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Spiral Marble

Spiral Marble

I dunno who asked on my page but yes I recently started blowing glass, those are all pieces by other people though. I can now make basic spoons, chillums, pendants, and marbles. I'll post up some more pics soon but here's a spiral marble I made for now.

RooR HeaD

Toro stays offline, for fear of another Operation Pipe Dreams. You can get Wicked Sands and US Tubes online though as well as Illadelph, though I have heard numerous reports that Illadelph are the BlueDot of high end tubes.

I would go for a WickedSands Tinytube w/ 10 arm tree, or a normal sized tree on a tinytube.

US Tubes are excellent as well, and reportedly have the "best" discs.

Though, I am deeply in love with Wicked Sands... they are amazing. You're on Toke city aren't you? Try to contact lil_missy from wicked sands, she will set you up with whatever you wish..

Roor.de is expensive, because they have a handful of employees making tubes, and each person must have around 7 years of experience with glassblowing and scientific glass (required!). A person buys a .de because they want supreme quality. This isn't to say that other companies aren't quality, but any random bluedot or weedstar is not going to be the same as a .de, whether it's minor imperfections or large ones, .de is known for having none.

A friend in Europe has about 20 tubes, custom roors, a toro, handpicked tokecity tube (one of two people who got to hand pick theirs!) and he rarely uses the Toro because of drag. Mind you, this is probably one of maybe 5, MAYBE 5 Toros in Europe. It could quite possibly be the only Toro in Europe.

Personally, his statements about his Toro, have pretty much made me cross out Toro from my own wish list. Roorheads dumbass had to buy 5 to get the one he liked, can you imagine buying 5 dream tubes, and not liking 4 of them?

I say go Wicked Sands, super quality, made in the usa and you can custom order...the tinytubes have absolutely ZERO drag with a tree perc... they are amazing! if you order a custom, ask em about getting a taller one... only issue with the Tinys is height... the inside bore is perfect for clean smooth hits, but it just needs more room to rip it... well you can definitely rip a TT, but I would prefer a taller one myself.. :0

My dumbass i bought 5 toros to find work! not one toro i bought was sold cause of functionality issues its cause i dont want to b the everyday person that owns another toro that looks like the next guys hence the toro i own now will never b made again aka custom!

RooR HeaD

Honestly since all u guys r more into debates ill post some glass to try and get this thread back on topic. ever since i stop posting hear its got terriable. all u guys do is argue. HOW MANY TIMES R WE GONNA HAVE THE ROOR ARGUMENT! God its as simple as saying u like it or dont like thats that! I loved roors for a very long time and owned 3 customs they r some of the best made bongs out their the reason i switched to Toro is because its alot less on my body aka my lungs and throat. i hack up so much less shit since i started smokeing toro daily its not funnY! at the end of the day roors just didnt update with the time and now that ToRo and SG r out things have changed. but im still happy i wanted teh ziggy for the longest time but instead i found a toob with way more work and btter work but at the same time it will have alot better function then a de would.

to the point hears my new pic ups! first
A AK 18.8 King Chaos























Ps to bobbys got stains in panths bro take a cill pill im high do u think i watch what im spelling all day i dont come on the internet sober to look at weed!

But to the point bro join Fullmeltbubble.com u can get any toob company u want on their. ex toro,sg,ws, and all the others! and u can also sell old or not used glass!

RooR HeaD

Yea it took along time to find a 18.8 AK that was worth spending money on cause any glass head knows what his prices r like but from what i know and see their r not to many 18mm aks out their! edit i mean pushes u see tinis all the time!

any who my other new pieace a Jason Lee Diffused bub!













My bubble Hash statsh

I know your sick of all the bickering so why dont u guys start deleting all the post in this thread that dont have to do with glass. and if a member has 3 or more post deleted they get perma bann. even if somebody attacks u and u respond that should count as a strike. i mean it is a glass thread so all post should b on glass right?

and if u say it takes to long shit make me a mod i can delete all worthless post!


Not trying to knock RooR_Head in any way shape or form, but chaos slides just never really rubbed me the right way. It just feels like they are trying to accomplish too much in a space that is too small, and it just comes out very 'meh' to me.

Clam, some people just love their glass enough to take a million pictures. No one is making you look at them, sure it might take 20 seconds longer to load the thread because of all of them, but what else would you do with that 20 seconds of your life anyway? It isn't a huge deal.


Old School Cottonmouth
well Roor Head I've told you some pretty mean things before so I guess I'll tell you something nice.

More than 90% of the heady glass I see (all heady glass, not one specific person) I think is hideous and I'd be embarrassed to own much less smoke with people from. "Tacky" must not be in their vocabulary I always say.

But your new Jason Lee I find very pretty, and elegant. Congrats on your new bub, I hope she smokes like a champ because it looks like one.

RooR HeaD

well Roor Head I've told you some pretty mean things before so I guess I'll tell you something nice.

More than 90% of the heady glass I see (all heady glass, not one specific person) I think is hideous and I'd be embarrassed to own much less smoke with people from. "Tacky" must not be in their vocabulary I always say.

But your new Jason Lee I find very pretty, and elegant. Congrats on your new bub, I hope she smokes like a champ because it looks like one.

Thanku its coll man i dont take what anyone on the internet says to heart its just glass right!
she does rip like a champ one of the better hitting bubs ive used!

Its cool some people like chaos others r into work and lines!

as of all the pics ohonestly if u know who ak is to sum up a chaos in 3 pics would b near impossiable!


Those are called double layered, and they are badass! Nice set!!!

For those who don't know... www.glasspipes.org

It would be sweet if everyone cleaned at least the outside of their piece before taking pics!
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