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Post Favorite Simpsons Quote


So am i just the biggest simpsons fan, or are you guys slackers? I probably think of retorting with a simpsons quote at least twice a day in common conversation.

"Hi im Moe or as the ladies like to call me 'Hey you behind the bushes'"


Anyone a fan of 'Pinky and the Brain"? I watched it when it first came out, and now that ive seen a few in the present day, Brain is correct on just about everything. I swear they were subliminally beaming that shit into our brains; and it was probably beneficial.


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An awesome example of "correlation is not causation" from the Simpsons:

*a single bear has wandered into Springfield so the Bear Patrol is setup*

Homer: “Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol is working like a charm!”

Lisa: “That’s specious reasoning, dad.”

Homer: "Thank you."

Lisa: *picks up a rock* “By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.”

Homer: *confused* “Hmm, how does it work?”

Lisa: “It doesn’t work -- it’s just a stupid rock!”

Homer: *cautious* “Uh-huh.”

Lisa: “… but I don’t see any tigers around, do you?”

Homer: *thinks for a moment* “Lisa, I want to buy your rock."


I saw this movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode! I think it was called, 'The Bus That couldn't Slow Down.'

--Homer Simpson


Chief Wiggum: Put out an A.P.B on a Ustwes R. Dewo. Ah, better start with Greektown
Investigator: That's Homer J. Simpson, Chief. You're reading it upside down
Chief Wiggum: Uh, cancel that A.P.B. But, uh, oh, bring back some of them, ah, gyros
Investigator: Chief, you're talking into your wallet

Eddie: That sounded like an explosion at the old Simpson place.
Chief Wiggum: Forget it. That's two blocks away.
Eddie: Looks like there's beer coming out of the chimney!
Chief Wiggum: (Gets out of car) I am proceeding on foot. Call in a Code 8.
Eddie: (Into radio) We need pretzels. Repeat, pretzels.

No, you got the wrong number, this is 9-1-...2


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H: Give me some inner peace or I'll mop the floor with ya!
= = =
H: There's only two types of guys who wear Hawaiian shirts: gay guys and big fat party animals.
= = =
M (trying to tell Homer that John Waters is gay): He prefers the company of men.
H: Who doesn't?
= = =
H: Animals are crapping in our houses and we're cleaning it up. Did we lose a war?
= = =
Otto: I used to ride the bus, now I DRIVE the bus!
= = =
H: Are you feeling stupid, Lisa? I know I am.
= = =
Dr. Nick: We focus on the neglected food groups: the whipped group, the congealed group, and the chocotastic!
= = =
Moe: The laughter of children, it cuts through me like a knife.
= = =
Chinese Guy: It says your detergent will banish dirt to the land of wind and ghosts.


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*Homer unleashes a Leprechaun upon a Gypsy who cursed him -- they begin to fight, but then start making out*

*moans and groans*

Leprechaun: "Stroke me clover and say me name!"


"Ah, Monday morning. Time to pay for your two days of debauchery, you hungover drones."

"What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man?"

"I'm looking for something in an attack dog. One who likes the sweet gamey tang of human flesh. Hmmm, why here's the fellow ... Wiry, fast, firm, proud buttocks. Reminds me of me."

"im sure the manual will indicate which lever is the velocitator and which the deceleratrix "

"Yes, I'd like to send this letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 autogyro"

"This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you. "

I answer my phone "ahoy hoy"! (its another dig against Edison; Burns has many, and justifiably so.)


Active member
Moe: "Immigants, I knew it was dem! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was dem!"



Moe: (answers phone) Moe's rat-free tavern. Oh, uh, hey, Marge. Yeah, yeah Homer's here.

(Homer gestures "no")

Moe: Oh, oh you want Homer! Oh, I'm sorry I thought you meant "Himmler." Heinrich Himmler. You know, the guy who invented the "Heimlich maneuver?"

Marge: Those are two different people!

Moe: Yeah, well, they're both here and neither one is your husband. This press conference is over. (hangs up)
Moe: Listen, Homer: in the back room, I got these super-tough Africanized bees. I saw this ad in a gentleman's magazine for excited African honeys and that's what they sent me. If we could combine them with Lisa's bees, it would make them strong enough to survive any environment.

Homer: But how are we supposed to combine the DNA of two strains of the same species?

Moe: Actually, Homer... (whispers)

Homer: (gasps) You and me?

Moe: No, the bees!

Homer: Oh, yeah, yeah, that's what I meant, too. I... have no... inclination.
(Kent Brockman reports on the Springfield presidential primary.)
Kent Brockman: With Springfield's primary now first in the nation, our humble city is overrun with candidates, newshounds, spin doctors, hacks, flacks, Russerts, Blitzers and even the occasional voter. (to Moe) Sir, do have a preference?

Moe: Yeah, I like girls, fruit loop.

Kent Brockman: Oh. Are you a registered voter?

Moe: I'm a registered something.


This one might be slightly misquoted, but i think about it often.

"Is this like the time you killed my goldfish, and then told me I never had a goldfish?"

"Why'd I have the bowl Bart? why'd I have the bowl?"

"Im not a geek, geeks are smart"

Often in my life, i think to myself, "Everything is coming up Milhouse". (Its kinda a catch-all; 2/3ths of the time he uses it to refer to a negative event, but every once in a while its a positive.

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