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poll: Who puts tabacco in their joints

poll: Who puts tabacco in their joints

  • I do put tabbaco in my joints

    Votes: 73 37.6%
  • I do not put tabbaco in my joints

    Votes: 121 62.4%

  • Total voters


I add a filter, Made of cardboard. I don't think it filters. Unless the rez. that sticks to it is, reducing a percentage of it. Isn't a filter used so you can completely finish the doob, and not burn your lips?


I add a filter, Made of cardboard. I don't think it filters. Unless the rez. that sticks to it is, reducing a percentage of it. Isn't a filter used so you can completely finish the doob, and not burn your lips?

when i say filter i don't mean a rolled up piece of card board. that is what i call a roach.

filter =

roach =

i've never smoked a joint without a roach. apart from when i'm pissed and pull it out accidently following a poor roll :dance013:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
those are the ones - except that i use the ultra slim ones ;)

the rolled up cardboard we call a roach - i doubt that helps much.

I always assumed that smoking with a filter won't get you as high. Would you agree?
I suppose the real question is; what does a filter catch and what does it let through?


the filter may well catch a bit of THC, but i cant say ive had a problem with not getting high enough from smoking joints with filters - my problem is usually getting too high :D
but a filter will significantly reduce the toxins and tar too - you only have to look at it after smoking a joint to see that.
i tend to not smoke all day so i dont have a huge tolerance. when i smoke a joint in the evening (with tobacco and filter) i get properly high from it without fail. having said that my organic home grown weed is plenty potent.:tiphat:



Inhaling smoke is bad. Inhaling tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke is about equallly dangerous.


I am all out of cash. Don't know when I will have more but today I am ordering a vape and eating edibles.


(I'll probably smoke one or two joints tonight after a beer or two... Usually ends up that way :D )
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Sorry for doubleposting. Just wanted to give Mullein a bump. Has anyone tried mixing with it? Almost all my friends use it. I like it alot.

I have two other herbs that I sometimes mix in but that's only for their nice effects. I'll save that for another thread though.


I voted no.

Been smoking MJ for over 30 yrs and never even heard of people rolling joints with tobacco in them until I joined ICMAG about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I never heard of using filters or roaches into joints either. But I have been rolling joints with paper roaches and I really like them. I would be willing to try filters, where do you get them?



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
anywhere you buy ciggarettes, tobacco and rizlas - you can buy filter tips. bit more tricky to roll with them as you have to do so with filter already in and get a nice tight fit around it. ive had plenty of practice though. :D


headband 707

Plant whisperer
These are the worst scientists you ever can imagine.Both were working for the US government.Turner was drug czar during the Reagan administration and the researches of Gabriel Nahas are fraudulence.Gabriel was using gas masks on monkeys to show that cannabis smoke was causing brain damage, but the brain damage was caused by carbon monoxide because the monkeys didn't get any oxygen to breath.



Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


YES ELM is correct we have the worst scientist ever working on this and there has been NO LINKS in the cancer verses lung coralation between cannabis . They are full of shit when they say it hasn't been done it hasn't been done here in this part of the world. There is a new book out by a Len Richmond called "What if Cannabis Cured Cancer" I suggest ppl start reading themselves there are also new scientific studies being released everyday on the surprising positive effects of cannabis verses cancer which has now stumped our doctors LOL the fucking TOOLS they are ..... peace out Headband707:dance013:


hummm from what I know thoes fiberglass filters you can't buy in my parts, quebec btw. and we call cardboard filters roaches too , but only when the joint is done.

