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Please send some blessings, prayers, well wishes, whatever you got for my son.


Rubbing my glands together
Guys the title says it all.
Some background.My son started down the road with hard drugs at an early age. Can't count the number of times he od'ed on the trash.
He's nearly 30 years old with no direction. No motivation, no concern for his health or anyone's else. Just generally doesn't give a shit about life. Just the next high.
I'll say this, my son is smart. Very smart,(or he was) But when he's on that shit any idiot could run circles around him.
This past Saturday he decided it was just aok to shoplift a rotisserie chicken and some alcohol.
When stopped they found enough shit to charge him with possession with intent to distribute, 1st possession of cocaine, (not the drug he was charged with distribution of) drug paraphernalia, and shop lifting. Judge told him he's looking a 10 years for the distribution charge. This in in the south so it won't be pretty,
He hasn't been assigned an attorney yet and is in max security.
My entire family and that of his birth mothers side have tried to help. It always ended the same way, Stealing, blood on the walls, causing serious trouble, etc.
I have been expecting a call about something like this for years.
I love my son with all my heart and soul. But at the same time he is exactly where is arrogant ass, they can't touch me, I'm invisible shit has been heading. So it is very hard for anyyone that's been there for the long self destructive ride while they chase the dragon or other personal favorites to have an over abundance of sympathy for him but still having a great deal of concern at the same time.
For the past several years he has been doing shit that is reminiscent to the thinking of a 12 year old.It's really sad that he just quit at an early age.It's like his way of thinking has been rewired, which I understand it can screw up the brain.
I'm really down about this this afternoon. Heart broken, concerned, scared for him, and all that goes along with this kind of situation.All I can do is hope things work out for him some way.
So thanks in advance for any post. resinryder


Well shit man.... I'm really sorry to hear that. :( I hope this works out positive in the end...... I hope he gets some help.

All the best to you and the family, I know it can be like "doin time" the whole time a family member is out living like that.



Sadly, I don't have any beneficial advice for you RR. It seems as though you and your family are doing everything you can. You and yours will be in my thoughts, of course. If he's anything like his dad, it certainly is a shame to see the path he's chosen to go down.

All the best to you and your family in this time of trouble, brother.



Hey Mate so sorry to hear about this, this must be one of the hardest things for a parent to watch, unfortunately there's little you can do except to let him know that you love him and will do anything to help him get his life into some sort of order..sometime you just have to wait for people to hit rock bottom before you can make a difference maybe getting busted will be a catalyst for change.. hopefully the courts will see the need for rehab but again unless there is a willingness on your son's behalf nothing will change...give him your love but tough love..let him know you will walk over glass if you think he is serious
but until then he has to captain of his own boat ..tough one resinryder but at least for the moment he is safe (well jail safe) and it might give him some time to sort it out..he probably need to learn about consequence and he is in a good spot to give that some consideration at the moment..its out of your hands at the moment and there's little you can do ,get back into the here and now and worry about the stuff you can do to make a difference..go visit him,take him a carton of smokes and let him know when he is ready you will be there It's all you can do at the moment .Best wishes to you and the family M8..oldie


Senior Member
Very postive vibes and thoughts and good wishes and strength to you, your family, and of course to your son.


breathe deep
Resin I am terribly sorry to hear this. Hard Drugs sure do screw up lives and i just want you to know that i'll be praying for your family. I am hoping that this is the bottom that most addicts need to wake themselves. Stay strong your obvious good nature and generousness will help in these difficult times. Much Love Man
As said above you have to hit rock bottom sometimes to realize what your life means to others and yourself. Wish your family the best but if he is bailed out and continues his things, you as a father needs to set him straight. You have good ethics Resin he is your son.


Man, good luck with your situation! No advice from here, no real personal experience with my kids and drugs(not yet at least). All I can do is send positive vibes/thoughts(sent!!!!).


Rubbing my glands together
very oldman-PM sent. Somehow I accidentally did something that said I deducted a karma point from you. I apologize that this happened, Got to get my head back in the game.rr
Thanks guys for the kind words. It means a lot. I'm 2200 miles away and basically can't do anything.,
TrichyTrichy-can't give you any rep right now. Got to spread some around it says, hehe


wishing good thing for you and yours rr . i hope this is the one that wakes up that smart kid that you say your son is. FWIW it sucks that your kid has fallen in shit ..... maybe it will wake him up and he will come out smelling like a rose. hope it works that way.


Active member
lost some good friends to herion. it just changes some people.

sorry to hear about all that. atleast he didn't snitch, and i'm sure he can prolly get off with a lighter prison sentence then ten years, and hopefully get some rehab while he's there. shitty way to go about it, but that's the only way some people can quit, is if they are forced to.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
...give him your love but tough love..let him know you will walk over glass if you think he is serious but until then he has to captain of his own boat...

Couldn't have said that better myself Oldie. Just don't give up on him Resinryder. Be tough, but love. As much as I hate to see anyone incarcerated. At least for the moment, the tough is partly done for you. I hope for the best in this situation and feel for your Resinryder. I put my parents through similar in my late teens and early twenties. Let's hope he can be serious about a recovery plan now and gets lucky and gets some drug court intervention. I just can't see the logic in incarcerating sick people.

My heart goes out to you Resinryder.

GreatLakes THC :joint:
He does what he wants and doesn't care, as you said. Jail will do more harm than good. A little while might be good for him, but I hope he doesn't have to stay in there too long. He needs a good lawyer. He needs serious rehab even if he doesn't want it. Has he been locked up before? If he has no motivation and doesn't care, then how does he work and pay for his habits? I'm sure you and your family love him dearly, but find out who is enabling him to do what he does if you can. Obviously he enables himself, but I feel he is getting help, or perhaps someone is doing him favors because 'they feel bad for him.' When you love someone it's natural to do that, but it will only make things worse. He's been living somewhere and getting money or stealing for his habits, and hanging around the wrong people. Perhaps he does all this for attention, to see who cares? Sounds like he needs to get counseling/rehab and move away somewhere fresh.

i got a feeling he cares to an extent, or else he would have already killed himself or OD'd for good by now. Hang in there man, don't feel too bad. He has to be accountable for his own life. I just hope things will workout for him and your family in the long run. It definitely won't be easy or a quick fix.

W.Less Monk


Sad story, hard drugs really suck the brain down..

Turns the smartest and honest guy into a dumbass in a few months..

Only himself can decide to change now.

Jail won't help, gonna make things going worse and worse..

Good luck guys, hope it will end up better for your son..:ying:
i wish the spirit of mother nature smile on you and yours with all her kindness and betroth you and your son with feelings of happiness and understanding..

73's Herb..