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Pose2B clone grow by Onavelzy


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Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder

Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder

I didn't notice but it's been a few days. Hope every one is having a nice Spring and tax days/weekend is not a stressor.

I'm working tomorrow and therefore will miss out on the one social event I have any interest in, the roughly every 2-3 month get together of the San DIego's Finest Cuts crew.

I guess I've been lackadaisical round here becuse there's just not a whole lot going on. Water. Watch them grow. Water. Yada. Yada.

I did notice a drop off in the rate of elongation though. I figured i may be getting something of a nute build up going since I have still been watering roughly every other day. I checked the run-off at the watering 2 d ago and it was at 1.8 to 2.2. I did a flush feed with 0.5 EC till the pot run offs were at 0.8 to 0.7 then gave the planned 1.0 EC feed. The plants kind of yawned, scratched their groins and kept on. No visible negative signs that I can make out so far.

the taller of the plants (the Adub pose2be's) are nearly at the level of where I'll be stretching my netting. I opted to go ahead and do a major branch bend of the taller Adub leads a few days ago, despite it being week one of flower. That worked well for about three days. Now they are above every one again.

There's some pistil action happening here and there. I tried to defoiliate when I watered 2 d ago. I just don't have the knowlege and the cojones to strip those things down like everyone says you should.

I have 12/12 seedlings with secondary leaves. One of the Malawi's was pretty trapped in the shell for a while and is looking kind of runty now compared to the other seedlings.

I made the mistake of keeping the LED screw in bulbs too far away early on for fear of overdoing the light intensity with new seedlings. As a result, almost all of them grew three to four inches tall with minimal leaf development.

Here's the seedlings before they got really elongated:

I moved them all into solo cups. When I transferred them, I buried most of the redundant stem under the line of the medium. I also moved them all to within 3-4 inches from the lights and they are now sprouting the secondary leaves.

The clones, goodness gracious, what to do? I don't want to kill them but I don't have space for them now.
They are vigorous and well rooted.

I'm kind of prideful at how they have done, sad to say, given my blind efforts to unintentionally kill them through ignorance.
They are beginning to grow into the lights in my closet veg area and are starting to show some light stress, i.e. leaf edge curling. I adjusted the spacing of the shelves on my metal rack. That's not going to hold for long though.

Ok, I'm falling asleep sitting here at the keyboard, so that's enough for now.

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Active member
That was a fast two weeks

That was a fast two weeks

I flipped on 4/4. Time is just kind of slipping by.

I hung the netting today because the Adubbs are getting above net level, which is at around 38 inches. Too much variance between them and the other plants. The Dubtech 7, GG4's and the Kaya are fairly similar in height so far. The Adubbs are just all about themselves I guess.

Net is up

I watered this morning and again tonight. First time doing more than one a day, actually they've been every two days until now. I'll water again tomorrow. I work night shift tmorrow though so it will be the only feed. After that, I should have the automation stuff going. May not be that tuned but hopefully going.

Seedlings are gradually getting bigger. I watered their cups yesterday. There were root tips visible at the bottom of some of the cups, which surprised me given how small they plants are yet.


I'm going to have to cull the clones I guess. The clones have just been to good for they're own health. They all survived and grew grew well enough that they'll be pot bound soon. My son said he had friends that would want them but that's the last I heard of it. I know some of their parents too. I'm not real keen on getting a phone call from any of them asking wtf did I think I was doing giving schedule 1 drugs to their kids.

Almost time to cull these rascals

Was in close to the plants, doing the Trellis Twister thing and saw a couple of white spots. Soon as I could get upright, I pulled the leaves.


i searched everything nearby but didn't see anything else. Will have to mix up some Neem for tomorrow.

Hope it was a relaxing weekend for everyone. Now go pay those taxes! In the US, that is.



Well-known member
Hey Ona,

I don't think that's PM. It looks like some of your nutes got onto the leaves and possibly got light burn.


Active member
Hey Ona,

I don't think that's PM. It looks like some of your nutes got onto the leaves and possibly got light burn.

i haven's seen PM yet (i hope) but I agree, i doesn't look like most of the pictures Iv'e seen. I'm due for a spray any way. it has been very humid in the tend. its my biggest concern right now.

