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Guys i am getting really frustrated. I have been attempting to grow my own plant, and i am on my second full plant about to harvest. The last plant looked great and i was really excited about it, but it smoked TERRIBLY and was a crappy high and didn't taste very good. I grow indoors, in soil, with a 120v CFL 150w 6400k bulb. I Am going to give up if this plant comes out like the last. I know the seeds are good for i bought feminized seeds that i split with a pal and he grows his in a hydroponic system and his has turned out fine. What could i be doing wrong here? The bud even kinda sparkles a bit when its smoked, any and all comments welcome!


plant pimp
Like stated,did u flush? If u did flush how much water did u flush thru it? Was it even water u flushed with? 2nd,how late into flowering are u feeding? Because there is a cutoff time. Do u have any pics u could post of this plant? That way we can properly diagnose and help u. From your post it seems your pretty new to this plant. What might look ok to u may not to us. Also,if u can upgrade your light to at least a 400 watt system. Not that the light is your issue but it will expedite growth and increase yields. I will check back in a bit...stay safe and keep it green!

Zen Master

sparks in the bowl=metals left over from synthetic (usually) nutrients.

dont feed so much so late in the plants life, taper off the amount of nutrients towards the last few weeks, for the last week give it nothing but pH'd water. no nutrients at all. That should help with the residual nutrients in the plants tissue, which will help with your taste/smell/high.

growing weed is easy, growing dank weed not so much.

a good slow dry and cure will improve the taste/smell also.


uh oh.

uh oh.

i havent been doing any feeding or flushing :jawdrop:-- i use expert gardener potting soil. I will get a pic on here asap. I need to look up exactly what i am suppsed to do in order to flush the plant, also i would need to figure out exactly when i should do this. THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK! keep it coming guys, pics on the way


plant pimp
Use at least 3x the amount of water per gallon of soil. Say ur in a 3 gallon,hit that hooker w/9 gallons of water. No worries,u will not flood the plant!


Use at least 3x the amount of water per gallon of soil. Say ur in a 3 gallon,hit that hooker w/9 gallons of water. No worries,u will not flood the plant!

and just let it run out the bottom? after i do this i let it stay for another week or so b4 harvesting?
pictures will still be here in a few, gotta wait for wife to come home with camera.


If the high is crappy than it is probably a bad pheno. Is this from a different seed or a clone of that plant. If its a different seed than chances are it will be better. Also is the plant really getting what it needs from that light. does it look good.
yep what strain hunter said. keep feeding with water after you flush as the plant needs to still drink. soil with time released ferts are hard to flush properly.


Tropical Outcast
What would be the best way to fight this? or to salvage the best i can out of this plant? flush it a couple of times?

If I were you I would dunk the whole pot in around PH 6.5 water, let it sit there for a few mins and repeat a few times preferably with new PH'd water.

Then let it drain well and hope for the best 'till the plant is done.

If you are using a plastic pot try finding a same size clay pot, those help drying out your soil out MUCH faster so the plant won't stay waterlogged.

There is nothing else you can do and the above works fairly well.


I'd try to step up the lighting as well. That will increase your yield and give you denser buds. I see it's been mentioned a lot but flushing and a good cure is really important.


Active member
just feed it water and let it go another week or two. the longer you let it go the less nutrients will be in . unless its that 6 month stuff then your screwed


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Well flushing soil with time release fertilizer pellets is nearly a waste of time because the pellets actually release the fertilizer when they dry out and are re-wet again.

I have seen people use time release soil before but they usually use it OD and the pellets dissolve throughout the season, and before flower.

When I first started growing I was using Black Gold w/ time release nutrients and had the same problems. The last run I used it, I rinsed the roots of soil and re-potted the plants in unfortified soil just before I flipped 12/12 and they finished nicely. But it is a risk for a new grower who may not have ever root rinsed and re-potted a mature plant before.
It isn't difficult, but you're handling fragile roots and rinsing the old soil out without damaging them and then re-potting.

I use neutral Ph'ed water with a splash of H2O2 and gently rinse the roots clean, then re-pot into a damp soil and then water lightly so as to not completely soak the soil.
If you get the soil too wet, you will stunt the plant. Too dry and it will do the same.
Then give em a few days to get comfortable in the new soil before flipping.

Also: 150w cfl may not be quite enough light. I have a lil grow cab that I use sometimes and it's pretty small (19"W X 12" X 30"H) and 150w will flower but the buds are pretty airy and lose. Two of em makes a world of difference...


Tropical Outcast
Well flushing soil with time release fertilizer pellets is nearly a waste of time because the pellets actually release the fertilizer when they dry out and are re-wet again.


It is a waste for the most part if done with fresh soil but since OP's plant is well in to flowering his chances of improving the final products taste are much better since there is not much fertilizer left to leach out.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^exactly. I went dwc several years back and I love it. very easy. and if you flush right it tastes really great too.

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