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plantys outdoor 2010



Taxation isn't legalization and neither is regulating something. Taxing and EXTREMLY regulating the Cannabis industry is what the TC 2010 bill will do. If this bill passes, the only people who will benefit are the prison industry and Richard Lee... You can change the laws of man but you can not change the laws of Jah!


Landrace Lover
so it's not actually going to be beneficial for anyone who's wanting to grow legally for any other reason other than commercial growing/selling in the drug trade? that sucks...


I am wondering what kind of drippers or irrigattion i should be using on my 4ft diameter 24in tall custom built smart pots.. i am running a 1/2 line about 100ft down a hill and then to 6 diffrent pots.. i am thinking of using 1 or 2 C frame sprayers per pot do u think that will be fine.... any ideas or diagrams


You can go to the Growing Big Plants thread in tom hills forum and cruise to the most recent page and see my completed manifold set up. I would use larger line and more sprayers


Best wishes for your PLUG tomorrow planty, I know you'll have your gameface on......and perhaps a sombrero! :biggrin:

Can't wait to see that garden filled bro....


I am partying TOUGHLY today because tomorrow is a hard core work day! Thanks for the wishes bro. All my ladies are PERFECT for moving out right now, I put them in to the 5 gals theyre in now about 3 weeks ago...

To me is the perfect amount of time to build a strong root ball but not get root bound, my ladies have been out in the green house under supplemental light since April 1st..I can't wait to put them in to the full sun!! It's going to be such a great feeling. I am going to have many nice pics to share.

Half my bomb threats are 4' tall 4' wide the rest are 3 x 3 and my DOG are all the same..I am growing 100% INDY varieties...s

I was doing that Blue Dream crap I bet I would have 10 ft plants right now that were 10 ft wide..But fuck that..I LOVE KUSH


I forgot to show how much I love kush

Got a couple pissed ones I used to make like a penguin with ( test the water )



Movin' on up...Movin' on out...

Movin' on up...Movin' on out...

Onward, forward, never backward!



Ya'll are the best :D Very mota-vating

I have 33 more to go..Ended up going with 36 Bomb Threat 23 DOG 1 Old Betsy....every thing else is going in my light dep