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5 Strain Stealth DWC 400w - Cannography

Dr BurnBud

New member
Uncle Remus, Noreason,

Let me explain better and then you guys tell me whats wrong.

But first I forgot to say on earlier post. - Uncle that is one nice set of pics. Your wk 4 is killer.

Ok my girls are pure Afghan lets start there. They finish in 7.0-8.5 weeks of flower. Ok my trics start forming, looks like little solid white bumps, then they grow to tall, then they grow heads so that they look like mushrooms. All the while they are white. Then they sit and mature and swell, still white. Then as they come ready they go from white to clear. That is to say the white becomes transparent, so it gets milky and then clear.

When about half are clear the other half white to milky white (cloudy) is when I take my early cut.

If I don’t cut early then all trics turn clear and the more mature ones get an amber yoke in the middle of the head but it is still clear except for the amber dot in the middle of the head. I wait until this is about half clear and half with amber center, that is my late harvest. If I wait until all heads are amber centered, which takes about another week I don’t like the high.

I use a 40X glass.

OK I went ant looked again. I guess when my trics have the amber (brown) clump in the middle they are not clear but slightly amber tint. But they are still transparent except for the brown yoke in to middle.

I am certinally not trying to confuse anyone, sorry if I did.
Uncle R weigh in, please.

Dr. Burnbud
Yeah, you should notice they are clear all through in the beginning and then get a milky look inside then the amber in the middle. That's the natural progression. You have to zoom right in and focus your sight on the ball at the top of the tricome stalk. I use this 100x scope from radio shack and you can get a nice look. Everybody sees things differently :)



70 days man. 65 at the minimum. i know i know, trichs, 10 percent clear 10 percent amber and the rest cloudy... there are all kinds of ways to justify harvesting on the early side, but i wasted the first year of my growing picking early and defending the reasoning before I finally just waited that one more week and was blown away with the results.

the difference between:






is heavenly, both in potency, aroma, and bag-appeal. unless you suffer from sever depression and absolutely HAVE to harvest early, give 65 days @ 12/12 a shot and you will never go earlier. if i could go back i wouldn't even mess around with anything less.

anyway, your setup looks great man and the plants are thriving! best of luck with everything


Threads busy! :dance013:

Dr burn bud> Sorry i was so rude in your thread, i thought you were a troll as that was my mistake to correct it so rudely (i had good intentions i promise). You don't need to worry so much about the internet though i promise. :hide: That's EXACTLY what the man wants you to do.

Interesting to hear about your afghani choice, my next strain is definately going to be herijuana for my sleep issues. However i need to experiment with many strains.

Uncle Remus> I was actually thinking of putting the full 8 next time, and just getting a little sog setup, then trying to push the flowering date for greater yield without wasting space the times after.

The other idea was run 4 across and scrog, or like you said two big guys. (the logical easy option)

Luckily my trainwreck pheno is not stretchy! at all! its also not very branchy hopefully its going to grow a donkey dick because their wont be much else if it doesnt. Also follo
ing GHS instructions instead of my own this time the seed rotted before it was planted. (36 hour soak).

At the end of the day, i think ill need 4 different strains next run at least... Commercial growers would crucify me for doing it again but love for the herb is as you know different to lust for the dollar.

Thanks for the posts, and i love the component DWC idea.

Khaleel> At this point i used a calculator to figure out how much worth was there in buying an oz of shit weed, vs wasting some of my premature that could become much bigger and unfortunately/fortunately the premature won :(. Dont worry, ive been 160x scoping the trich's in detail. And there is NO WAY i'm going to let this bud not develop a shitload of amber :D, the bud i just scored and loved was %70 amber %30 cloudy %0 clear.

Using the scope i also discovered the "tar" stuck on my volcano brush was actually hash. Woot!!! lols.

Ok haven't photographed in a week as i've had fat indica buds making TV actually interesting. So ill do a big shoot tonight but you wont see it for a few days till im back on broadband and can upload securely & anonymously.
