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Penn State Scandal and the end of Joe Paterno


weed fiend

people need a law to let them know they should report a child rape to the police?

will they get a text alert informing them the law has been passed?

maybe there needs to be a handbook as well?

Nah, no media coverage or announcements. They'll just bring in the buses and haul off whole neighborhoods to FEMA camps.

But that handbook is a good idea. You can put this on the first page -

i hope everyone involved(including the idiots protesting on behalf of the pedo)gets to spend a romantic weekend drinking buck

So you scoff at a law that may mitigate like scenarios but you'd lock folks up, based on as little as an opinion? No law for you but they get the clink?

There's an aspect of law that helps mitigate actions with no forethought.


Game Bred
ohh yes because i was completely serious when i suggested you lock a couple thousand people up either all at once or in shifts(i didn't make it clear)in a cell with the pictured individual....

probably have to do weekend shifts..
maybe 4 or five a weekend?

c'mon man :rolleyeys:
i do however believe you were not in jest when you suggested these people had no idea they should report a child rape to the police because there is not a law. but one can always misinterpret.. was that facetious? cuz if it was it was funny!
of course i never suggested anyone be locked up(thats your spin)all i said was they should get to drink homemade wine for a romantic weekend.
is jail your idea of romance?
thought you iggied me anyway?


weed fiend
ohh yes because i was completely serious when i suggested you lock a couple thousand people up either all at once or in shifts(i didn't make it clear)in a cell with the pictured individual....

probably have to do weekend shifts..
maybe 4 or five a weekend?

Yeah, I thought you were serious.

c'mon man :rolleyeys:
i do however believe you were not in jest when you suggested these people had no idea they should report a child rape to the police because there is not a law.
Yep. If they face potential fine or incarceration they might not allow this crap to go on for years with so many little kids.

but one can always misinterpret.. was that facetious? cuz if it was it was funny!
The FEMA comment was a joke.

of course i never suggested anyone be locked up(thats your spin)all i said was they should get to drink homemade wine for a romantic weekend.
is jail your idea of romance?
Oh, I guess you'd have to move 'beau' from behind bars.

I get it now. No locking em up for an opinion. Just rape them instead.

all i said was they should get to drink homemade wine



Game Bred
Oh, I guess you'd have to move 'beau' from behind bars.

never been to jail have you?

look closer "beau" has on to much jewelry to be inside.
one small religious icon pendant(in some spots)wedding ring and digital watch that's all nothing else...

try again..

if only there were a law against not paying attention to detail maybe you would know you should?


weed fiend
... I get it now. No locking em up for an opinion. Just rape them instead.

Yeah, I thought your were saying lock em all up so they'd be raped by your boyfriend Beau. But no, it's not totally anti-social when somebody wants folks with differing opinions to be raped, so long as they're not locked up.

Now the sun is shining again.

Nice how you went out of your way to denote 'beau' as upstanding and well fashioned. Making it up as you go comes to mind.


Game Bred
Yep. If they face potential fine or incarceration they might not allow this crap to go on for years with so many little kids.

maybe in the next stimulus package we can have a series of seminars,a multimedia campaign and an awareness campaign(including brown white and red striped ribbons)on campuses so people understand that the law was passed?
if they are so stupid as to not know you should report a rape to police they sure as fuck wont be aware the law was even passed without some notification right?
now we cant just single out penn right?
that would be silly since the perps there have now been found out?

whats appropriate?
1.5-2 B?

maybe a new executive task force on rape report awareness?

we could do it like the old days and have it be a first lady project?
instead of "just say no" how about "just say something"(i like this approach actually w/o the new meaningless law on the books)


Game Bred
Nice how you went out of your way to denote 'beau' as upstanding and well fashioned. Making it up as you go comes to mind.

since you care to dwell on the meaningless and ignore the meat yea...

if you care to get back to how to prevent the situation from occurring again im all for it.

if you wanna play dumbed down DB i know how to handle him too.

whichever you bring(although the reasoned one is more interesting) but if you wanna harp on a joke you believe to be in bad taste(their like assholes)by playing stupid and acting like you actually believed that i was seriously suggesting there should be a multi thousand person gang rape perpetrated by one man on a single weekend because they support a pedo..... well i can deal with that moron too...

which one 'ya gonna play?


