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plant pimp
Hash Zep hit the nail on the head. Switch your soil to fox farm ocean forest or fox farm happy frog. If grown right u can have results liike this..this is 100% organic and grown in a mix of happy frog and ocean forest. Fed nothing but guano and flushed for 2 weeks. Nothing but water!


this thread is unbelievable. the guy needs better lights and or better luck with his genetics. come on people wtf. read the op's full post thoroughly. As far a potency is he taking the plant too soon? I have grown with miracle grow soil and nutes and never flushed and my buds tasted good with no complaints . the problem is something else.


plant pimp
this thread is unbelievable. the guy needs better lights and or better luck with his genetics. come on people wtf. read the op's full post thoroughly. As far a potency is he taking the plant too soon? I have grown with miracle grow soil and nutes and never flushed and my buds tasted good with no complaints . the problem is something else.

He needs to flush...BOTTOM LINE. The op says he never flushed. Go read the info he was given again. Go look at my photo album,my results speak 4 themselves. If u think u have a better answer then u solve his issues. U say u were in miracle grow,with no flush and no issues huh...no flush...lmao..u must have never grown a plant and thought it tasted good..I will put 1 of my organics up against a miracle grow plant all day. The proof is in the finished product. Taste,smell,potency...all that! If he does what WE say he will be fine. Listening to such bullshit u speak will only compound his issues. What,are u dumb? The root zone NEEDS TO BE CLEAR OF ALL SALTS..furthermore his soil mix is bad business. Ur talking about mg,we are talking ffof...100% organic. Organic growing let's the plant eat when it wants to. It knows what it needs and when it needs it. Miracle grow can't even feed a seedling properly w/out having to add N to the mix. Maybe u should actually step ur grow game up and u will have better results.

To the OP,pay that miracle grow ,no flush BULLSHIT no mind. That is foolish info and will only compound the issue.


plant pimp
Oh ya bobman,wtf does lights have to do with cannabis taste? Not a gotdamn thing! Lights are only gonna make shit denser and increase yields. Bagseed can taste/look good when grown right.


Yes flush flush flush that cant be stressed enough but there is also one thing nobody has talked about as well and that is how was it dried and cured. If it wasnt dried and cured right that can also make the weed act like rice crispies in the bowl and snap crackle and pop as well as taste like shit


Hash Zep hit the nail on the head. Switch your soil to fox farm ocean forest or fox farm happy frog. If grown right u can have results liike this..this is 100% organic and grown in a mix of happy frog and ocean forest. Fed nothing but guano and flushed for 2 weeks. Nothing but water!
Fuckin show off.....hahaha it looks fire and i bet i know what kind it is and if you smoke it in a mancave it will make you retarded hehehehehe:tiphat:


plant pimp
Nice to see u drop in dread! Yes,I bet u do know what strain that is and HOW GOOD IT TASTES when FLUSHED and NOT be grown in miracle grow! We will have to hit the mancave and smoke some good organic


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
There are more than ONE issue that need resolved.

There are more than ONE issue that need resolved.

He needs to flush...BOTTOM LINE. The op says he never flushed. Go read the info he was given again. Go look at my photo album,my results speak 4 themselves. If u think u have a better answer then u solve his issues. U say u were in miracle grow,with no flush and no issues huh...no flush...lmao..u must have never grown a plant and thought it tasted good..I will put 1 of my organics up against a miracle grow plant all day. The proof is in the finished product. Taste,smell,potency...all that! If he does what WE say he will be fine. Listening to such bullshit u speak will only compound his issues. What,are u dumb? The root zone NEEDS TO BE CLEAR OF ALL SALTS..furthermore his soil mix is bad business. Ur talking about mg,we are talking ffof...100% organic. Organic growing let's the plant eat when it wants to. It knows what it needs and when it needs it. Miracle grow can't even feed a seedling properly w/out having to add N to the mix. Maybe u should actually step ur grow game up and u will have better results.

To the OP,pay that miracle grow ,no flush BULLSHIT no mind. That is foolish info and will only compound the issue.

Oh shit another "100% organic preacher"...

