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PimPin' ThEsE HoeS


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin bad ass bro,them babies are fillin up fast yo.
im watchin close like a mf yo.


Looking good medium! those scrogs sure look nice and full this is gonna be some large pimpin stylee here in a few weeks cant wait to see the pics bro.


Active member
Pimpin' - Whats up man! very clean setup! Ive been aiming towards the wonders of hydro for my endeavor. Very nice strain selection. Two of the best, can't argue with that!

How are you liking the growth of your ebb and flow system? How does it compare to your soil experiences? Do you think you could achieve a better yeild/sq ft??

Keep up the great work!

- SubN

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
tri-meters use ppm's, idk the conversion factor tho :(

the growth on the tables is fasssssst.
once i get dro down, no going back to soil, EVER!

Mobb Deep,
one of the better rap groups outta the east coast
queensbridge represent!!!!
i use pbp/ lk/ silica/ cal mag+ mostly.
i have some tiger bloom bloom aswell i jumped on. ran out of pbp bloom.
also have some big bud powder im gonna try.

every1 else, thanks for stopping in.

p.s. sorry if i dont address every1 individually, nothing personal.
just answering questions.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
Day 32

Day 32

lmao, u impatient FUCKERS, got some pics finally.

setup my new 2x4 hydrohut silver edition.
fitted w/ a 600w, for maybe 2 bumper crops a year at best.
not quite as stealthy as the e&f run.
tent sticks out like a sore thumb, but i can take her down in an hour if need be :D

anyway, the tent
got frank's BPP, bubblegum, sfv and ghost ogk in there.
gonna try to squeeze in 5 ladies (in dirt) of my orient express seed run when i flip next week.


E&F op









the mango wont stop stretching, got almost 12"-15" above the screen.
out of control and too much above the screen.
no more than 1 week veg on her next run, learned my lesson!!!!!!!!
also, the chem ha sspit a few nanners, not from light leak tho.
just a few tops, maybe from the fan blowing on em?
maybe from the light too close?
maybe i hit em too hard w/ ferts at some point?
fuck if i kno.
and im doubting the fact that she is chem to be honest.
smells more like berries to me, a hint of lemon.
im not gonna choke anybody til i know for sure.
but one thing i DESPISE, is people who cant manage to label cuts correctly!!!
not to sound unappreciative, but cmon, how hard can it be????


one thing 4sure that mango is nuts!!told ya :nanana:

looks good ether way. take care pimp!


Active member
thanks, Everything's great man keep up the good work! Looks like you've been workin with hydro for years!

- SubN


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice bro,that mango is doin a go off right ?!
i have 4 in my room goin right now and you can spot them instantly.
lookin the bomb bruh,peace.-T-


SubN, what's up bro. If you're interested in ebb and flow let me know. I have a setup I'm looking to get rid of. It's a 3x3 table with I think a 40 gallon res. Just pm me if you're interested, as I've gone back to soil. My biggest issue with the ebb and flow is keeping the res temps down in the summer. Without a chiller, it's very hard for me. I really liked ebb and flow, very simple, and as long as you keep your ph and ecc in check, it produces great results. If you follow the link to Red Nine's Room in my sig, you should find some good pics from when I was using it.

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