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Prices in Japan?



Sincere Apology to All Deeply offended people.
Now America please Apology for Murder of Japanese.
Its Not so hard. Just Do it.

JapanFreakier so sorry to intervene into your Forum,Please forgive my humble intrusion and respect that if we shall ever cross paths again you will not know.


Dont they have the worlds most expensive beef over there?Kobe?The cows are massaged and given the best treatment ever to make the beef perfect?But its super expensive,cant remember how much they charged for a kilo of Kobe beef but it was pocket-emptying prices.
I actually Had an Interest in Japanese Culture.
Hey ddrew its all cool.Some Japanese guys would be able to live off a 400w grow you were probably right. taking another point of view.
Hey you guys never seen Nugs like these here let me roll up one of these little suckers.


Active member
I actually Had an Interest in Japanese Culture.
Hey ddrew its all cool.Some Japanese guys would be able to live off a 400w grow you were probably right. taking another point of view.
Hey you guys never seen Nugs like these here let me roll up one of these little suckers.


Where's the nug pics?


Active member
Now if you go way up a mountain where the roads are cut off in the winter you can cheap places with land, shacks for like 20k.

There are also some ghost towns with plenty of land but no services.

Just saw a beautiful log cabin for 50k in Nagano. An outdoor guy could make a killing.

that sounds... amazing.


FWIW, you totally get my apologies for the A-bomb. I'm sure others will raise their defenses and excuses, but the atom bomb was some seriously evil karma, enabled by the same racism that lead to the demise of so many jews during the era. I am sorry it happened. Japan gets deepest apologies from this Americajin.

I hope the recent election results bring some good fortune to Japan.


Active member
People are positive here about the election. The DPJ have some promises to keep but the one that is really important to me is there stance for pacifism. People in the States only hear about North Korea but what they don't understand is that Japan is also in the middle of an Arms race fueled by fear. Japan's army is bigger than Britain's and we have an aircraft carrier (they call it something different to stay within the constitution). How fucked up is that?

The old party was real tight with America, many of who were put into power with American CIA money. Now is the time for Japan to distance itself from this arms race which is hurting Asia.


Active member
never less than 50 a G, and rarely that good. i have never smoked in Japan even though i smoke everyday here in the states. my friend says hes smoked a couple times out there, he knows this ballin Japanese rapper who rolls around with a quarter ounce on him at all times.


Active member
You know they would do some amazing things with it. Just about everything over here tastes better, the veggies the meat the rice. Citrus fruits and their juices are the only thing that taste better to me in the states. Their thinking is pretty straight forward, they don't have enough land to not make everything the best it can be. Only problem is you end up with apples that cost $3 a piece and hundred dollars melons.

shit as a kid i used to spoil myself with those 6 dollar giant white peaches. haha shit is expensive out there. usually i just stick to 300 yen MOS burgers, i usually get like 2 or 3. The ramen places are nice too like Yoshinoya. Hands down my favorite place is Tonki in Meguro i think, that place has the best tonkatsu ive ever had. man i fuckin miss Tokyo, its been 3 years since my last visit.


Active member
FWIW, you totally get my apologies for the A-bomb. I'm sure others will raise their defenses and excuses, but the atom bomb was some seriously evil karma, enabled by the same racism that lead to the demise of so many jews during the era. I am sorry it happened. Japan gets deepest apologies from this Americajin.
The "bomb" saved thousands of American lives. Had we been forced to invade it would have been a blood bath. Far more Japanese would have also died. No apologies from this Americajin.

So what would your plan have been?


Because a submarine blockade of an island nation was proving futile?
Because the Soviets entering war was of little concern to the Japanese?

Was the A-bomb an act of terrorism against the looming threat of Communism (General MacArthur was keen to fight the Soviets next)?

Politically, how many average Americans of that time were repulsed by the civilian casualties? How many felt it a racial baptism?

THREE days between Little Boy and Fat Man.
Like Frito Lays - one just isn't enough - and radiation is a gift that keeps on giving.


Active member
The "bomb" saved thousands of American lives. Had we been forced to invade it would have been a blood bath. Far more Japanese would have also died. No apologies from this Americajin.

So what would your plan have been?

Dude, not only do we not want an apology from you, I feel more sorry for you because you obviously are an idiot and proud of it. I'm not interested in educating you, nor do I think anybody else is here.

Let's just take a minute and laugh together at your uneducated ass :laughing:
Ok that was good.


There is a really good tonkatsu place near me, their hirekatsu are amazing.

Love Tonkatsu

What is Hirekatsu ? ... pork what ?

Was away for a month ... recently back

Getting ready .. and looking forward ... to head your way very soon

Its all GREAT


Donald Mallard

el duck
A good steak in the market is about $30 for a domestic sirloin which would be kid's size in the states and about half that for Aussie beef which tastes like crap. I'm sure that Australian ranchers do the same thing that American ranchers did before Japan stopped importing American beef because of the BSE scare and that's to give them the lower grade beef and keep the best for home.

Because of the price most people buy a 50/50 pork/beef mix for the burgers and such. 100% ground beef is very expensive as well.
Nope the stuff we get at home is definately second grade, i always liked the export stuff that i saw in other countries in comparison to what we get at home .. Try some New Zealand beef , its pretty good like the aussie stuff .


Active member
Love Tonkatsu

What is Hirekatsu ? ... pork what ?

Was away for a month ... recently back

Getting ready .. and looking forward ... to head your way very soon

Its all GREAT


Hirecuts is a fillet, the cut of the meat. It's a better grade then the regular ton-katsu. I like hirekatsu more than ton-katsu as well, less fat on them.


Active member
Nope the stuff we get at home is definately second grade, i always liked the export stuff that i saw in other countries in comparison to what we get at home .. Try some New Zealand beef , its pretty good like the aussie stuff .

Are you shitting me? I remember seeing a tv show about American beef and how they were using steroids on them for the stuff going to Japan even though it wasn't legal for meat sold in the States.
Just assume it was the same everywhere, guess Auzzie farmers have more class.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Well i hope so japanfreakier ,, the price you guys are paying you certainly deserve to be getting a good steak .


New member

You seem well informed of the culture and ways of the bud in your country, do you have any advice for a gaijin. My friend said it would be very profitable to do an op out there but I'm worried about rent, electrical, water, and equipment costs. How much is electricity? About how much is rent for a 2000sf home? Are there any hydro stores that sell GH or Advanced? Home depots out there? And lastly, you think purple would sell for $80/g? Thanks Bro