I disagree with the general consensus that flushing will have the dramatic effect he's looking for.

Logic would suggest that since no nutrients containing salts have been added and only used or washed out; there can be no salts built up in the soil. Therefore flushing would serve only to wet the soil and release more nutrients from the pellets. It seems rather idiotic to expect a salt buildup when no salts are added.

At Flip the plants should have been transplanted or re-potted into unfortified soil. This would ensure that most of the Nitrogen has been used up and a Bloom nutrient can be added. But when the plant lives it's life in fortified soil, there is no way to determine how much of what nutrient is needed for the plant to finish, and no way to gauge how much should be added.

Now while I agree that flushing for finish is always a good recommendation and there are a few good reasons to flush; I disagree with the idea of "flush flush flush that cant be stressed enough"... If you are having to flush anytime except for finish then you are wasting time and money by trying to over feed and then stunting the plants with lock-out and over watering from each flush.

As I also said in a previous post, the OP needs to upgrade his lights too. I've flowered under 2X 300watt cfl's and it just isn't quite enough the grow nice firm buds. Great for veg, but not quite sufficient for flowering.

Better lighting would help the plant dramatically, both above and below the soil, and would most likely allow the plant to completely absorb the time release pellets before flower. Then if transplanted into a PH balanced, unfortified soil just prior to flipping you can add your own flowering nutrients without overdosing.

But suggesting that lighting has nothing to do with taste and smell is simply moronic. Lighting has everything to do with taste, smell, growth rate, salt buildup, and overall health and yield of the plants.
If you don't believe it then try feeding at the normal levels and cut the light in half. The plants will look fine for a couple of days and then the plant stops or will slow down growth which requires less nutrients, so the roots slow down which causes salt to build up because the plant stops up-taking properly.

The "BOTTOM LINE" is that everything effects the finish product, whether discussing lighting, humidity, temperatures, soil, water, nutrients, or even pot size.

The OP is a beginner and from reading this thread, has several issues that he needs to work out before he will grow the beautiful buds that make mouths water like we frequently see from members here.
It sounds to me like the OP has done admirable to this point, but needs to tweak his setup and progress to the next level of growing. Even more admirable to me is that he is here asking for suggestions or advice. It is somewhat detrimental and potentially discouraging for new growers when they ask advice or make suggestions attempting to help and are insulted by the teachers. Even more so when the teachers are not entirely right...
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plant pimp
1st off stress_test,if there was synthetic salts in there from the start they are there at the end.. do u really think u can flush all those salts out...NO u cannot! BOTTOM LINE is he needs to flush. Yes I scream organics! Outside in nature do those big ass trees need synthetic salts to grwo...FUCK NO THEY DON'T!
Lighting does not affect the taste either unless ur burning tops. My advice to him is solid,go play on the freeway or something. Better yet,pick up a book on 100% organic growing. Those salts are still in the soil. Ever seen an all organic plant next to a non organic? Ever wonder why organic food costs much more????? Its better more healthy and all natural! Build from ur soil up. Those outdoor guys in 300 gallon smart pots that grow 10# plants will tell u the same! Organics don't fuck up the land...ur salts do. In ur neg rep to me u said I was harsh on that dude. Well for being a noob he sure came in here trying to check us and tell us how we was wrong. So he got his ass chewed! So fucking what. Be glad it wasn't directed at u! I don't see u screaming at dreadedhead for screaming TLO! TLO means true living organics...go read up on it and get outta my ass!


buddy, the guy says in his first post there is no potency. flushing will not help that. its genetics or he took it too early or any number of things.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Look that fuckin lump on yer shoulders is your head: USE IT! The soil pH's neutral when it is brand new; and doesn't release anything until it is wet... At which point the plant should be able to uptake everything that is released by the capsules before the soil is dried out again; so there would be no residual salts left behind. And if there were then it would be washed out every time it gets watered because there is nothing containing salts being added. Providing that the temps, light, air and ALL other conditions are favorable for the plant to begin with.

Organic or not, plants won't uptake if temperatures and light are telling to plant to slow down or go dormant.

