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Prices in Japan?


Active member
I thought Roger had some valid information that you flicked over there DD.

And what was that?
If I had been talking about an American going there then yes, all valid.
But I wasn't.
But he directs his post at me like I'm a moron who is packing a suitcase with weed, and buying a ticket to Japan.


Active member
A Japanese guy, who was born in Japan, went to school there, lived there his whole life.
That guy^^^^ which is what I meant the whole time, could make a decent living off a little closet grow(1/2lb every 2 months) selling grams for $50 to the people he knows.

Roger appears to be talking about how to live in Japan as an American and be respected. Who cares?
Not the subject of the thread.

All right, I reread the original post and it is kind of the subject after all, (sailing a boatfull and getting rich)
In that case, yes, no American is going to last long with his boat full of weed in a strange country.
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I never mean to come off sounding like a Stain. its just this high end education i received as a schoolboy.I really like IC and this site is great and im like everyone else- We seem to take advice as a Hard line and go anti.Next day in a different light its not so bad. Thanks for manning up and taking the Ego Challenge now everybody wins.


Active member
So you would last a few days out of the Street selling to Strangers who all look the same. You would be able to tell a Cop from a Punter looking for some fun. See you in about 15-20 years Dude.
You teach English and make an honest living and the nightlife oh you would be like a movie star due to your unique western Self.

Do right and you will be respected.
The Japanese are not going to be impressed by a street dealing foreigner.

You sound like somebody who has never been to Japan. Seriously, if you don't know what you're talking about why say anything?

selling to Strangers who all look the same.

Are you retarded or something? all look the same? Seriously dude, that's some real ignorant shit right there.


Active member
A Japanese guy, who was born in Japan, went to school there, lived there his whole life.
That guy^^^^ which is what I meant the whole time, could make a decent living off a little closet grow(1/2lb every 2 months) selling grams for $50 to the people he knows.

Roger appears to be talking about how to live in Japan as an American and be respected. Who cares?
Not the subject of the thread.

All right, I reread the original post and it is kind of the subject after all, (sailing a boatfull and getting rich)
In that case, yes, no American is going to last long with his boat full of weed in a strange country.

I know of several western growers besides myself who make a decent living doing exactly like you say, with small closet grows. If somebody goes this root they can always sell directly to the yakuza just like people in the west might sell to bikers. There is also a strong foreign community and believe me everybody wants good grass. Growers don't have to sell on the street period.


Active member
Dude if you want to troll you got to bring your game up. You're more than welcomed to show off your racist ignorant self here, hopefully it's just a 'character' you're playing because if it's for real, that's just sad.
What about you all looking the same? oh grow out of it man you are Kidding or there`s a communication breakdown a misunderstanding in humour or your are just plain offended at anything. So you say shut up Round Eye@me ! its not Hiroshima. Don`t get the samurai sword out too easily.

Is everyone over there like you?

Let`s move on. Wish i never bothered to with you.Even though you started and called me retarded etc its cool. See ya. Freakier.


Active member
I see, you expected to come into the Japan forum and say some really inspired ignorant shit and have us laugh with you?

Am I offended by your ignorance? Sure I am, but it doesn't bother me because it's not so rare unfortunately but I don't excuse it, I'd rather tell you it's not cool and your info and assumptions about Japan are dead wrong so really, go make a fool of yourself somewhere else.

danny karey

Actually you started it Roger with your Rascist comment..........everybody looks the same.

That was a retarded thing to say, and buddy was right to call you on it, I hate rascists personally, scum of the earth.

Than you say you were joking, didn't sound like a joke to me, than you got the nerve to say it must be a communication problem.. Id say you have down-syndrom for sure dude.

You owe some apologise, to every single person on this site from Japan...

Your one ignorant ass hat man, grow the fuck up.



Not to discount the whole racism thing, but holy shit! 2k for an ounce of weed eh? That's really something.

I spent two weeks in Japan when I was in my late teens, one week in Tokyo, and one in Osaka, I never saw pot the whole time I was there and I hung out with mostly teenagers. I never brought it up because I didn't want to look like a dope head American. I never realized how harsh the laws were against it.

One thing I do remember was how amazing the horticulture was there. Just incredible flowers I've never seen since. I'm talking meticulous work. I would have to say that if the laws weren't so strict, Japan could pump out some really incredible buds. Although unlikely, if the laws were to change, I'd move there in a second, it was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited.


Active member
One thing I do remember was how amazing the horticulture was there. Just incredible flowers I've never seen since. I'm talking meticulous work. I would have to say that if the laws weren't so strict, Japan could pump out some really incredible buds. Although unlikely, if the laws were to change, I'd move there in a second, it was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited.

It would be off the hook! The Japanese take their art seriously. If a cali-style, widespread grow scene were to emerge, it would be totally insane.


Active member
You know they would do some amazing things with it. Just about everything over here tastes better, the veggies the meat the rice. Citrus fruits and their juices are the only thing that taste better to me in the states. Their thinking is pretty straight forward, they don't have enough land to not make everything the best it can be. Only problem is you end up with apples that cost $3 a piece and hundred dollars melons.


Active member
A good steak in the market is about $30 for a domestic sirloin which would be kid's size in the states and about half that for Aussie beef which tastes like crap. I'm sure that Australian ranchers do the same thing that American ranchers did before Japan stopped importing American beef because of the BSE scare and that's to give them the lower grade beef and keep the best for home.

Because of the price most people buy a 50/50 pork/beef mix for the burgers and such. 100% ground beef is very expensive as well.


Active member
What does a simple house in the countryside cost? What would it cost to rent? Are rice and fish as expensive as meat and veggies? Are there staple veggies that cost much less? If you'd rather I pissed off to the library to get a guide book, I won't be offended. :)


Active member
A simple house about 100k for a family sized home on a piece of land not much bigger than the home. The thing about Japan is that theres not much usable land to built homes on, so even in the country side your neighbors are pretty close. Now if you go way up a mountain where the roads are cut off in the winter you can cheap places with land, shacks for like 20k.

There are also some ghost towns with plenty of land but no services.

Just saw a beautiful log cabin for 50k in Nagano. An outdoor guy could make a killing.


Bruce Lee was cool though. Jacki Chan and him are Chinese.That guy from karate Kid and Happy days about it really for world know Japanese.