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Post Favorite Simpsons Quote


Krusty the Clown: Hey yutz. Guns aren't toys - - they're for family protection, hunting dangerous and delicious animals, and keeping the king of England out your face.


Moe Szyslak: I love Valentines Day. Just mix a couple of drops of Jagermeister with some pink lemonade, add some cherry chapstick, call it Cupid's Ambrosia and charge it up the wazoo.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
from C.E.D'Oh

Homer Simpson: Mr. Burns, I've compiled list of safety recommendations for the plant.
Mr. Burns: Well, let me throw back my legs and pollute my britches with delight.

(the way burns says it - very sarcastically - made me laugh for minutes) :D


I say this one a lot too. In the episode 'Homer's Enemy' (which is full of great quotes) Homer is sitting in his car pretending to drive to work, Marge gives him a pep talk and he says.

"To Professionalism" [cracks and drinks beer]


"Here Comes Two"

(Both Homer and Abe say this when there is a movie about to start, maybe Bart too.) (I say it too.)

The Simpsons that aired 11/27/2011 (Simpsons 2307 The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants) was FULL of dark humor and witty lines (for the first time in ages).


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
"Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" - Homer J.



(Heard throughout my house whenever Maple Leafs score a goal - and keep your Leafs jokes to yourself, they are doing well THIS year, SO FAR...)


Active member
*Homer is worried Bart might be gay and asks Moe and Barney for advice*

Moe: "Well, let's see now, uh, time was you sent a boy off to war. Shooting a man'd fix 'em right up. But there's not even any wars no more, thank you very much, Warren Christopher!"

Barney: "Hey, better yet, Bart could shoot a deer! That's like shooting a beautiful man."


Active member
Bart: "So how did Malt Liquor Mommy die?"

Marge: "Stop calling her that!"

Lenny: "I'll tell you how she died. You know that sign that says, 'Do not stand up on the roller coaster'?"

Bart: "Yeah."

Lenny: "She overdosed right in front of it."


Stockbroker: Homer, it's your stockbroker. Your stock in the powerplant just went up for the first time in 10 years.
Homer: I own stock!
Stockbroker: Yes, all the employees got some in exchange for waiving certain constitutional rights.
German Managers: Attention workers, we have completed our evaluation of the plant. We regret to announce the following lay-offs, which I will read in alphabetical order... Simpson, Homer. That is all.