I lean more to the old old days where the the weak were protected..and whem that failed the guilty where just hung in a tree to rot...That includes the ones who kept quiet...

Maybe we should just remove some laws, not make more: remove all of the protections being a part of a community/socitey are afforded to the likes of Sandpussy and McCreepy...


weed fiend
... if they are so stupid as to not know you should report a rape to police they sure as fuck wont be aware the law was even passed without some notification right?
now we cant just single out penn right?

Then they might face fines or incarceration. Even daglanders would learn, albeit the hard way in their ridiculous scenarios.

Oooohhh, they might not tell anybody - ROFL

But keep harping that rape idea. Hell, folks won't even have to rape kids to face rape themselves - for as little as opinion.

Reasoning for laws? You're practically the poster boy. Untold numbers of dags with weird takes on punishment and where it should apply. Fiasco.


Game Bred
Then they might face fines or incarceration. Even daglanders would learn, albeit the hard way in their ridiculous scenarios.
they keep quiet for fear of punishment from authority.
just not government.
how stout will the penalty need to be to overcome the threat they face for blowing the whistle?
they face losing everything they have worked this far for,public ridicule from the protester types and becoming pariah from the community.
so whats the penalty in the new law?
5 years?
that may overcome it but probably not.
when going with the flow most likely results in an advance in position?

now how will they know about the law?
no media,no awareness?

maybe they will see the rape go home and google "am i required by law to report a child being raped if i see it" wade through the porn to the DOJ website on child rape reporting laws?

c'mon man think beyond your knee...

But keep harping that rape idea. Hell, folks won't even have to rape kids to face rape themselves - for as little as opinion.

Reasoning for laws? You're practically the poster boy. Untold numbers of dags with weird takes on punishment and where it should apply. Fiasco.

i see you still think the multi thousand person gang rape idea was serious:wtf:
poor little guy didn't think this law idea through..

i notice you choose to address multi thousand person gang rape(poor fella is gonna get raw) as opposed to cost benefit on passing a law w/o an awareness campaign...


weed fiend
they keep quiet for fear of punishment from authority.
just not government.

So, they may face fines or incarceration.

how stout will the penalty need to be to overcome the threat they face for blowing the whistle?
Lawmakers would have to deal with that.

they face losing everything they have worked this far for,public ridicule from the protester types and becoming pariah from the community.
Let 'beau' administer his form of ridicule? Public rape - wow... shits getting deep.

so whats the penalty in the new law?
5 years?
Not sure. Maybe daglandians could somehow make it coincide with public rape?

that may overcome it but probably not.
when going with the flow most likely results in an advance in position?
blah blah blah

now how will they know about the law?
no media,no awareness?
You could get a megaphone. :biglaugh:

maybe they will see the rape go home and google "am i required by law to report a child being raped if i see it" wade through the porn to the DOJ website on child rape reporting laws?

c'mon man think beyond your knee...
Lol. Crawl back in, your limbs about to break.

i see you still think the multi thousand person gang rape idea was serious:wtf:
Nah man, yous just talkin bout drinkin wine.

poor little guy didn't think this law idea through..
Then take it up with the journalist who published it. Gawd, I hope we don't go to Mars and find out dag didn't think it through.

i notice you choose to address multi thousand person gang rape(poor fella is gonna get raw) as opposed to cost benefit on passing a law w/o an awareness campaign...
I notice you still invent your own arguments. :biglaugh:


Game Bred
just exploring the idea your "article" postulated..

it dont hold up to scrutiny.

i love how you're response to my addressing the main problem with this type of systemic coverup with "blah blah blah"

but it's easier to play in the shallow end of the pool with the absurdity of one man raping thousands on a weekend:rolleyes: than to explore the idea of a law and it's costs and efficacy.