The term pH stands for “potential” of “Hydrogen”. It is the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. The more ions, the more acidic the solution. The fewer ions the more alkaline (base) the solution. The pH level is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, on a scale of zero to fourteen, with zero being most acid, fourteen being most alkaline and seven being mid-range.

Salt is alkaline, organic or not, it is alkaline. So if the soil and water pH neutral then there is no salt buildup. AND NO REASON TO FLUSH. I don't give a damn how many times you wanna say it differently: Neutral is still neutral and flushing a perfectly balance soil will only do harm to the plant due to over watering, except for the final flush before harvest.

It doesn't matter if one is referring to organic or otherwise, if salts are not added to a pH balanced soil/water then there will be no salt buildup to flush away. Period. You can't wash away something that isn't there.

If you use pre-fortified soil; use small pots and transplant prior to flipping into larger pots with unfortified soil that is neutral pH, any remaining Nitrogen will be dissolved and used up or washed away before it becomes an issue for the plant later in flower. I've done it thousands of times both indoor and outdoor, as have most members of this site at one time or another. And Nitrogen is really the only thing in the soil that should become an issue during flower if everything else is dialed in.

Now the OP is admittedly a beginner with a plant in mid to late flower, he isn't gonna dump it and start over with organic. However he can dial in his temperatures, humidity, circulation, and lighting while the current plant finishes, and then start fresh with new soil and a room with conditions that are conducive to growing healthy plants. Learning, upgrading, and adapting as he progresses from one grow to the next. In my opinion, the first thing he should upgrade is the lighting.

Better light means that the plant will uptake and grow healthier, which in turn means that the nutrients will be used and not left to accumulate to the point of causing lockup. And I don't give a crud who says otherwise, or if they grow organic or in a nuclear waste dump; all the soil and nutrients on the planet won't grow better buds if they are only using 150 watt cfl's. That's a "No-brainer"...

A 150 watt CFL will only do what a 150 watt CFL can do.
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plant pimp
Look at that lump between ur shoulders its ur ass...and it stinks! I know what ph is,no need to school me. If u take ur head out ur ass u would see...if it starts sinthetic it ends sinthetic. U can't flush a sinthetic plant and make it organic. That soil is crap...period! Not all soil have a neutral ph either. Not all soil has READILY available nutes either. Just cuz it says its in there does not mean its fast release. U have ur opinions and I have mine. Agree to disagree,I'm not gonna keep arguing with u about this shit. My fully organic results speak for me!

Bobman...ya,a number of things contribute to lack of potency..like NOT FLUSHING and NOT DRY/CURE RIGHT! Genetics play a role too but I've grown bagseed and its been fire!


sure but look at this guys problem, my bet its genetics. I have gotten bad plants from so called good breeders. If not genetics then probably some mistake somewhere but flushing is not the problem. one person said flush than everyone else jumped in and said flush. this is probably the last thing a new grower needs to hear because than he starts chasing his tail. the mistake was somewhere else. just because you flush is not going to turn a 2 into a 10. good pot is good pot and can be grown many ways and still turn out great. if you want to go on record and say this guys main problem was not flushing than go ahead but
nobody is going to agree with the statement that bad pot can be turned into great pot just by flushing. and no potency will not be that noticeably changed by a good flush no matter how many times you say it.


Oh shit another "100% organic preacher"...

I disagree with the general consensus that flushing will have the dramatic effect he's looking for.

Logic would suggest that since no nutrients containing salts have been added and only used or washed out; there can be no salts built up in the soil. Therefore flushing would serve only to wet the soil and release more nutrients from the pellets. It seems rather idiotic to expect a salt buildup when no salts are added.

At Flip the plants should have been transplanted or re-potted into unfortified soil. This would ensure that most of the Nitrogen has been used up and a Bloom nutrient can be added. But when the plant lives it's life in fortified soil, there is no way to determine how much of what nutrient is needed for the plant to finish, and no way to gauge how much should be added.

Now while I agree that flushing for finish is always a good recommendation and there are a few good reasons to flush; I disagree with the idea of "flush flush flush that cant be stressed enough"... If you are having to flush anytime except for finish then you are wasting time and money by trying to over feed and then stunting the plants with lock-out and over watering from each flush.