Thanks for checking it out Saitama



Active member
The tent does have pot smell, but I am not really getting knocked over by it.

I don't know when gg4 (or the other strains for that matter) gets really loud, but my tent is smelling kinda middlin so far, almost at d 14


Active member
Hey Ona. My GG4 and other plants for that matter started to stink around week 3. Only in the tent though. Carbon filter is surely doing its thing. Also, leaves definitely look like you dropped a bit of nutrient solution on em. Nothing to worry about. Keep on trucking and cheers from Maine.


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Technique and genetics are starting show

Technique and genetics are starting show

I'm at day 18 of flower. The Adubbs have continued to grow up through the net. Most of the rest of the plants didn't stretch much at all. The stretch on the Adubbs (the plants on the right) hasn't been all that either. I have bent them over and under the net here.

The net height is 38", fwiw.

The Dubtech7 in the back left and the GG4 in the middle haven't done much of anything. I accidently did break a couple of the branches on that GG4 though.

There's a number of factors that may have had a hand in the growth rates so far.

Until recently, I had been feeding roughly every other day. The pots weren't dry dry but they weren't hydro moist either. I had been feeding at around 1.2-1.3 EC with most of the pH's at 6.1-6.2. I hadn't been checking run off for a while. I did recently and they pots were 1.8 to 2.2. I flushed with 0.5 EC and got them all to 0.7 or 0.8. I then started with twice a day feeding when I can. manually still. Lol.

I have a watering rig all put together but still sitting in a box on the bed.
I layed it out here:

By the time the lights come on in the evening and I get an initial watering and plant check done, go over the clones and seedlings, mix up some nutrients, look over the forums, etc, I want to take a break for a bit. Before you know it, I've put it off for another night.

So, that's clearly on me.

I'm still fighting high humidity. I did finally get a fan speed rate limiter. It is less obnoxious when it kicks on from the humidity fan controller. The tent still bows way out though.

I'm going to add an enzymatic product, Z7 by Flying Skulls, that supposedly reduces the chance of various slime molds and build up of dead organic material in the pots affecting root function. Aspenou and Dansbud both feel it helped them so it's worth a go. It's a two part agent--two different bottles get mixed into the feeding solution. Not sure why that is but whatever.

I have been able to gift out the clones, didn't need to slaughter anything. I did drop and break one though. A couple of folks we know wanted a few. I put the rest in a bag and left them at a local surf break parking area with a sign saying FREE. I hope they turn out ok. I kept 2 Kayas and 2 GG4's. I repotted them into one gallon pots today for mothering, pending harvest results.

The seedlings are puttering along. Roots at the bottoms of the cups, third set of leaves, I think, on most, all still alive. I didn't realize the leaves looked this color until I saw the picture. I have color blindness, so I am at a little disadvantage in that respect, but I can usually make out overtly abnormal coloring.
Too much light?

Gotta make myself haul that tubing in there, get everything cut to size and get it hooked up. Wonder why I resist this so.

I just remembered what I wanted to ask, if there's any one reading who uses Veg + Bloom. When mixing the nutrients into the reservoir during flowering phase, do you have the Bloom and the Shine dry-mixed together ahead of time in a given ratio, such 4g bloom mixed with 1 g Shine? Then pour that premix into the reservoir until a desired EC is reached? If not, I don't see how you can dose a reservoir that has varying volumes.

Hope someone can clue me in.


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Ok, that was back breaking. And shin scraping, and a bunch of other progessively failing body parts and organ systems moaning and bitching too.

But it works so far. It's fairly simple, which is always a plus with plumbing/irrigation.

The nutrient mixing thing will take some thinking. For the test run of the pump, reservoir and tubing, I just mixed the nutrients and additives (Z7 enzyme stuff and some silica) in the 5 gallon container of RO water. After checking the EC and the pH, i pour the finished water into the reservoir and plugged her in.