I just came back from groceries and the smell from the peeps smoking butts out front made me nauseous and just the second hand smoke left a bad taste in my mouth



YES ELM is correct we have the worst scientist ever working on this and there has been NO LINKS in the cancer verses lung coralation between cannabis . They are full of shit when they say it hasn't been done it hasn't been done here in this part of the world. There is a new book out by a Len Richmond called "What if Cannabis Cured Cancer" I suggest ppl start reading themselves there are also new scientific studies being released everyday on the surprising positive effects of cannabis verses cancer which has now stumped our doctors LOL the fucking TOOLS they are ..... peace out Headband707:dance013:

no one is denying that cannabis has anti-cancer properties. it probably does.

it's the smoking (of anything) that is bad and may cause cancer. there are much less harmful ways to consume cannabis and still absorb these anti-cancer cannabinoids.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
vaping or edibles are broadly accepted to be much more healthy than smoking it.

the fact is though that most people prefer to smoke it, including myself.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thats not to say that smoking weed takes away any of it's thereputic properties - just that the actual smoking bit isn't good for you - and tbh im very surprised that there are people that think smoking anything is going to be harmless.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
no one is denying that cannabis has anti-cancer properties. it probably does.

it's the smoking (of anything) that is bad and may cause cancer. there are much less harmful ways to consume cannabis and still absorb these anti-cancer cannabinoids.

Hum yes lol lol lol..:thank you: I don't think I knew that lol..:jump:jk

headband 707

Plant whisperer
hi elmanito :wave:

the endocannabinoid system wont take away the harm to the respiratory system caused by smoking weed, its not the cannabinoids but the other 80 or so percent of the mass of weed that has been shown to release toxins, some of them proven carcinogens, when it is burnt.


The problem is your not just smoking the cannabis are you ?? Your smoking the nutes and all the pesticides that were not designed for smoking!! This is really the BIG problem here manufacturers did not make this stuff so you would smoke it! That is the bottom line and that is why a lot of the time you cough or the ashes are not white.. If the cannabis was always flushed and just cannabis then all would be fine but ppl are greedy and fools when it comes to cannabis and they try to grow as much as they can not thinking.. peace out Headband707:dance013:


hi elmanito :wave:

the endocannabinoid system wont take away the harm to the respiratory system caused by smoking weed, its not the cannabinoids but the other 80 or so percent of the mass of weed that has been shown to release toxins, some of them proven carcinogens, when it is burnt.

Sorry bro, but you're wrong with that.As humans we produce 3 kinds of antioxidant enzymes like Catalase, Gluthation perioxidase & Super dismutase in the first place.Endocannabinoids has a major influence on the physiology like the immune system in humans, so probably also on the production of antioxidant enzymes.Without the endocannabinoid sytem you can not live.The antioxidant & anticarcinogenic properties of cannabinoids is not a thing to underestimate.



Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Ganja baba

Active member
smoking tobacco and weed together is not like smoking tobacco on its own or weed on its own , i like tobacco but i only smoke pure tobacco no chems , i used to smoke pure weed , but i like wanting to have another spliff , i like them together , the high is better imo , i only add a little tobacco .

remember both are drugs , tobacco is just another plant that has been bastardised by commercial companies , it has its uses , i also grow tobacco , i never crave tobacco or a joint , i can go all day with out a joint , even though i smoke about 7 to 9 grams a day


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Sorry bro, but you're wrong with that.As humans we produce 3 kinds of antioxidant enzymes like Catalase, Gluthation perioxidase & Super dismutase in the first place.Endocannabinoids has a major influence on the physiology like the immune system in humans, so probably also on the production of antioxidant enzymes.Without the endocannabinoid sytem you can not live.The antioxidant & anticarcinogenic properties of cannabinoids is not a thing to underestimate.



Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

hi again elmanito, i too believe that cannabis has positive effects on the immune system as well as many other positives such as stress relief, muscle relaxation etc etc, but even if you are right that the anti cancer properties of mj can negate the known carcinogens released by smoking herb, cancer isnt the only negative health effect of smoking. take carbon monoxide for example - nothing in cannabis is going to stop carbon monoxide from smoking bonding with the haemoglobin in your blood and reducing it's oxygen carrying properties. there are many other examples, particulates in the smoke to name another - the list goes on.
i think the best way is to do these things in reasonable moderation and live a healthy lifestyle in as many ways as we can.

VG :tiphat:

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