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Paul/Frank co-sponsoring legalization bill


I live in KY and it is illegal. Thursday I wrote the Governor and explained the great things that would effect this state if we had legalization and medical use. It should be taxed just like booze and every thing except medicine. The growers must buy a permit for each grow and should be able to have enough for a year round crop. None of this 4 plants crap!! There should be marijuana brokers who buys weed from a grower and they can make deliveries all times a day. It will be much safer this way.I have written about 5 times in the past 4 to 6 years and I got immediate response this time. So on the 23 at 1:p.m. have some good thought because I will be with the Governor! Peace, Rafe

Tripp Inmiasov

Does it really matter who is elected for the office of president?

It would only matter if the electorate knew much more than the propaganda media lets them know...and special interests money (aka wealthy donors aka organized crime) and personal attack ads....didn't control the elections.

It would also help if "plants" from special interests didn't control the various departments of government and dictate legislation and policy.

Representative democracy? Representing who? :laughing:

What a joke...


Active member
rumor has it bachman bought tickets and bussed in over 4000 votes.
the rest of them are better suited selling used cars.
im not sure what the people want anymore,it seems voting has turnned into a american idol contest of who can put on the best song and dance ,and it dosnt matter if they want to destroy the rest of the world for money people are blinded by fake manurisims and BS promises.

peace and truth seem like better options .

no news on 2306 to speak of


Well-known member
i have noticed the deafening silence from the mainstream media and Paul's showing
it's just plain funny, yeah, we have an impartial system of reporting


If Bachmann wasnt born in IowA, she wouldnt have won.

Paul is the only candidate who might (attempt to) shut done the military industrial complex that has been running the executive branch since Nov 22 1963. (Jimmy Carter only cares about your human rights if you DONT live in East Timor).


Active member
yeah ,they are doing their best to say its a one time thing and that he has a fanatical following and it can be dissmissed. BS!!!.
so what they are saying is ,foget about the actual solutions,people whant to hear about how she is gona single handedly save the world,with no plan,just like barry.
they try to take pauls,stances on subjects,but they wind up silent when asked to give deeper insight.
he recognizes the constitution is the base to freedom,we have virtually none now,so we must go back to it to prosper like it intentded.


weed fiend
Major media predicted Paul would win the Ames poll, hardly a dismissal of his potential.

Party politics plays a role in denigrating candidates. Primaries in particular are known for mud slinging.

That's not to suggest major media gives Paul a break. With all due respect, Paul's seen as somewhat of a radical by the political main stream. He's on the record on multiple issues and many are seen as wing-oriented. It's difficult to appeal to the general electorate.


Ron Paul bussed in plenty of people himself- here was a tally from noon on 8/13

"Here’s a look at the bus that had pulled in by noon:

PAUL: Paul’s buses contained these passenger counts: Centerville, 10, Ankeny, 30, Ankeny, 37, Grinnell, 39, Waverly, 22, Atlantic, 12, Oskaloosa, 9, Indianola, 15, West Des Moines, 17, two from Cedar Rapids with 19 and 20, Mason City, 38, Burlington, 20, Osceola, 13, Dubuque, 30. Other buses were from Fort Dodge, Sioux City, Waterloo, Carroll, Storm Lake, Iowa Falls, Waverly and Oskaloosa/Ottumwa.

Paul’s buses depart at 5:45 p.m.

PAWLENTY: The Pawlenty buses note that they depart at 2:30 p.m. – shortly after Pawlenty addresses the event from the main stage at 1:50 p.m.

Not all are full – the Cedar Rapids bus had 20; Clarion, 22; Estherville/Emmetsburg 4. A shuttle for college students from elsewhere on the Iowa State University campus had only ferried two students as of noon.

Other Pawlenty buses have arrived from Boone, Jefferson, Carroll, Urbandale, Webster City, Fort Dodge, Marshalltown/Toledo and Windsor Heights.

CAIN: One bus from Cedar Falls.

BACHMANN: Bachmann nearly filled four buses from Oskaloosa. Other buses hauled in her fans from Iowa City, Burlington, Waterloo, as well as Osceola 10 and Storm Lake 7. Far more were rolling in after the Register left; the campaign designed its bus push for a bit later in the day.

SANTORUM: At least six buses are here, including those from Delaware County with 34, and two buses from Davenport with 35 and 45 passengers.

STRONG AMERICA NOW: The anti-deficit group, financed by a retired Texas businessman, paid for several full buses from Illinois (one stopped in Missouri), as well as from Cedar Falls/Marshalltown, 47, Sioux City/Fort Dodge, 45, and Cedar Falls, Mason City, Council Bluffs and Harlan.

IOWA ENERGY FORUM: This project of the American Petroleum Institute, has at least two buses here, with 40 from Des Moines and 55 from West Des Moines.

TEA PARTY: There are several tea party buses, including one with 46 passengers from the Twin Cities."


Well-known member
That's not to suggest major media gives Paul a break. With all due respect, Paul's seen as somewhat of a radical by the political main stream. He's on the record on multiple issues and many are seen as wing-oriented. It's difficult to appeal to the general electorate.

i agree with your points in general
but that makes Bachmann mainstream?
f'ing bizarre bitch from what i've seen


Bachmann was on how many TV shows in the last 24 hours??
Her beliefs may not be "mainstream", but at the same time she is being given tons of attention by the mainstream.
...while Ron Paul is basically considered a nonentity, like it or not...