I set the timer for about 40 seconds every 4 hours. The first run got me a little run off from all but two of the pots. I had previously hand watered roughly 5 hours ago at lights on.

I had previously tested the system outside to check for leaks, get an idea how long it had to run to give each location around a liter and to just see if it was a feasible approach. I had to cut the tubing length once I was in the tent, so I reduced the flow time a bit to compensate for that. That analog dial on the recycle timer is not ideal. I need to find a digital one for better accuracy.

Well, I'm happy that work is over. Now I just need to trouble shoot the system as it runs some more cycles and fine tune the settings if its all going ok.

Oh, the green things on top of the pots, I used them just because I had them already. I figured they might allow a better distribution of the water in the pot.



Active member
could be. it's hard to say when plants are that young. I moved the lights 5-6 inches away. I'll give it some time to see if the green returns. I'll add some mag next watering. Thanks for the suggestion.


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day 21 of flower

day 21 of flower

You wouldn't know it to look at them, but I'm three weeks in.


Only three of the plants have made it to/thru the netting. The two Adubbs, on the far right, and one of the GG4's near the middle section of the bottom of the pic. I've had to fold the Adubbs a fair amount to keep them in the same universe as the rest of the plants.

The GG4 in the middle of the pic was always the shorter and slower grower of the two. Since it's been in flower, I've accidentally broken off a couple of larger branches but i get the sense it doesn't have the same vigor as the other one.

The Kaya has structurally been closest to the stronger of the GG4's. It has grown ok but never did much stretching really. It's close to the net though

The Dubtech 7 is the weirdest grower of all of them. it also had one of the main branches break off today. The remaining branches have this hyperdense collection of underbrush-like leaves and flowery stems. They look almost like bottlebrush flowers, but all green. This plant hasn't moved vertically at all since flowering started.

I went under canopy today to do a day 21 defoliation of the undergrowth.


I think maybe some maneuvering around of the pots led to some branches that were fairly horizontal from prior supercropping breaking from the main stem.

I got better about getting stuff trimmed off once I got going. I figured the yield on this run isn't going to be good regardless so I might as well trim them down like people say and not try to hold onto every single lead that was showing a flower.

I got tired of messing with the Dubtech 7 though and just gave up after I had gotten rid of the bottom most third of stuff. That one can just make it or break it on its own. I just have to watch it for fungus issues because the foliage is so dense and the humidity has been high in the tent. Unfortunately, it's way in the back left of the tent, the hardest place for me to get to.

There is one plus of not having all the plants up through the netting: I can still move some of the pots around and climb in there. I make some pretty embarrassing grunts and groans doing it though.

The seedlings are looking pretty good so far, I think. I'm going to give a foliar feed of some epsom and the Push mix from V + B to them and the four cuttings that I kept.

The roots on the Yeti Fuel seedlings, in general, look more dense than on the Malawi's but they all look ok. There's some leaf color stuff that will hopefully correct with the foliar.

I have to do a night shift tomorrow, so I've got to coordinate opening and closing the tent tomorrow and then in the morning. I'll also see if they're willing to suction off the water at lights on, at bed time and then in the morning.

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day 27

Things are progressing slowly. Some gradual lengthening still but not much. Some development of clusters. When I got home this morning from work, I could smell the plants for the first time outside of the house. That's a plus and a minus i guess.

I have the next gen all in one gallon pots, 6 Malawi and 6 Yeti Fuel.

Malawi seedlings (in the square pots), d 22 (sorry for the glare)


Yeti Fuel seedlings, d 22


I need to go back and read up again on cloning to sex, etc. The timing may work out ok, in term of the time it will take to get clones, grow them to sex and then finish what is in flower right now.

My biggest concern for that group is what if I get a lot of females? It's only a 5x5 space.

For now, I'll probably need to get a shelfing thing that is taller and wider to accommodate what I have as well as the clones for sexing and back up or for future seeds/clones down the road.

Moving on. I'll try to post a couple of pics of the state of flowering tonight when the lights come on.

for now, here's shots of the back up clones/moms i kept from the GG4 and the Kaya. They now look strikingly different. They were very similar with my original plants.





