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Price inflation


Well-known member
He just chaperone his daughter.




Well-known member
As you can see there is quite a disparity between states. How do you make them all the same so everyone has the same living wage?

i don't want them all to be the same although $15/hr would be a start. a living wage in NYC is different than a living wage in rural Indiana wouldn't you agree? it should be based on cost of living and tied to inflation. current wages do not keep pace with inflation OR worker productivity.


Well-known member
they have just raised minimum wages over here this year but prices (eg postage, groceries etc) went right up. Even before the new minimum wage paycheck was handed out! The reason for this? Weeell wages are up so we put the prices up. Not allowing people to live a little better but actually worse. Wankers!

this should be considered a form of price fixing and should be illegal. fact of the matter is here in the US, cost of goods routinely go up while wages have quite literally stagnated since the 1970's. in other words, they're going to raise the prices regardless. this is what happens when industries are so consolidated in their power that theyre able to not only influence but control governmental policy over public will.


Active member
that shit is HOT! what if a socialist liberal commie barista threw it on him? he has to be able to defend himself from articulate women with tatts...🤣

Dudes obviously a liberal grabbing one last Starbucks before he ships out to fight in Ukraine.


Well-known member
Dudes obviously a liberal grabbing one last Starbucks before he ships out to fight in Ukraine.

yeah, the total lack of hair is a dead giveaway... 🤣 local cops get haircuts like that. what little hair they have is an oval the size & shape of a bar of soap. LOL!


Well-known member
this should be considered a form of price fixing and should be illegal. fact of the matter is here in the US, cost of goods routinely go up while wages have quite literally stagnated since the 1970's. in other words, they're going to raise the prices regardless. this is what happens when industries are so consolidated in their power that theyre able to not only influence but control governmental policy over public will.

yeah, different countries, same practices, same problems :(


Well-known member
Minimum wage is the bottom. Minimum wage workers have no right to a home, insurance, electric bills, groceries or respect because they have minimum wage jobs and they are minimum wage workers. They need to work harder at their 'full time' job that promises 30 hours a week. 40 hour weeks are just too expensive for the slave owner.

Three Berries

Active member
Lobbying has given control of the government to these industries. It’s disgusting.

Government unions are strangulating Illinois. They are trying to pass Constitutional Amendment for permeant protection. The Prevailing Wage laws are an example of the disparity between the high living cost in Chicago compared to very poor rural counties. Where the local governments are forced to pay the high city wages. So the taxpayer gets screwed with both higher labor cost and less actual work done. Then they pass lowest bid laws and really compound the problem.

Government is not the one to manage the economy unless you want a disaster.

Got Gold?

Three Berries

Active member
Minimum wage is the bottom. Minimum wage workers have no right to a home, insurance, electric bills, groceries or respect because they have minimum wage jobs and they are minimum wage workers. They need to work harder at their 'full time' job that promises 30 hours a week. 40 hour weeks are just too expensive for the slave owner.

If they were slaves they would be working a lot more. And it's not what you make but what you spend. I've seen a few people make 6 figure money and go bankrupt. I've seen people who cannot turn down overtime even working +80 hours a week. You are worth what you do but must be responsible for what you spend. It's government policy that drives inflation, And you can't fix that with more government price fixing follies.