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15,000 watts and a few questions. Suggestions?


grow nerd

Holy shit. I saw that pic in quick passing but never would have guessed that's an air pump!

410 watts!

My last experience with (R)DWC was in the minor leagues, but I do know that reservoir temperature is key and a lot more important than how much air you can pump in. As others have mentioned, drop that rez temp down closer to 65F and you won't have to pump in as much air to get the same effects.


Really is that pump 410 watts? hehe, I guess thats how it can move some serious air! If I wouldn't have gone this way, I would have had 6 eco plus 5 air pumps. They sell for $90 each and are 80 watts. This regenerative blower was about $300 I think? And it blows way more air...


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Some more photos showing quite clearly my air setup and feeding. And Natalia. Also, I got my res temp to 68 now. I could go even lower, but should I?


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Lowes donated all of the buckets, so I have to put out the name. They sell these bucket for only $2.34. You guys know how many black buckets I paid $7 a piece for before I discovered Lowes?

One more note about the regenerative blower, airstones, tubing, etc that I have. It all came from aquatic ecosystems, based in Florida. As I was talking to the guy on the phone, I complained about the prices, just because I always do. He ended up giving me a 20 percent discount on the blower, and maybe 10 on everything else just because I asked for it.

grow nerd

You should consider getting some more airflow through the canopy. A few floor fans might be your best option.

I used to like running gap-less canopies like yours, but found that airflow (as well as plant management) can be challenging.


There really is plenty of airflow through there even if you can't see it. I have a fan in the back that blows over the canopy, and a fan on each of the sides that continuously moves air across the canopy and toward the exhaust....

joe fresh

Active member
yeah thaniel, looking at your cannopy looks nice but imo a bit crowded, as you seen i got a canopy very similar, yesterday though i thinned it out and filled 2 garbage bags with trim and i can honestly say that alone dropped my rh by 15%, and im sure im getting better airflow.

i plan to build an exhaust tuesday, but no intake, just an exaust to exhaust the humidity at night, i got a 12" vortex with scrubber and ill be using that. i think next run ill be droping the plant numbers by atleast 20, right now i think i got like 150 or so.

thats one prob ive always had is over packing the room, i trry to fill every little space so i dont waste light and maximize crop, but i usually end up with problems due to dense canopy

donny darko

I would like to see you spread them out and drop bare bulbs down between them next run if you have a separate veg room and don’t veg in that room as well and this would be good for anybody else that is concerned by plant numbers. Any RDWC rooms I have seen it is all about the environment water temp air temp, high air per bucket, humidity, air movement, co2. I think you have a really nice room with most of that stuff addressed. But look at dropping that water temp and keeping that water moving though the system the quicker the better, and if you res is sunk or gravity feed back you might want to add a waterfall effect. Again nice grow man.

Neo 420

Active member
Damn that's a dense canopy!

I envy your setup. Keep up the good work and keep us updated!


One quick note about the air pump, it is VERY loud, so don't buy one if you need things to be quiet. I'll get to some more responses later. Thanks for all the replies!


I just did a load of pruning tonight. Hopefully that will be better. I just have such a hard time cutting branches off of these plants.
For your set up you have to buy a special cuter that can extend up to 4 feet. and you just prune everything and use a stick to pick up the pruned stuff.


Active member

good luck getting to the middle of the canopy though GOD DAMN!!!!! excuse my language :)

Some more pruning/trimming would seem to be beneficial here as by the look of those beautiful thick bushes I doubt light will penetrate to the bottom, its never 2 late to trim!!!! (to an extent but give me a break lol)

take care man you're doing f**king splendid, clean setup I like it :tiphat:


Tropical Outcast

OP for your dense canopy I strongly suggest to "Lollipop" your plants.

Doing so will significantly increase the density of the buds and increase your yield.



Overkill is under-rated.
Santa Fe makes great dehueys, the classic pulls 100 pints a day, the max dry does 150. They cost about 1000 and 1500 USD respectively, but use about the same amount of power as a 40 pint unit.


Overkill is under-rated.
Your problem is the "water-cooled" ac...it increases humdity

Incorrect. A water cooled AC is not the same thing as a swamp cooler (AKA evaporative cooler.) A water cooled AC uses cold water blown through a radiator/heat exchanger with a fan, then drains to waste or recirculates through a chiller/res. The cold air meeting warm grow room air results in condensation just like an AC, but it can be drained outside as well.