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Preview of my pl-l micro closet.


He he.. I'm still here. :)

I am stoned, the smoke of this great white shark is very potent and is tasting quite good. I've started smoking some of it already though I still have some leftover outdoors. Can't help myself :D

I've got something almost ready, you will have to wait and see ;) I'm expecting 3 deliveries of toys early in the week, I hope to get the thread up and running before I go on vacation.
The cab is in for a major update :)

330w of pl-l emit more total heat than a 250w hps, but pl-l emits the heat at a lower temperature making for less IR radiation.


Glad you are enjoying your buds, i'm stoned too.. hashhhh! :D are these toys, LED panels??

I think i would have a big problem using 330W of pl-l here, the temps never get lower then 15C (winter) with the average temperature being 27C getting to 45C in summer. and it's very humid too, all year! will experiment with 220W first too see how it will go. if it's cooler then de 250W HPS it's good!

anyways, i'm looking foward to the next grow!

be good!


New member
what do you guys do for a living? phd scientists? it's obvious ur not doing this for profit, do you like growing year round? awesome thread


Hey cocageo. Sorry for the wait. I've been on vacation. :)

Only grow to support our own use. I have a lot of fun when designing my cabs, it's like advanced Lego toy for adults. No other reasons :)


No it was just the last parts for the aero system, the cooler and the the bio-reservoir. I like to think about my plans for a long time:thinking:

Right now my plan is to use some of my old music equipment to control the LED circadian based light variation. :D
I have a midi to CV-gate converter and a sequencer. CV-gate is used to control old fashioned synths by using a control voltage of +/-5Volts to assign the note. Then I should be able to work the dimmers from Cubase ;)

I have just started on the builds again, and popped the seeds for my new mums. I should have something finished to show in the middle of the next week.



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Brother pedro, waiting patiently to see what you crank out next bro. Hope your not too cold mate.

Peace and Gardening.


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha that's so cool. Cubase, lol :dance013: You coud use different tracks to control different cabs, or flip flops, or fan speeds, or all kinds of nerdy stuff :biggrin: I'm just wondering if computer crashes would screw it up though. I heard hardware midi players are more crash-proof if that helps. Welcome back, pedro.


Haha that's so cool. Cubase, lol :dance013: You COD use different tracks to control different cabs, or flip flops, or fan speeds, or all kinds of nerdy stuff :biggrin: I'm just wondering if computer crashes would screw it up though. I heard hardware midi players are more crash-proof if that helps. Welcome back, pedro.

I've thought about the crash issue.:dunno:

I have an Akai mpc2000, an old Roland thing and a Doepfer MAQ16/3 I may try out.
The Kenton box can convert midi control messages into CV as well. It's used when you remote filters on the old modular synths.
I like the interface of the computer though, nothing beats the control of a value by drawing a line. Somewhere I should have an old Atari with the early Cubase. It runs better than the later PC versions.
The Kenton box has eight different CV outputs by the way :dance013:

Boom. Nice to see you, Denmark is shitty cold these days. And since the country is so damn flat you cant have any fun in the white stuff....


I've thought about the crash issue.:dunno:

I have an Akai mpc2000, an old Roland thing and a Doepfer MAQ16/3 I may try out.
The Kenton box can convert midi control messages into CV as well. It's used when you remote filters on the old modular synths.
I like the interface of the computer though, nothing beats the control of a value by drawing a line. Somewhere I should have an old Atari with the early Cubase. It runs better than the later PC versions.
The Kenton box has eight different CV outputs by the way :dance013:

Boom. Nice to see you, Denmark is shitty cold these days. And since the country is so damn flat you cant have any fun in the white stuff....

Old music stuff...cool!

Yeah, can't really do that with a Roland Fantom. Or can you?

Hey, why not take some early Kraftwerk, convert to MIDI, slow everything down to <1 bpm normalized over a six octave range converting frequency to current on a sliding scale, and see how that does at growing stuff?

Or maybe use Eno's 'Music for Airports'? lol

Keep those plants guessing! :)






all I can say is... WOW! excellent build, excellent explanations. A lot of good ideas in this grow that will be put to good use by a lot of people.

Good job and may you be high on your couch for a long time!



Hey guys.

Yep, cant wait until I get to the LED build.
Been busy making a terrarium, but I'm about to get started with the cabs.

I could start by showing you my new cooling method for the cab.
I have build myself a DIY version of the "Deltec ECO-cooler", but with it's own water reservoir, so I will be able to use it as an indirect evaporative cooler, otherwise the EC would get F'ed-up.

I've made it large enough to hold and cool the future liquid for the aero reservoir, the LED's and as an air cooler (through a car radiator) in my cab.

I have yet to optimize the construction, but it's twice the size of my first DIY (direct) evaporative cooler i used to cool down 400 gallons of seawater - I guess a smaller version would be more than enough. :D

The cooling tower. Fast moving air forces water to evaporate, evaporating air "steals" energy from the remaining water cooling it down far below ambient temps. I'm using a 300m3/h fan BTW.




A coarse sponge is cut out as a layer-cake


The setup of pumps. One (big one) runs the sprinkler, the other one runs the cool water through a heat exchange I've made from glass and is controlled by the thermostat. I have also installed a floating valve, in order to hook it up with an external water source

The "heat exchanger"

Tried to create summer conditions for this small test. This 50L aquarium will become the future bioreservoir.

Later in my small test :) (18,8 degrees C, well below ambient temps)..

The cooling tower will be placed in a high Ikea closet I've got next to all the cabs. Then it's just adding another pump for every new use. Automated res-temps from now on, even in the hottest summers. :D

The shark:

And some new ones:



Active member
Yes yes so your in your best condition again
Hvis man kan sige sådan,men set frem til,du kom igang igen SP

Good weekend


Thanks my friend :)

I want myself to be the only "variable" in my grow, that's why I (over)do the strange builds.

Thanks for watching.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Awesome job bro, very well laid out with good photos to boot, very inspiring stuff.
That is one bad ass home made heat exchanger man!!! I love innovations and diy stuff, and that is the best of both. Bravo sir my hat is off to you :tiphat:.

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