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plantys outdoor 2010



PS, I pay cash for BT, tyvm, sounds like you're in the market for some BD though, tehee. Looks like the hate stops @ 4:1 :D Ok then, we have my handicap (2:1) and yours (4:1), meet me in the middle @ 3:1. Ready? Set? Grow!!! -T

That'll be 6:1 now that ya tried to low ball me...

I'll take 48 benjis for indoor, 30 for black box and 28 benjis for the full term stuff please :)

try comb

Active member
That'll be 6:1 now that ya tried to low ball me...

I'll take 48 benjis for indoor, 30 for black box and 28 benjis for the full term stuff please :)

so many ppl growing bthreat this year.....its gonna be 1300/p come fall. tops.

ive seen at least a dozen bomb threat only gardens this week alone. :laughing:


Randude101 What does that even mean?

The weather outlook tells me I can start plugging them in. I will be back later on to share photos once I'm all done with that shenanigan

Also T, 6:1 too much? Where did that confidence go?


T- curious on how you will be using your hortonova trellis, and the bd....wow some amazing growth in the past month.

planty- will be looking forward to seeing the girls in the ground, clear skys here we come.

the only metal I wanted to use was a hd tomato cage to get a nice even growing plant and for it to have a spin. Netting seems easy, and you can simply just cut it away when done.


Active member
The weather outlook tells me I can start plugging them in. I will be back later on to share photos once I'm all done with that shenanigan

Git er dun!! I need a few day break, been at it hard the past few weeks. Lets see some of those pics bro!

Tom, your plants are looking great for this time of year, thats a hell of a start, the BT looks stellar.


Nothing got put out today. Tonights forecasted low is 28 degrees. Shooting for some time between saturday and monday


Active member
I got my first 800 gallon black box bed filled and transplanted 6 Sour D's into it from 5 gallon pots. Still covering at night, though and its only getting down into the mid 40's at night. 3 more or so like this before its 50's and up at night. Almost there.


Active member
This spring has been ass backwards, it's been up into the upper 80's/lower 90's here during the days and the last few nights got down to 70. Normally thats your guy's temps and I'm behind waiting for the weather.


Landrace Lover
hey planty how're things in cali with respect to that bill they're trying to pass for legalisation of pot? the polls last time i looked were like 63% in favour of it ! woooo maybe a stepping stone for the world!


Very few growers here support the bill. And I think most that do support it are completely uneducated on what the bill contains. I am sure Planty has plenty to say on the issue.


Landrace Lover
yeah well i'd love to hear what you guys closer to the issue think, i have little knowledge of it at all (as may have been apparent). why would you guys be opposed to it?
