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Pipeline Gardens '08


ICMag Donor
Tall plot


Flooded plot

BOG Medely

Danish passion

My friend's black indy bushes that must be taller than I now! :eek: :canabis:

New pipe for the girlfriend.... :smoke:

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:wave: High pipes lady.
Nice photos you have been taking.

Enjoy your hols..keep on making each other happy..talk when you get back.

Lush girls. :yummy:


Well-known member
Those pics rock. Sempervivum is one of my favorites to grow mine have done well this year. They love nice rocky soil or that seems to be the trick for mine. Did you get any flowers from them this year.

Love the hive too some good honey coming soon?


pipe..you :eek: not back yet m8..

I swear I am almost sure I can smell a DC pollenating somewhere in this thread..


Joint Date: Today.
Looking nice Pipe!! no news about the Darksiders you had?

goood luck and have a good one my friend :wave:


ICMag Donor
Thanks guys! Just letting you know I'm back now.... DC pollination commenced early this morning.... Early Durban was harvested due to a spot of mold.... Wasn't too big....

Much to do today, stay tuned for an update.... :wave:


:wave: wey hey pipe..you are back.

Give me a yell as soon as you have time.
Lots to talk about.

Good Luck with the pollenation.

I hope you don't get Hay Fever.. :headbange

Ah pipe..as well..
buds on a sati dom plant..
should they be thin and rangey like the plant
do you have any photos..?
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ICMag Donor
Alright a bit of time now to catch up.... I must get to sorting some photos here soon for yall.... Its coming.... Some more beautiful plants, they just woofed out! :canabis:

The trip was great and much needed.... Spent 5 days up in the mountains. Was reminded we were living with black bears and rattlesnakes while on the adventure.... I saw a small black bear on a mountain ridge trail while hiking alone!

Luckily I passed a couple local boys on horseback that had seen it a couple hundred feet before me.... It was there at a trailhead right where I had seen a piece of pretzel earlier that same afternoon... I had underestimated their sense of smell... Should have picked the thing up and stuck it in my pocket....

I came up yelling pretty loud "Get out of the trail, bear" and "Better use caution when going down the next part of the trail".... It took a sec but it scurried off about 50-60 ft into some brush... No mama bear in sight so on through I went....

Heard a rattlesnake while up on a steep rocky ridge getting a view one afternoon... I was sitting there for a few minutes before I heard it just 5-10 feet away.... Whew... that was close enough for me.... :headbange

I needed a chance away from our so called reality.... back to times where the indians ruled the continent... So refreshing... I could live out there....

Not any honey coming this year... The first year you let the bees keep the food.... They must have enough for winter this first year.... I'm patient.... Actually enjoying some mountain honey right now we got on holiday... :yummy:

The sempervivum was my girlfriend's grandmothers, although I have grown them in the past.... Mine died because I never did transplant it.... Very hardy plant though... No flowers this year... Need to check again though...

Hey saibi, thanks! I was reading the bee pollen article on the way back before pollinating DC early the following morning... Do some research guys.... Very interesting stuff... I'm going to buy some... Wish I would have got some when we were at the mountain orchard... Such a beautiful place....

I'll try to find some other info and post here about the bee pollen...

Hey kallenavndk... thanks, my girl and I are both so excited... Been such a blessing of a season....

Rain is coming here soon... Been sunny and dry lately, perfect growing temps.... Going to get another bag or 2 of guano before hand to optimize productivity... :yummy:

Hey wamen, thanks! The darksiders were wiped out along with many other plants earlier in the year... We have a k-sider going for ya though.... Not sure if its a hybrid w/ maz x lown or what... Pretty sure it is... Mossy, do you remember? Pics are coming soon, it has the telltale purple and white flowers so I assume its the hybrid which is what I thought... :chin:

Thanks Ipsissimus! I appriciate the support, stay tuned many more are on the way.... :headbange :wave:

Hey southwind, thanks.... Looking mighty fine yourself over there in the testing facility.... Will try and drop by your thread soon after we get an update up... Been mighty busy lately... You could imagine... :D

Hey Bob91, thanks for stopping by and enjoying the show... Stay around for the next update, you'll be glad ya did... :D :headbange

That was quite a holiday, mossy... I feel much refreshed now... I know the pollination will be full... I stuffed many of the male flowers in the high fan leaves of every plant.... Did a couple indian dances, shaking small stamen around each plot.... Even used the cockelbur plants next to the tall plot for the very small stamen... Worked out so perfect this year... Expecting QUITE a yield of seed if all goes as planned.... As in several thousand! We'll be sure to take pics of our hunchbacks...:eek: :D

I pitch plenty of hay all summer long... I don't get hay fever.... Never have... My immune system is top notch.... :headbange

As for the question... The flowers are what you can use to determine the indica/vs sativa dominance of a plant... Thin leaves could be on a very branch dense flowered plant... Danish passion is this way.... The early durban is this way.... Flowers tell the truth of its lineage... A pure sativa such as haze or some of lamanonegra's plants have thin rangy flower structure and are clearly truely sativa dominant plants.... Thing is, they must work within your climate... Flowering length will also help determine sativa/indica dominance.... Cannabis can mature in as few as 6-8 weeks to as long as 20-25+ weeks. :eek:

Check out tom hills pure haze grow... Its quite impressive.... :yummy:

Do I have any photos? Why yes my friend, we got plenty, hold yer horses.... :D :drum:

Will be back soon w/ an update...

