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PimPin' ThEsE HoeS

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
word thanks MP :respect:
please post pics for me when you find the time my friend :1help:

Tonatiuh, the blue tube is the fill/drain tube.
i assume i will use a funnel in the tube vertically to fill the bucket.
then turn the tube to the side to let gravity drain it.

haha glad to know this, i thought it was just to let you see the water level from the outside without lifting the lid ?
man i must be an idiot cause i don't see why one would fill there bucket up like that ????

dammit i guess i just need to build one and give it a whorl to see for myself
only way i can learn LOL

YO where is that bubblegum from bro ??
looking forward to the next up-date
good looking on answering everyone's questions

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
Day 11

Day 11







IcMag Resident Comic Relief
looking sharp, pimpin. very clean setup. looking better everyday.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Oh yeah, really nice. You seem to be rather comfortable with your feet wet.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
Day 16

Day 16

thanks for stopping in icmaggers!

i cut 3" off the legs on the Chem scrog so i can have more budsites above the screen. a better yield never hurt anybody :joint:
not much to look at with the mango. all i know is ive been trimming below the screen 3 x's already. this bitch is out of control!
starting to get some nuggets on the chem, so i took more pics of her :D









New member
Hey MP... RS here....Lookin good....Im dogn also....In McJiverd hybrid aero...(cant stand getn ramd from the grow stores,so I shop at the Home desperate..25% of the cost..anyway...was noticing your nute formulas....Im pbpn it also..have been since 80's...And it was a long rd to finally figure out how to use it..and to were i wasn't always fuckn with the PH..(addin up & down)....Botanicare..& most all the reputable manufacturers base there formulas on R/O water..And..The formulas are based on full strength..By this.. I mean at "THERE" recomended ratio's..so all the elements in said formulas don't fight each other.and ph remains relativly stable...(i hardly ever up or down any more ..which has a tendency to lock out certain elements depending on the particular situation...)Rather than waste your time with my ramblings...I would just say..if you wana read some really interesting stuff from a guy who has forgotten more than I'll EVER know..Search for the lucas thread..ASK Lucas...This guys got his shit wired tight...The only thing I do different from his recommendations is the full strengh shot he recommends...(guess Imj just a pussy when it comes to hittin um hard like that from newly rooted clones to finish)....I mix "FULL" strength for the correct "RATIOS" But diluted to the ppm or EC. that I feel are appropriate for the stage of growth..Anyway ...check out what Lucas has to say & if you get anything from it ..GREAT...if not....Keep up the obviously good work & good luck.....rs..peace....


good call removing some height from the chem side. I've never ran it but she looks like
she may only stretch for one more week. Looking healthy 4 sure! hows your OG?
take it easy bro :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
bro,the shots from the 11th and today...the growth is off the rocker to say the least.
im lookin in real close from here out i have a sik scrog planned and this is the spot imma learn the details of the technique.so if you could explain why you do certain lil things along the way,the trix ya know...good lookin out.


like T says, off the rocker..
is it just me or do the plants grow faster in hydro than in soil?


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Geez, time really seems to be flying in your garden MP!! Looking fabulous!


Pull my finger
Ha! Found ya!

Lookin mighty clean setup mang.

And is that scrog too?? Niiice!

I cant wait to see the new pics.

I see you are running two fans. I assume one is a closed circuit for the cool tubes. Is the other just for neg pressure?? The reason I ask is I am planning a sealed room and am takin notes from everybodies ventilation joints so I can design mine right the first time.

Anyway, great show bro and welcome to the crew. I still have a limp and my right cheek wont stop twitching up and down but the burnt vaseline smell is starting to fade. :yoinks:

I see everybody else has found their way here. Thanks guys for giving me directions. Naw J/K I been slippin.


Nice setup. You're doing good with the trellis netting for sure. Nice trim job. Should give you a really nice crop for sure. Keep those pics coming.

I think your first post said this is your first time with ebb and flow. If so, make sure you flush your res at least once during flowering. It will save you alot of headaches with ph problems. Make sure you clean the res really well. It's a pain, but is well worth it in the long run. I really like growing ebb and flow, as long as I keep everything fresh and clean.

Keep up the good work.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
Day 23

Day 23

one fan sucks air in from outside > cool tubes> right back outside.
no interaction w/ the room at all.
other fan is a scrubber.
i did just vent the can fan to the outside of the cab.
then i drilled 2 x 4" holes on the bottom side of the cab to allow air to come in.
my RH was too high for my liking, but the dehuey pumped off too much heat.
made the res temps in the upper 70's, no dice.
scrapped the dehuey and allowed for circulation of fresh air.

Red Nine,
thanks for the pointers!

everybody else, thanks for the love.

some pics,








Active member
lookin good pimpin:joint:
them tri-meters are the shit, gotta get the nutradip brand tho, theres another brand just like it which are complete garbage