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plant pimp
Is my info wrong? My plants and finished product speak 4 me. I don't flush my plants at all..until the end and that's just for good measure. Like I told u stress_test,my plants speak 4 me. I was helping the op because he is not organic. Non organic needs to be flushed...period! U jump on my ass saying "oh shit another organic preacher" then u say ur organic...u sound like an assclown! Let's see ur plants,let's see ur "organic results"! Let's see how they stack up against mine! Let's see if my info was wrong..because doing it my way gets results like this.....

Galadriel,grandaddy haze,sensi star. Oh ya,stress_test get off dreadedhead's nutts while ur at it. Now let's see some of ur work. U gotta look to find issues with mine. Build from the soil up bitch! True organics don't use ph meters. Its the microlife IN THE SOIL that feed the plant and allow it to uptake nutes when ph is way off. I don't ph shit bitch! ANY sinthetic nutes kill microlife in the soil once the soil dries. I am organic,I am TLO(tru living organics) and SO FUCKING WHAT! I told a guy who grows sinthetic to flush and u freak out! Let's see ur "organics" hoe! Go look in my photo album and see my other shit!


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