"lets make a law"
but when asked to discuss the law you opt for the lesser DB..
laws often have unintended consequences like sex offender registries or the pat act.

so when some moron knee jerks in a situation like this with"there should be a law" the idea deserves a bit 'o scrutiny...

now you respond with more drivel about a joke you didn't care for because your position of "there should be a law" crumbles under scrutiny.

put me back on fake ignore...
you are to simple.


weed fiend
just exploring the idea your "article" postulated..

Not my article. Just passed on what a commentator said. Didn't initially knock it or accept it, just posted it. Since you have a tendency to drag out your ludicrous arguments, we're still here.

it dont hold up to scrutiny.
So? Most arguments you steer don't.

i love how you're response to my addressing the main problem with this type of systemic coverup with "blah blah blah"
Yeah, when you're that far out on the limb it's pretty obvious I'm losing interest.

but it's easier to play in the shallow end of the pool with the absurdity of one man raping thousands on a weekend:rolleyes: than to explore the idea of a law and it's costs and efficacy.
That's a great idea. I bet I know where you got it. Remember Rick Scott's pee fetish? Remember the guy advocating cost benefit? That was me. Remember the guy whining otherwise? That was you.

National statistics show 9 in 100 fail pee tests. Ricks tests found 4 in 1000. Talk about a cost bust to the taxpayer. Not to mention your wibbly wobbly stance on cost benefits.

But we're not talking about pee tests. We're talking about child molestation. So 'stick' cost where the sun don't shine, boy. I never said the public shouldn't be informed, you fuckin made it up.

"lets make a law"
but when asked to discuss the law you opt for the lesser DB..
laws often have unintended consequences like sex offender registries or the pat act.
Yep, some suggest public rape - and then say they're joking. Rape humor - coming to an improv near you.

so when some moron knee jerks in a situation like this with"there should be a law" the idea deserves a bit 'o scrutiny...
How many kids get raped before it's not ok to tell daddy instead of the cops? Forget a law, you can don your tin foil hat and telepathically broadcast your idea of proper action.

now you respond with more drivel about a joke you didn't care for because your position of "there should be a law" crumbles under scrutiny.
Don't forget your secret part. :biglaugh: The only things that crumbled are actions for at least 15 years of crimes and multiple victims. Not to mention your stupid ideas, jokes or whatever they are.

put me back on fake ignore...
you are to simple.
I do ignore you. Sometimes. Other times you post shit too stoopid to pass up.


sandusky lives 50 ft from the elementary school. his back deck overlooks the playground where he can sit and watch the kids.


Game Bred
Not my article. Just passed on what a commentator said. Didn't initially knock it or accept it, just posted it. Since you have a tendency to drag out your ludicrous arguments, we're still here.
ohh im sorry..
i thought you were advocating the position.
glad to see you are not.

So? Most arguments you steer don't.

That's a great idea. I bet I know where you got it. Remember Rick Scott's pee fetish? Remember the guy advocating cost benefit? That was me. Remember the guy whining otherwise? That was you.
you got dislexic there..
i was all for c/b there

National statistics show 9 in 100 fail pee tests. Ricks tests found 4 in 1000. Talk about a cost bust to the taxpayer. Not to mention your wibbly wobbly stance on cost benefits.
re open that thread and we can discuss that bunch 'o crap there...

But we're not talking about pee tests. We're talking about child molestation. So 'stick' cost where the sun don't shine, boy.
see here i thought we were discussing creating a new,vague hardly enforceable law.
getting emotional again DB?

I never said the public shouldn't be informed, you fuckin made it up.
sorry again i misinterpreted this
Nah, no media coverage or announcements.
to mean no media coverage or announcements..
my bad.
what did you mean by no media coverage or announcements?

How many kids get raped before it's not ok to tell daddy instead of the cops?
silly question.

Forget a law, you can don your tin foil hat and telepathically broadcast your idea of proper action.
like i said i like the idea of a "just say something" campaign mybe spearheaded by the first lady. maybe with a younger pop artist sidekick..

Don't forget your secret part.
stop thinking about my secret part or ill tell joe!

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