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Power company inspector


Active member
I hate to say it but its a known fact that people who work for the power company get payed cash for tips on grow houses in non med states.
Im from VA and FL so I know what im talking about.
Ive been in the trenches but now thank god live in a med state.

The power companies know if a house is using allot of power more than 80% chance that person is growing.

The first thing they do is go to the meter and make sure its working properly. If its an old meter they will more than likely update it to a digital meter soon if they haven't all ready done that.
The second thing they do is go threw you're trash.
The third thing they will do is a door knock.
A door knock is when leo bangs on ur door for u to open up with some crazy story looking for someone or something not right but what there doing is checking to see who is in the house and to see if they can smell anything or hear fans.

Im from Fl and all I can say is LEO over there is one big gang and they do what the fuck they want when they want.
Its all about the money !!!!! Dont ever forget that.
Your friend is using way to much power right off the bat. He has only lived there 2 months? Everything is a factor and there are a million of them.
All I can tell you is that people who work for the power company get payed cash bonuses if they do find a house. Its just liek if youre neighboor calls crime tips and gets payed for narcing you out. Its no joke out here. Everyone has to put food on the table and people will do anything as long as the law deems it right.
Its ass backward out here in the land of the free.
Dont get me wrong Ill die for this bitch but they are not playing fair.

well said man.....fuck these bitch ass police wasting their time running around banging down doors for plants...