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Power company inspector


Active member
A buddy of mine has a 9k op up forlike 2 months now. Few days ago there was a power company employee messing with his meter. He asked what was up and the guy said that the usage was abnormally high and was making sure it wasn't malfunctioning.

Question is how fucked is he? I say 100% but I wanted to see if therefor a chance he won't be getting his door kicked in soon.


Hes only fucked if he does not tare down.
Some guy messin with the meter would be enough for me to shit my drawls.


Active member
I jut can't imagine them sending a guy out and not goinvack to base knowing what's up if he is in any way smart. What are the chances they let him alone.


Rubbing my glands together
Your bro would be smart to tear down and chill for a while.
Thank you for checking the meter sir. I don't know how that much power got used. We need to see if we can adjust this bill back down.
His meter guy just unknowingly did him a huge favor,


shut the fuck up Donny
I have heard of this happening before, and there is certainly a chance that they would just confirm the meter isn't malfunctioning and leave it at that, but if it were me, I'd be tearing it down or at least getting rid of the plants for a month. Can't risk it.


Cannabis 101
I think they might just leave you alone, depending on where your at... Florida Your Fucked.
Cali your fine.. I have about 9K power right now and all good.
friend has about 15k and all good.
they rather know your paying for your power than steeling it in med states.


Overkill is under-rated.
I think they might just leave you alone, depending on where your at... Florida Your Fucked.
Cali your fine.. I have about 9K power right now and all good.
friend has about 15k and all good.
they rather know your paying for your power than steeling it in med states.


My buddy runs a 8kw, and his meter reader said "so what, 7-8 lights? I run 9, my usage is a bit higher than yours."

PG and E doesn't care about what you use their power for, they just want you to pay the bill. I've had a similar visit from a PG&E guy and nothing came of it.

If you're not on PG&E or at least a med state, I would at least be doing research to see if anyone on (your power company) was getting busted for power usage. The power company DOES want to make sure their equipment isn't malfunctioning, so that alone doesn't mean a bust unless there is a pattern of it occurring. It's about odds, geography, and bravery. It takes balls to do this, trust me! lol


Executive Branch Genetics
The good ole us of A

The good ole us of A

I hate to say it but its a known fact that people who work for the power company get payed cash for tips on grow houses in non med states.
Im from VA and FL so I know what im talking about.
Ive been in the trenches but now thank god live in a med state.

The power companies know if a house is using allot of power more than 80% chance that person is growing.

The first thing they do is go to the meter and make sure its working properly. If its an old meter they will more than likely update it to a digital meter soon if they haven't all ready done that.
The second thing they do is go threw you're trash.
The third thing they will do is a door knock.
A door knock is when leo bangs on ur door for u to open up with some crazy story looking for someone or something not right but what there doing is checking to see who is in the house and to see if they can smell anything or hear fans.

Im from Fl and all I can say is LEO over there is one big gang and they do what the fuck they want when they want.
Its all about the money !!!!! Dont ever forget that.
Your friend is using way to much power right off the bat. He has only lived there 2 months? Everything is a factor and there are a million of them.
All I can tell you is that people who work for the power company get payed cash bonuses if they do find a house. Its just liek if youre neighboor calls crime tips and gets payed for narcing you out. Its no joke out here. Everyone has to put food on the table and people will do anything as long as the law deems it right.
Its ass backward out here in the land of the free.
Dont get me wrong Ill die for this bitch but they are not playing fair.


Cannabis 101
Like i said if your not in a med state you should worry about it...if not.. say fuck it and keep on doing it till your back hurts or your out of room :).
In Florida All of the Commercial Grows are with stolen power thats the only way... every commercial grower steals in Florida 100% and im talking about 30k+ grows to 500k's to 1,000s... You got this info from a very good source.


Cannabis 101
Edit-I think your friend should be ok but better safe than sorry.
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gets some
Id be curious how much the bill actually is. I know people that have bills as high as mine ($400+) and they dont even grow. I imagine the power company is more interested in finding bad meters that will cause them headache later than just tracking down growers. Rule of thumb is always just pay the bill.

Peronally, I don't think I'd shut down just for a high usage meter reader as long as everything else is in order. No smell, no grow trash, etc. If you know it was about usage you could always proactively call the power company and let them know that you are a computer nerd and use lots of power or whatever. Let them know you don't want them to waste their time, friendly like. Either way, never open the door for cops anyway and definitely don't talk to them if they approach you outside. At the end of the day a high power bill isn't enough for a warrant alone and the people I know with high bills and no grow are testiment to this.


Well if you live in Canada they can get a warrant now for high power usage , that fuckin harper is a useless piece of #$*.


Active member
It would have been nice to make some kind of legit excuse for the consumption to the meter guy while he was there, that way he can go back to the office and say
"the meter was fine, I talked with one of the residents and he said they" ______________"
so that explains the extra power use"

Now what could you fill in that blank with that would sound legit for that amount of power use?
Anyone have any ideas?
Welding equipment? Neon light collection? Server rack? Can't sleep at night without the sound of at least 5 running hair dryers?
Is there any excuse anyone can think of that sounds reasonably plausible?
It would have been nice to make some kind of legit excuse for the consumption to the meter guy while he was there, that way he can go back to the office and say
"the meter was fine, I talked with one of the residents and he said they" ______________"
so that explains the extra power use"

Now what could you fill in that blank with that would sound legit for that amount of power use?
Anyone have any ideas?
Welding equipment? Neon light collection? Server rack? Can't sleep at night without the sound of at least 5 running hair dryers?
Is there any excuse anyone can think of that sounds reasonably plausible?

I was thinking the same thing, about saying something.
Some people say Kiln, that would probably work. The other one that uses the same power as us, if not more, is electroplating. Everyone says welding, but you don't have a 10K welder that you use for 1/2 the day unless you have a damn factory.
Med state or not, your activity has caught attention. So as a result, are you willing to take even more risk, relying on the belief that maybe nothing will happen? I'm sorry, but an attitude like that is what LEO thugs love!

Be safe, tear it down, be free, plant another day!


Baseboard heat runs alot of heat or any electric heaters. Some are even 4000 watts, has it been really cold there? Fuck 9Kw is only 9 - 1000 watt heaters and if you have a big house then that should be reasonable.