleaning up the house, and basically ahd me inspired.


Active member
bag seed can give you good weed, or it can give you herms, or shitty plants. you just NEVER KNOW where it came from.

Vol Funk

Bagseeds can be really good.

Just try not to use seeds that came from seedy/stemy weed. Get it from high-mids.


I tried out some good mid grade mexi about 5 years ago--plant grew vigorously, but ended being too leafy for my tastes. Also was new school mexi, definatly not pure sativa.

Also recently had some brown weed in Honduras that looked like crap and tasted like crap but had a classic tropical sativa effect and somewhat strong too--good for snorkeling!

Ajunta Pall

If people are bitchin' about the flowering time taking longer then obviously it is a sativa or a sativa cross. The people you're talking to just don't know what the hell they're talking about. Mold resistance and all that hype's bullshit. Like it doesn't rain down in Mexico, and nor is it humid. Growing in conditions that promote mold will increase you chances for mold. Peroid. The same is true for drying. There are plants breeders sell that are way more susceptible to mold versus bagseed.
it take like 4 months from seed to finish...thats a long time!!!
go pick up some good genetics from nirvana or mandala, its cheap and way better.

I used scwag seeds once, it was a waste of time. I got 1 nice as hell one out of it the rest sucked, and btw, 4 out 5 were hermies...

save the effort and time on the schwag, buy good(cheap) seeds