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Please send some blessings, prayers, well wishes, whatever you got for my son.


RR...there isn't much we can say that will directly help your son...but I want to share a story with you.

I was addicted to klonazepam pretty badly while I was exiting high school. Somehow I managed to squeak through college, but my drug use got worse and worse...I started to snort my k-pins to feel the high again...started doing harder drugs to chase the feeling.

By the time I was a senior I was pretty strung out...I had the exact same attitude you described your son as having. And just like your son, I was sent to jail...not for stealing, but for something else non-violent...

granted it wasnt federal, and definitely wasnt for 10 years...but let me tell you this - that was the best thing that could have happened to me. I was forced to go sober...no question about it. I had fevers, convulsions, all that crap when I was first locked up...but after that went away, I was facing a very very grim reality in jail life, something very hard for someone who is newly sober.

It was scary enough that it changed me. The day I was released, I accepted my fragility, opened up to my family, and threw away all the shit I had stashed in odd places around my place. I've been completely sober now for almost two years, and hold a very promising job at one of the biggest companies in my industry.

i still toke...but weed is to hard drugs as oregano is to the bhut jolokia...

basically...see this upcoming obstacle in your sons life as a potential 'moment of clarity'. Be there to visit him, but be strong about it. I pray for you that he comes out of this a changed man.


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Hey Resinryder, still got your son in my thoughts and hoping for some sort of break for him. Legally, but especially from the drugs and the lifestyle that he's been living.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
didn't know you made a thread brother....wasn't aware of how much this was concerning you..i know we talked about this the last time we spoke.....shoot me one if you wanna chat.......

Grass Lands

Hey man, I feel for ya. Its a tough situation. However, it will still be his choice to clean up or continue the path of destruction...I hope he chooses the right path.

My younger brother started his path of destruction on meth when he was 20 yrs old...now at 42 he is serving a 2+ year sentence again...he's been in and out of prison for nearly half his life since he chose this path...some peolpe have it in them to quit the destruction and some see it as the only way of life...I will be praying for your son to turn over a new leaf, as I have seen and felt for 20+ years what the wrong drug can do to a family and the soul it has grabbed a hold of.
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each day i take a few minutes and pray for you and your boy
i pray he finds his path and something to take his time and attention away from what he has done in the past.
idle hands and all


Rubbing my glands together
Just got some info. Looks like he may be facing 6 months to 2 years depending on the judge. Some charges are being dropped and others being reduced. So this is better than the 10 years he has been looking at.
Also, want to thank all of you guys who have posted up in the thread. It has really meant a lot to me. No matter how much time he ends up with, it's better than getting the "other" call parents hope to never receive. I hope and pray that while he's a guest of the state that he has time to reflect on the hurt and damage he's done to himself and his family, but mostly to himself. No matter what he's done he's my son and at the end of the day I love him.
Good luck man, I hope he decides to change his ways, and become a better person. In fact, it might even help his case, if the judge sees he is willing to rehabilitate himself and has support from his family to do so. My parents have been going through this with my older brother since he was 15, he's 25 now, been to jail 3 times for a myriad of charges (possession, assault on an officer, assault on a female, breaking and entering, destruction of property,etc,etc.) and still gets high on pain killers, coke, and every other drug you can imagine because his PO only tests him once a month and tells him when. Hard drugs can really rip apart a family: the first time I smoked cannabis was w/ my brother and now I can't stand to be around him because of what drugs have done to him and his life. I sincerely hope he doesn't spend anytime in jail and this whole thing is just a huge wake up call for him.


Active member
good luck. maybe this is his wakeup call. he can change his life for the better. sometimes you got to hit rock bottom and work your way back up


Registered User
RR~ we spoke before on the NV legal changes for this session... a while ago. Just found this & wanted to extend my well wishes. Truly hoping for good fortune when drawing that judge. Try to stay up brother.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Good karma and positive vibe sent to to and yours RR.
May the light at the end of the tunnel, come sooner, rather than later!


Active member
good to hear hes only lookin at 6 months...hopefully he got a nice wakup call...i can only hope if i was ever busted for growing that my parents wouldnt be down about, cant let my bullshit drag them down too..keep on doin what you do RR!


Rubbing my glands together
Update time. He's been let out and placed on 6 months probation. In the end he has only charged with Possession 1st offense. All other charges dropped. So a bit of good news regarding the whole situation. Thanks to all for the good vibes laid out in the thread. We really appreciate it.


GOOD news ....... now you can exhale dad !

and congrats on your 22 years (the other thread is doing goofy shit)..... thats one hell of a present you got from the court system.


ICMag Donor
Thats good news RR...it seems life gets real tough for some ppl, they take the hard road. I hope he can get clean and be a happy person, cuz we only get one chance at this and to mess it up is sad. May he find peace and happiness.


Great news RR - very happy for you and your family

I hope your son has learned a valuable lesson here ... that he cleans and pulls himself up - and finds lots of joy and happiness in life

Congrats too on 22 years of marriage - wishing you many, many more ! ... and

Always wishing you and your family the very, very best !


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Hey RR,

I'd heard about this, but didn't know you'd made a thread. I'm glad to hear he's getting probation. Hopefully though, the thought of 10 years had some kind of resonance with him. It's never to late to turn life around, and maybe he will. It sounds like he got very lucky. I'm from the south, and know that it's no joke down there. You catch the wrong judge, on the wrong day and he'll max out all the charges he can.

I hope he gets better and manages to figure out whatever is upsetting him and causing him to do this to himself and his family.

Best wishes



i hope him being on paper for six months gives him the opportunity to turn things around and find other motivation to continue on a semi straight path
smiling for you my friend

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