Well-known member
Bachmann was on how many TV shows in the last 24 hours??
Her beliefs may not be "mainstream", but at the same time she is being given tons of attention by the mainstream.
...while Ron Paul is basically considered a nonentity, like it or not...

that's what got to me
near identical vote percentages, and they parade her out like she's the 2nd coming
on the other hand, the mainstream media stamp of approval doesn't fit so well with the outsider image


I got this article from drudgereport.com Ron Paul is being ignored link follows


I dont care for none of the other candidates,backmann,cain gingrich none of them esp perry who I think is to much of religion person.But thats my personal belief.

GO RON PAUL GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Paul does not make it on the ticket he will be write in candidate,also I think the new digital format for voting is to open to tampering.I would rather use a paper ballot.


I received this email today from Rand Paul about Ron Paul he is having another money bomb Sat. email is enclosed.If you want the email I will be happy to forward it too you.

If you're as tired as I am of being ordered what to think by establishment gatekeepers and pundits who can't imagine life outside the Washington bubble, I hope you'll take action this Saturday, August 20th, to support Ron Paul.

The campaign is holding a Money Bomb in honor of my dad's birthday, and I can't think of a better follow-up to his incredible finish in the Iowa Straw Poll than receiving a clear message of support from grassroots Americans on that day.

Over 6,000 people have already pledged to donate on August 20th, and I hope you'll join them by pledging today, if you have not already done so.

If you have pledged, please honor that commitment by visiting www.RonPaul2012.com this Saturday to contribute.

Dealing with a hostile media is nothing new for our movement.

They worked hard to marginalize Ron Paul in the past, but when his predictions about our economy came true, they could not shut him out any longer.

The establishment tried its best to attack my Senate campaign in Kentucky, but grassroots patriots responded by giving me an overwhelming win.

Now, with our economy still struggling, our national defense threatened by endless nation-building, and the so-called "Patriot" Act and an out-of-control TSA throwing our civil liberties out the window, the need for President Ron Paul has never been greater.

So of course, the establishment machine is going to do everything in its power to prevent Americans from hearing his message.

After you called them on their obvious bias this week, the talking heads and columnists launched a full-on assault of Ron Paul and our beliefs.

They say we're outside the mainstream, that we can't win, and that we're not serious enough to be covered.

And by doing so, they've made themselves the true joke.

What they consider mainstream, the American people consider an outrage.

Runaway spending. The Fed's "print-now-deny-responsibility-later" monetary policy. Forcing people to buy whatever health insurance a bureaucrat says is acceptable. Sending our men and women all across the world to enforce the globalist agenda.

Americans are FED UP with the status quo.

That's why Ron Paul is surging in poll after poll, which consistently place him in the top tier and reveal he is THE candidate to take on and defeat President Obama in 2012. He's only 4 points out of second place in New Hampshire, where he's also 4 points ahead of Michele Bachmann.

Earlier this week, over a thousand people came out in New Hampshire just for the opening of the Ron Paul campaign's official headquarters there.

The people know Ron Paul represents a real choice and stands for real change.

And a scared media can't hide its bias any more.

So the Ron Paul campaign is planning to fight back by going straight to the American people.

That's why I hope you'll pledge to donate to the Ron Paul Birthday Money Bomb on August 20th.

The campaign is ready to run more hard-hitting tv ads like this one, and they're also prepared to ramp up mailing, phone calling, and campaign visits into the key states to get the word out.

Volunteers are already making a huge contribution to get out the vote for Ron Paul, and the campaign is working hard to recruit more volunteers and put them to work.

But these plans cannot be carried out unless the campaign has the necessary resources.

As you well know, the establishment machine is powerful.

But we've beaten it before, and we can do so again.

Will you help the campaign send a powerful message that Ron Paul is THE candidate to Restore America Now and has an overwhelming amount of support by pledging to donate to the Ron Paul Birthday Money Bomb on August 20th?

Thank you for your hard work to put Ron Paul in the White House. Our message is spreading like never before, and Ron Paul CAN win it all!

For Liberty,

Rand Paul

P.S. The establishment's days of deciding which candidates the American people hear about are over.

The Ron Paul campaign is going straight to the voters with its message of freedom, but it needs your help to fund efforts like tv ads, mailings, phone calls, campaign visits, and volunteer recruitment.

Please pledge to donate on August 20th and then honor that pledge by visiting www.RonPaul2012.com this Saturday and participating in the Ron Paul Birthday Money Bomb.

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee



Active member
danm im pretty broke,wish i could help him,right now his goal is 1.5 mil hes about 550,000
,and thanks for posting that.


Well-known member
I'm surprised to see so much support on a site with so many growers. Wouldn't the end of federal prohibition put you guys out of business?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I'm surprised to see so much support on a site with so many growers. Wouldn't the end of federal prohibition put you guys out of business?

grower does not necessarily = dealer ;)

a lot of growers here :tiphat:

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