OK, it is what it is and it will be what it becomes. Until then, have a happy May Day.



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May flowers

May flowers

If I get close enough to the plants for pictures, you can't tell the over all lack of height. The netting is at about 38 inches for reference. Some of the shots are taken well below the netting because..., that's as tall as that plant got so far.

For any one who comes by here and who knows these strains well enough to comment, I'd be happy to know one way or the other if there's much of a resemblance to the strains they are labelled with

Dubtech 7, bit of a high leaf to calyx ratio but one of the nicer leads in the tent, all things considered


Broadside view of some of the Adubbs--the most vigorous plants in the tent. They would probably have done better but I have them pushed way off to one side and bent them away as well.


A little closer view of some of the Adubbs colas


Some colas on the shorter GG4 plant. embarrassingly short but the colas are more stacked than the taller GG4. I think that's the term any way.


Ok, that's it for now. I'm getting hungry so I'm going to forage for a bit.

I'll try for a couple of close ups of a few flowers when I get back but I don't have a macro lens so they may not turn out to be worthwhile



Bat Macumba
Of these strains, I've grown the A-Dub and GG. The A-Dub however never got to finish because it went full herm :/ From the looks of it, you've definitely got the real deal in the Glue.

My feeling on the height is two-fold. One, you're just past the point in flower for much more stretching or node development. Two, I think you took a bit too much off the bottoms. I do prune the bottoms in late veg/early flower but taking too much can rob plants of energy. Even if the leaves or buds don't see much light, they're still producing energy and metabolizing for the betterment of the whole plant. Extra leaves under your canopy might die off in the dark around week 4/5 but it's worth it. Those lollipops will swell plenty come harvest, don't worry- keep us updated.


Active member
Of these strains, I've grown the A-Dub and GG. The A-Dub however never got to finish because it went full herm :/ From the looks of it, you've definitely got the real deal in the Glue.

My feeling on the height is two-fold. One, you're just past the point in flower for much more stretching or node development. Two, I think you took a bit too much off the bottoms. I do prune the bottoms in late veg/early flower but taking too much can rob plants of energy. Even if the leaves or buds don't see much light, they're still producing energy and metabolizing for the betterment of the whole plant. Extra leaves under your canopy might die off in the dark around week 4/5 but it's worth it. Those lollipops will swell plenty come harvest, don't worry- keep us updated.

Thank you for coming by and dbl thx for the input. It's good to know the GG could be legit. But it's also a bit of a downer since I haven't done so great with it so far.

I didn't do any significant trimming of the lower leaves and suckers until d 21 to avoid that potential impact on growth. I figured whatever stretch was going to occur had already happened.

I bought the tent I did specifically because of all the threads I had come across that noted how GG4 grew up into their lights in their tents. Lol, I couldn't get mine to grow up into the net much less the lights.

Defoliating is one of those topics that there's pretty strong opinions onb both ways, as I'm sure you know. As a newb, I just had to read as many sources that I could and blend it all together in my mind and take a leap. Live and learn and try again and again.

I'll keep going until it's all finished. Thanks again for the help,



Active member
Of these strains, I've grown the A-Dub and GG. The A-Dub however never got to finish because it went full herm :/
Hey BSG, I forgot to also say thanks for the heads up on the ADub going all nasty bits. I'll spend a little more time with the magnifying glass. They're not positioned the best for that but by this stage, the only plant i can scope out easily is the one in the very front. Thanks, I appreciate the help.



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Flower Power

Flower Power

These things always look so much better with close up shots. If you didn't know better, you might think they're big ol' snow cones of calyces and frost.

I didn't realize there were any trichomes yet, tbh. I can feel the stickiness when i rub against the leaves but I can't really see much yet with the naked eye.

Here's a couple. The others came out all blurry. I'll try again later. Hungry right now.

Adubb flower, day 28


GG#4 flower, day 28



Active member
Wow check you out Ona way to go....

Lol, thx for the support Aspen.

It's not what I wanted it to be, but, like I said, the primary goals are still intact. The plants continue to live and get more mature.

Little victories.

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