As I also said in a previous post, the OP needs to upgrade his lights too. I've flowered under 2X 300watt cfl's and it just isn't quite enough the grow nice firm buds. Great for veg, but not quite sufficient for flowering.

Better lighting would help the plant dramatically, both above and below the soil, and would most likely allow the plant to completely absorb the time release pellets before flower. Then if transplanted into a PH balanced, unfortified soil just prior to flipping you can add your own flowering nutrients without overdosing.

But suggesting that lighting has nothing to do with taste and smell is simply moronic. Lighting has everything to do with taste, smell, growth rate, salt buildup, and overall health and yield of the plants.
If you don't believe it then try feeding at the normal levels and cut the light in half. The plants will look fine for a couple of days and then the plant stops or will slow down growth which requires less nutrients, so the roots slow down which causes salt to build up because the plant stops up-taking properly.

The "BOTTOM LINE" is that everything effects the finish product, whether discussing lighting, humidity, temperatures, soil, water, nutrients, or even pot size.

The OP is a beginner and from reading this thread, has several issues that he needs to work out before he will grow the beautiful buds that make mouths water like we frequently see from members here.
It sounds to me like the OP has done admirable to this point, but needs to tweak his setup and progress to the next level of growing. Even more admirable to me is that he is here asking for suggestions or advice. It is somewhat detrimental and potentially discouraging for new growers when they ask advice or make suggestions attempting to help and are insulted by the teachers. Even more so when the teachers are not entirely right...
Lighting has nothing to to with smell nor the taste i have grown twin clones under a 400 and 1000 watt light and the only difference is yield and a little finish time and that it is ... And i dont care what you say about no need to flush if the product is not 100% organic flushing is needed there will be salt build up and not to mention non organic nutes are absorbed into the plant and you need to flush as much of it out as you can so you dont end up smoking synthetic bullshit....before you complain about a organic growers advice learn a little about the subject your speaking on


yea but have you ever grown a plant under 125 watt cfl
Yes i have and i have got great taste and smell the issue was airy buds and lack of yield but a nice product considering it was 125 cfl....the idea of organics is to allow the plant to eat what it wants when it wants like it has done in nature for years and years not to force feed it high doses of what you want it to eat. The plant knows what it needs and you just build a soil mix with all the natural goodies in it so that it doesnt have a lack of what it needs


I think that the op problem is bad genetics bad soil and improper drying and curing not talking bad just stating the facts. He is a new grower with some things to learn just like the rest of us had to i am sure we have all had some less than great results are first couple times and thats what we are all here for is to help him learn ways to improve on his skills....if good soil was there to begin with flushing wouldnt even be brought up a good tlo soil doesnt require flushing


i agree i think it could have been anything. he did not give us enough to go on. maybe he pulled way to early for growing under a cfl (if cfl's take longer) or it was a bum plant who knows. we don't even know what strain. i just think everyone jumped on the flush bandwagon when that was clearly not the problem here.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Lighting has nothing to to with smell nor the taste i have grown twin clones under a 400 and 1000 watt light and the only difference is yield and a little finish time and that it is ...

Well that statement contains some useable knowledge: 400 watts takes longer to finish than 1000 watts with no discernible difference in yield. I wonder if the same concept might apply to that 150 watt CFL of the OP's?

And i dont care what you say about no need to flush if the product is not 100% organic flushing is needed there will be salt build up and not to mention non organic nutes are absorbed into the plant and you need to flush as much of it out as you can so you dont end up smoking synthetic bullshit....before you complain about a organic growers advice learn a little about the subject your speaking on

I never flush except a week prior to harvest. I have mother plants that are 5+ years old and have never been flushed.

And what thread are you reading anyway? I never said a damn thing against organic growers or organic growing. And I never said that I use synthetic nutrients either.

I don't give a damn if he grows organic and gives free advice. I grow organic too and his advice still sucked at any price, but not because I grow organic. His advice sucked because he is wrong and too egotistical to shut the fuck up and consider things logically.

Even organic doesn't trump logic.:moon:
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