Good news as well... Jamaican Jam is on the list for next season now.... a few other lines and DC hyrbids besides mine too... more info soon... :woohoo:

The gardens are already getting booked up for 2009! :eek:

Will talk soon,

Pipeline :wave:


Some more beautiful plants, they just woofed out!
you really appreciate how much they grow when you don't see them for a while.

They must have enough for winter this first year.... I'm patient....

some things are worth waiting for.

I just got some guano as a top dressing for those multi-potters.
They seem to like it.

I tried it in the germination pots though to let them start feeding early but I had a male dominant grow..
contrary to normal..
it could have just been a fluke
but I am not sure if that was the cause..so I keep it until after they show sex now.

We have a k-sider going for ya though.... Not sure if its a hybrid w/ maz x lown or what...
WAMENS K-sider fem and my Maz x LR f3 m8...F1's.
(WAMS matched what I was chasing through my MAZ as far a taste/effect go..so I was hoping for a strengthening of that trait.
Again the incense bud with the energetic up/high.)

Hope you get it..but I will be spitting if you do... :biglaugh:

Cheers on the sati info..you confirmed what I thought...
so what I am thinking now is..
she could be one of these almost 50/50 mixes.
Sati framed and Indy budded..which is probably what a lot of us would try to get in a cross.

She looks like black indy in a sati dress.. :yoinks:
she isn't b.indy..but she has her density..
and depending on how long she flowers she could exceed that.

It is no wonder she looks so odd.


yo pipeline. looking good!
i just dropped those beans in some water last night. they all sank, one cracked. i didn't get the chance to drop them in soil yet. that'll be tomorrow.



ICMag Donor
Just applied some bloom guanos this evening since there's a chance of rain tomorrow and the next couple days... Loaded them up good.... Shouldn't go hungry now... :headbange

Interesting on the male dominant grow from early fertilization... I noticed the 3 deep chunks were male, and the soil had gotten pretty compressed and wet during the spring rains.... Roots looked nice and healthy but shallow upon inspection... Plot will be used again...

Think I smell the incense already...

Hey soxx, thanks for stoppin by and updating.... Go ahead and post updates and pics if you can here or in the ALF thread....

Getting sleepy now... Will be back soon to talk and update.... :drum:


pipeline..the incense smell rises when they have been watered.
It is in the soil.
It is elusive.
You cannot smell it on the bud/plant until it dries.

You will become a soil-sniffer like me. :biglaugh:

soxx16..can you remind me what you are germing.
I can remember you asking when he gallery went down..but I lost all my mails too.

pipe..do you realise that if you had hung onto the Bear..and grown a beard we could have just re-named you Grizzly Adams.. :smoke:
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ICMag Donor
Sorry, it was late... The incense smell was distinct and from dried purple ALF flowers.... Mmmmm.... :yummy: All the flowers are gone though now.... Needs a different type of location... More sun the merrier....

Soxx is germing a few types of seed... Some sour bubble hybrids I can't remember, some of my ALF F2 generation which are new, and some JEM x Mast x AK47 or somethin... Can't remember exactly what they were....

I had some dreams about being out in the woods with a group of people and having problems with a bear last night.... It was weird... We had to be "nice" to it... And there were several hundred people on a backpacking trip but there was a "room" the bear snuck into.... I feel kinda dizzy and groggy.... All this staying up late and driving has been messing with me sleep.... :eek:

I feel like I could qualify for ol' grizz adams.... I jogged down from the mountain ridge back to camp a couple different days.... using a stick to help get over obstacles... indian style... Went a little quicker the day I saw the bear.... :D And I haven't shaved since the trip or showered since, uhhhh Tuesday... :D I miss that place already... nothin but corn and bean fields around here.... and herb gardens...... :canabis:

Trying to work through the pictures.... Got the space deleted now.... Update's on the way...

Anyway 3 bags of guano have been laid down now.... 2 are a 0-12-1 derived from mineralized seabird guano deposits, and the other is 0-4-0 bat guano with mycorrhizae and humus..... :woohoo: Come on rain! :drum:
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JEM x Mast x AK47 or somethin
that is the one pipe. It is a WRussian x Masterlow x FB JEM.
I had a photo for him but the gallery went down.
She was a little smasher.

What ALF X's have you got off...is there any for a friend... :puppydoge

Needs a different type of location... More sun the merrier....

Yup..we need to suss her out for your season.
Maybe a later germ to hit your full-season.

Light is definitely one of the biggest factors on all AF's.

(I am over the moon with the ALF#3 f1's...no doubt about it..but
I have a "feeling" about the f2's..
when I look at them..my chest hurts. :muahaha: )

I may have put a stop on them..(I HAVE)
and I should be horse-whipped.. :deadhorse
I know they are going to be special..I can feel it in me water... :smoke:

I feel like I could qualify for ol' grizz adams....
have a good weekend m8..

How is the quest for a new camera going..?
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ICMag Donor
Just the one male ALF is the only cross I have made of ALF this season... But upon picking through a bud, some immatures were found, and the male ALF had been pulled for some time..... I think they may have been DC beans.... :badday:

I pulled her because the leafspots were beginning to take foot and she was yellowing.... Seemed like she was on her way out, possibly... Oh well PLENTY of healthy ALF cross beans in the stash now... The DC's will show up one place or another... :D

No news on getting a new camera yet... :drum:

Out picking peaches and apples today... Just got a bushel from a single peach tree... Very sweet and flavorful... :yummy: